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Everything posted by OldAssPwnr

  1. OldAssPwnr

    Selected Servers going Offline on May 27th!

    This is a bad move. I’ve been playing since the first day this came out and most of it is in low to medium population servers to avoid the kos from crane snipers on the coast. Anyone who wants player interaction has no problem finding it in high pop servers. The real problem is that I have not found a single automatic weapon aside from the mp5 or scorpion since the update because of duping. I’m a daily player and hit at least two military spawn site a day. That’s no exaggeration. No one naturally spawned m4 ak fal not even a usg. I’ve found 10 helicopter crashes without even a single gun. You have to fix the duping. Server locking characters isn’t something I want to see but if it stops duping and server hopping military sites maybe it’s for the best. If this drives off the dupers then maybe player encounters get better and being forced into high pop is a little less bitter of a medicine.