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Thomas Jankowiak

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About Thomas Jankowiak

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Thomas Jankowiak

    Issue Kick off server DB ERROR

    Hello Everyone, I've a issue, when I try to connect on my character I've a error message and I can't join any server... DATA BASE ERROR. So I've a game I can't play.... thanks Bohemia. If you have any idea I'm listening ;-) Have a good day
  2. Thomas Jankowiak

    I've more bug than the alpha version

    Sorry to say that but this game is just a shame ! I've more bug than the alpha version ?!?! I can't put my custom control like arrow key or Num key but in the alpha I can.... In the night my screen is just black... not dark but all black and it's impossible to play. Can't report bug cause the MSQL is down hahahah this joke! If you have any solution it's welcome. i think this game is death before it was release have a nice day