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Everything posted by sicknessog@gmail.com

  1. sicknessog@gmail.com

    Looking to hand out some items

    Handed out everything I have. 8 total deliveries, not bad :P. Ty everyone for not shooting me
  2. sicknessog@gmail.com

    Looking to hand out some items

    Definately still alive, done 3 deliveries. Send me PM of location you want to meet. And I'm not going to give out the camp location, their camp will dry, I'm just handing out their extras :P
  3. sicknessog@gmail.com

    Heli WHERE?

    Check the islands down south, get a tent near the shore to put your stuff in so you don't lose it, and have some gents guard the tent while you swim out, all assuming you cannot find a boat.
  4. sicknessog@gmail.com

    DayZ Chopper / Bus fun

    He probably should have tried to slow down a bit lol.
  5. sicknessog@gmail.com

    DayZ Chopper / Bus fun

    I think it legitimately would have worked too,if he took it slower, I want to try it again lol =/ Problem is just finding the same situation again...
  6. sicknessog@gmail.com

    "Pipe Bombs" are LEGIT weapons in DayZ

    This is the video / thread that was getting all of that 'hacked items, throw them away' chatter. The scroll wheel / inventory calls them Satchel Charges, the DB calls them pipe bombs. Same thing.
  7. sicknessog@gmail.com

    Best loot find ever?

    Its an ancient gun, it USED to be in the game, my mate still has his original he found, we would sacrifice several people just to get it off his body. It is indeed no longer there, and most are probably hacked in, but there are a few originals still left. As such, to my knowledge you cannot be in any trouble for using one.
  8. sicknessog@gmail.com

    Best loot find ever?

    A ural civilian with a L85 AWS, 2 AS50s, MK 48, 3 M240s, M4A1 CC SD x2, 2 NVgs, 4 ghillies, a range finder, and various car parts, was parked 1000m next to our camp site. Was a good day.
  9. Figured this belonged in the bandit area, as I fucked these guys camp up and took some of their shit. Still got 2 pipe bombs left, any suggestions on what to do with them? I was considering just placing one in the cherno hospital area and waiting for someone to walk over it.
  10. sicknessog@gmail.com

    Found some C4. New favorite 'weapon'? lol.

    Thanks for the input decided to check the thread one more time before I tossed them, I guess enough people have told me they do spawn I'm not going to chunk 'em. Got any neat ideas of what to do with them?
  11. sicknessog@gmail.com

    Found some C4. New favorite 'weapon'? lol.

    Yeah, I'm still researching around, as my friend that was with me when we found them said they were a rare barracks spawn, but I'm not finding anything on the wiki or anything, about to toss them in the dam thats up north.
  12. sicknessog@gmail.com

    Found some C4. New favorite 'weapon'? lol.

    MK 48 is what its called http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Mk_48 (I however, cannot find 'satchel charges' or 'pipe bombs' on the wiki. About to just throw them out, didn't know they were hacked)
  13. sicknessog@gmail.com

    Found some C4. New favorite 'weapon'? lol.

    They were in some dudes tent, 3 of them. I heard they dropped from barracks, didn't think much of it.
  14. sicknessog@gmail.com

    ghilli suit do not work

    If you switch servers, theres about a 5 minute rollback of your inventory from what I can tell as of recent patch. I still have my ghillie suit and my 2 backups. I Switch servers, its still there.
  15. TL;DR, Isn't the L85 TWS removed from the game? How did we find a working one? (story below for those that like reading those, however, I'm not a great writer) Just got done picking up a friend from the NE airfield who was pinned down by a sniper, we proceeded to head back to our camp site, while along the way we spotted a heli crash. We circle around for a bit, scanning the area, we are about 300~ meters out and see zombies spawned, so we know we aren't alone. After about 30 seconds of scanning, a man in a ghillie erected from the grass and sprinted towards the tree line, I immediately put my m107's zeroing at 400 and aimed towards his center-mass, hit him dead on. Me and my friend go to loot him.He has the L85 TWS equipped .We had heard stories of this gun and its amazing scope, but never hoped to see one, especially after we had heard the tales of it being removed / if you find one it kills you on contact, however, this man seemed to live through it. So, I go back and drop all of my stuff in the UAZ, and come back to loot it. I handled the situation like it was nuclear fallout, slowly and carefully. I picked it up, waited a second, moved around some. I wasn't dead! So we hoofed it back to camp and dropped it in our tents and we are currently sitting here wondering what to do with it. Do we use it and risk logging in dead one day? Or do we let it rest there until further notice?
  16. sicknessog@gmail.com

    Map of spawn locations

  17. sicknessog@gmail.com

    1.7.2 Respawn?

    Happened to me aswell, was nice to visit the coast against tbh however.
  18. sicknessog@gmail.com

    New Server?

