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Robert Alexander Hedman

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Everything posted by Robert Alexander Hedman

  1. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Ideas and fixes for smoother gaming experience

    1. It would be awesome to be able to use both hands, And no i'm not talking about akimbo pistols. For exampel if you have a medical pouch in your right hand and you press tab you should be able to drag an item from it to the left hand to use it. Maybe by pressing left mouse button, Also it would be very handy asright now you take the medical pouch to your hands and you have to drag the item to you inventory and then put the pouch back in to the inventory and after that bring the item you wanna use to your hands again and use it. Very repeating and clunky to be honest. It could be used for alot of things, having food in one hand and press right mouse button and eat and have a canteen in left hand and press left mouse to drink, Also to switch weapon from right to left hand if players wants that. 2. Be able to slith unconsius players throats with a knife. 3. Now when climbing is in the game it would be cool to be able to stand close to an edge and be able to hang from it also, Maybe by standing close pressing "S" and "Space" 4. Would be really awesome to see new body armor vests and new protection for Vests/Helmets as there is no really way to tell if the protection is good or how much protection it has. Also a way to attach the handcuffs to the belt or to some kind of armor would be nice to see also.
  2. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Unconscious Player

    Unconscious Player should be able to be finished with an animation with knife by slit their throat or stick a knife in their heart, If you have an Axe you should be able to cut their heads of with the axe, If you have a spade you should be able to make an animation to bang their head real hard so they die. I dont think its to gore as you can already shot your self in the head and kill yourself or stick a knife in your own throat to die + cut dead bodies up with knife to leave pile of body parts, Its more about easy way to end their lifes if you dont have a gun and can one tap them in the head, players dont have time for missed melee hits on unconscious and risk for them to wake up becuse you cant hit them when they laying down properly. Thank you for the awesome release of 1.0 it was amazing update cant wait for the future of dayz in 2019.
  3. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    Becuse you dont play modded server you play stable and not on community server dude.....
  4. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    Leave the game dude, it takes easiest run around map find cleaning kit you have worn pistol.. Maybe you also was unlucky i found fnx and fn fal,winchester,augs prestine in tisy. You just have to leave the coast area and move your feets alitle :D
  5. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    What you see in the teaser is what offers in 1.0 and some new rooster sound everyone is talking about it hyped as fuck! its gonna be EPIC!, Will be a 1.0mb update man get ready!
  6. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    i have 1700h in the game, and i will play it... but for everyone who is waiting its just a 1.0mb update and nothing else than a number
  7. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    Its only a number not a release
  8. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    So the community seemse very intressted in your 1.0mb update tomorrow that isnt gonna invlove anything. Wohow lets go we waiting for nothing boys but a 1.0mb update, remember 1.0 is just a number!
  9. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    Are you kidding? easiest thing f or you to fix with ductape or cleaning kit that spawns ALL OVER map, learn the game its nothing to fix...
  10. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    Thanks, Its gonna be shitfest tomorrow on this game then as people today making jokes about bleeding from zombies confirmed 1.0 rdy.. So sad the devs does this to them self when they know they have to deliver now
  11. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    I didnt call you dumb.. it was sarcastic comment aswell man, my english not superb so maybe got it abit wrong but didnt mean to offend you like that man. and im sorry for that. But yes i want the game to be fixed and i have high hopes for the game, and i have hard to belive that they dont have anything at all for us in 1.0 exept some small shitty fixes that people wont even notice, its not like they have worked to make it more stable untill tomorrow then they could just release that thing with this update today and skip calling it 1.0 and say here is the last update of beta we leaving it now.. why hype with video and everything they have been doing if 1.0 is just gonna be a simple crappy update with pretty much nothing. Why give us this today and not save it for tomorrow? Cant see the Devs say okay we have like nothing for 1.0 but we gonna release this today anyway, they would save this for 1.0 to make 1.0 bigger update as 1.0 def supposed to be one of the bigger updates.
  12. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    Well i dont understand how you can take what i wrote there seriusly when im bein sarcastic??
  13. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    No i expect an update that is 1.0mb and only has chicken sound, ofcourse there wont be anything else in the update anyone understands that you must be dumb to think something else right...
  14. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    Clearly the best they have right now what we are seeing, so 1.0 they dont have release tomorrow then.. And ive been fallowing the project for five years and im very aware of everything everyone who ever worked on this game did, you think they passed it on all the time? They use all the people they can and everyone wants to be part and help make this game better and they have made it SOOOOOO much better the last five months from were it was but now with 1.0 ofcourse the development just stops completely with nothing new or nothing to add at all. I belive you are so smart dude its gonna be a 1.0mb update with new chicken sound only nothing else
  15. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    We will see.. What you think they come with for 1.0? new colours of the sky and some rocks beside the house? You cant announce a 1.0 without something to back it up with. they just added farming in this update and its not even huge enough for 1.0 so it must be something else. I dont belive they release a shitty update tomorrow i have hopes for the best for the game and the devs. People will go bananas IF they didnt have alot of stuff for the update tomorrow you think they wouldnt save this for tomorrows update instead of dropping this now? i mean comon think ffs..
  16. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    Please tell me this is not 1.0 and that you have something bigger and more secretly hidden from us! People are going bananas... :/ please prove them wrong
  17. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Experimental Update 0.63.149840

    I have hopes thatthe devs is trolling people and that they actually just wanna suprise the community and tricks them its not fixed and when its released we will go like WOW this is actually really good! They say im a dreamer but im not the only one..
  18. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Exp Update 0.63.149741

    Zombies spawns with player/players depending on how many players in the area and thats the way its supposed to be, They should spawn with you.. Use your ears to hear them and eyes to look for them you be fine.
  19. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    He was asking about the new hud not the old.
  20. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    First from left is (Wet : if your wet from rain or jumping in the water otherwise you wont see it, After that Starting from left its (Water,virus,temperature,energy,blood,health.
  21. Robert Alexander Hedman

    Experimental Update 0.63.149653

    I must agree i dont like the new ICONS you added on EXP.. I dont know why it just doesnt feel good. Keep up the good work though you rock DEVS!