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Everything posted by ChypressSweet

  1. moinsen zusammen, wollte unseren neuen Server mal vorstellen [GER]BloodRain/3PP/Summer/Fidov/SquadMSFC/RP/PVP/NoStamina/NewCars/ActiveAdmins/AdminTool IP: Besetzung des Servers: 5 Admins, 4 Supporter uns 2 Moderatoren es sind alle herzlichst wilkommen Raidzeiten Montag-Freitag von 15:00pm - 00:00am Samstag-Sonntag von 12:00pm-00:00am Abbauzeit einer Wand: 30min Zersägen eines Schlosses: 30min habt ihr noch fragen zum Thema Baseraid,Serverregeln etc. schaut doch einfach mal im TS vorbei vll schießt man sich ja mal
  2. ChypressSweet

    Exp Update 0.63.149741

    thanks :)
  3. ChypressSweet

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    yes, I'm pretty upset
  4. ChypressSweet

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    it is an absolute impudence that we pc players have to wait again I would like to demand my money again because such a shit you can not give you their ripped the pc player to stroke and thread
  5. ChypressSweet

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    es ist eine absolute frechheit das wir pc spieler wieder warten müssen am liebsten würd ich mein geld wieder verlangen wollen weil so ne scheiße kann man sich doch nicht geben ihr verarscht die pc spieler nach strich und faden
  6. ChypressSweet

    Experimental Update 0.63.149653

    fuck yeah :D
  7. ChypressSweet

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    patch today?
  8. ChypressSweet

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    thanks for your answer :) when do you think the patch is coming?
  9. ChypressSweet

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    patch today?
  10. ChypressSweet

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    patch today ?
  11. ChypressSweet

    Goodbye Legacy Branch 0.62!

    sry but what is a legacy server?
  12. ChypressSweet

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    think dayz means the complete disappearance of tents, bases, barrels
  13. ChypressSweet

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    I think dayz means the disappearance of bases
  14. ChypressSweet

    Patch today?

    is there a new patch today? and if yes, what is the content
  15. ChypressSweet

    Patch today?

    or maybe you can tell what's in the new patch is inside
  16. ChypressSweet

    Patch today?

    nice the despawn was fixed by basebuilding?
  17. ChypressSweet

    Patch today?

    So today comes a patch for the stabel server?
  18. ChypressSweet

    No faith mama

    yes in the 1.0 version I will be back at the start it is one of the best games in the world just for me currently not playable
  19. ChypressSweet

    No faith mama

    They are right but at least for a large part if I read through the comments, dayz just has too many mistakes in it right now i hope the patch comes soon because at the moment i do not think it's fun to play, I do not want to attack you or anything else I just want to say my opinion on the subject
  20. ChypressSweet

    No faith mama

    that is not disrespectful dear dayz team that is the opinion of the community make you a statistic how much player still play, and then one makes before the pc version completes ne xbox version? the beta is almost us playable basebuilding, servercrashes etc ...... the dayz community is waiting quite a while but after so many disappointments it is clear that the community is starting to get angry
  21. ChypressSweet

    Broke once again

    t is clear that the dayz players are crazy that they are stressing how many times has it been said that this is the year of dayz and more and more things have come out and more bugs have been added
  22. ChypressSweet

    Broke once again

    after so many years development still so many bugs in the beta? is for me one of the best games in the world but with so many bugs, despite such a long development, I have to ask myself what have you done so far? the beta version is meanwhile unplayable unfortunately there are so many bugs that rob you of the last nerve
  23. ChypressSweet

    Hotfix Today?

    when will the new Patch come? Server crashes, Player can run through your base, Bases disappear/despawn after restart or server crash, gun sounds usw. ........ so many bugs!!!!