    So, my friends recently opened a new server and invited me onto it. The moment it comes up we log on and try to run to vehicle spawn spots so we can have a UAZ and 1-2 backup cars on our new home. On my way to the NE Airstrip, I encountered 2 tents which was very odd(both empty), as only like 2 random people had joined so far. Upon logging in late, another one of our friends said there was wire fencing blocking off the building he was in. We all ran to several different vehicle spawns that we knew of, and none had vehicles. Do new servers just copy the world of a previous map under the same server name? Or what happened.
  19. sicknessog@gmail.com

    Crowbar + Locks

    Currently, Crowbars are much rarer than hatchets, and do considerably less damage, and you cannot store them on your toolbelt. This makes them extremely less valuable. One thing I thought of that could make it a much more desired item, is the ability to lock cars / doors. You could find 'Vehicle Locks / Keys' and 'Door Locks / Keys' (names could use some work, personally couldn't think of anything other than that) and put it on your toolbelt, in order to lock doors on houses / cars, and this would obviously prevent anyone but the person who put the lock on the car from opening it....without a crowbar of course. You could put the crowbar on your toolbelt, and use it to pry open locked items. Just a basic idea I had floating around when I got rather upset by my finding of a crowbar earlier, let me know your thoughts. The locks would need to be rather rare, as to prevent people from abuse-locking every door in a city. Ghillie suit rare even, so you can get one for your car, and if your lucky another to hold up an area if you really need it. (and you dont plan on pussying out by dcing)
  20. sicknessog@gmail.com

    Crowbar + Locks

    Nope, hence why I suggested this
  21. sicknessog@gmail.com

    Server hopping has made this game boring.

    Then let those people be bored? Them having their favorite gun isn't going to make them kill you any less, or have a lower / higher chance of killing you in a gun fight (atleast by a noticable margin, seeing as any of the 'sought after, BiS guns' have rare ammo aswell) Putting a timer on changing servers would just punish normal players that join a server and see it a. has lag b. not favorable coniditions c. night time etc.
  22. sicknessog@gmail.com


    I was over in Zelen, by the supermarket, waiting for a friend to load in so I could save him from his unconscious bleeding (we were ambushed the previous night, I was the only true 'survivor' my other 2 mates died and he was wounded. Still managed to kill all 5 of them +1 epeen) While he was loading, same as you, before the textures loaded, his character appeared and was stuck in the wall, and I could not bandage him, he sat there for a good 30 seconds more trying to load in so he could move his guy, and alas, the moment he logged in he got to see his character bleed out, and fall over looking at me. After that major disapointment, I proceeded to turn and shut the door I saw open near me, while I looted his body, the door caught my leg or something, I fell over unconscious, broken bone, shock, bleeding out, and died there before I could even understand wtf just happened. (I did not get shot, as there was no sound, and due to the angle I was closing the door at, the assailant would have had to be right infront of me to shoot me.) Unlucky all over the place. Lost my DMR, M240, NVG, Ghillie, Coyote Pack, and GPS that day.
  23. sicknessog@gmail.com

    Why do you murder?

    Unless I see that you have my favorite gun, or wearing a ghillie suit, I tend to leave people alone. If they do have either of the above, I tend to communicate with them first, usually behind cover where they can't see me, asking them to drop X item on the ground, and back away gun lowered. If they cooperate, I will let them live after I get out of firing distance from them. If they don't cooperate / trash talk me / fire back, I take them out. (Given, this tactic will usually only work when I have a friend or two near, and if I'm solo I'll rarely risk the fire fight, as I normally try to carry supplies around for when I play with my mates [blood bags, various ammo I know they use etc] and would rather not die for a gun) If a player opens up on me, I will purposely aim for the lower body (if its an option) , knock them out, run over to them, and tell them this is DayZ, not CoD. Why are you being a bitch and opening fire randomly? Then proceed to shoot them in the head.
  24. sicknessog@gmail.com

    Loading Screen

    Ive noticed some servers it will take upwards of 5 minutes to load, some it takes 10 seconds. All depends on the server from what I can tell.
  25. sicknessog@gmail.com

    Vehicle and loot spawn

    Thanks. As for hoarding' date=' well there are many clans that have 10+ vehicles and the fact that new dont spawn 99% of players are left without cars, while clans have tens of them..... [/quote'] Clans =/= admins. The clans cannot realistically remove every car from gameplay. Even if you find just a bike, and you WANT A CAR bad enough, you can take that bike, and just scout the edges of the map. You will find some sort of automobile. My friends have found 3 cars on the edge of the map in about 4 days. Given we have already blown 2 of them up, we still manage to find them, and new cars spawn. They are out there. (I mention a bike because they spawn often, as do ATVs due to them being so fragile and not the best for big clans, as they only hold 1-2 people. You can find one of them with relative ease just by checking a map with spawn points of vehicles and searching for them. http://dayzhq.com/map/) Admins don't do as you describe. Car spawns are slightly-unique to servers (They still have the same 'global' spawns, just I hear some servers dont spawn vehicles in all of those locations). The admin would have to personally memorize where every vehicle spawns, and go to all of those on foot or with another car (would need friends aswell then, so one could get out and drive the other car) to see if any spawned and grab them. It just doesn't happen. IF it does, I'd say just switch servers, simple as that.