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Everything posted by krcenov

  1. Hello, from today onward here I will be experimenting with custom loot spawns on a new workshop map called Lumley Haven! Everything I do here is purely experimental and I probably am doing it wrong, thats why i am here (Cuz i need support XD). First off, I started by creating the mapgrouppos.xml file: https://pastebin.com/tVQ2snsL Which did make loot spawn, the problem with this spawning loot is that military places spawn only .380ACP,Aviator Glasses and Balistic vests while Houses spawn only Raincoats,Tomatos,Coats. So i thought its the areflags.map file that controls this behaviour. Getting CE Editor to work and exporting the areaflags.map and putting it in the server's mission folder does not set loot spawn zones at all (Not even Zombie spawns work, might be because the map doesn't have a navmesh). I am stuck now, send help. Things I have discovered so far: AreaFlags.map is not used by DayZ, thus making CE Editor Useless for now except for exporting the "territoryTypes" xml files which apperently are used in "worlds_chernarusplus_ai.pbo" where config.bin contains 3 files: CfgPatches.hpp https://pastebin.com/egTPBBxW ChernarusPlusSpawner.hpp https://pastebin.com/7mj3FrrQ config.cpp https://pastebin.com/6Q5VBj3Q
  2. krcenov

    How To - Add Weapons from A3

    |You are talkin about config.bin?
  3. krcenov

    How To - Add Weapons from A3

    Just unpack and look at someone elses' mod :D
  4. I am not aware of any tools the devs are working on about the loot spawns. I use this map both MP and SP. To get a custom map working in MP is simple. Go to the mpmissions folder inside your server folder. Make a copy of the dayzOffline.chernarusplus folder and name it smth.nameofmapyouwanttouse Go to the root of the server and open serverDZ.cfg there change class Missions{ class DayZ { template="smth.nameofmapyouwanttouse"; // Mission to load on server startup. <MissionName>.<TerrainName> }; };
  5. Title says it all, the launcher just crashes. LOGS: https://pastebin.com/QpVbrX4P
  6. krcenov

    DayZToolbox Editor

    Yes i do.
  7. krcenov

    Tool for create new positions for spawn loot

    So, you want to add a new loot location spawn in a building?
  8. krcenov

    How to merge these tiles?

    Hello, i have extracted all of the tiles from Lumley Haven map, but i am having difficulties merging them into one large map.png file. https://www.mediafire.com/file/l5bjbf67atfvd48/tiles.rar/file Credits https://steamcommunity.com/id/itszjens Disclaimer: I do not own these files nor the map. I was woundering if anyone can give me a hand? Thanks in advance!
  9. krcenov

    DayZToolbox Editor

    Doesn't work with Lumley Haven https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1569898109
  10. krcenov

    Tool for create new positions for spawn loot

    @pr9inichek Why don't you use Community Offline Mode Editor https://github.com/Arkensor/DayZCommunityOfflineMode It has the option to export the code in this syntax: Object obj; obj = GetGame().CreateObject("Land_Container_1Mo", "2136.437500 6.034001 1534.474731"); obj.SetOrientation("0.000000 0.000000 -0.000000"); obj.SetPosition("2136.437500 6.034001 1534.474731"); Which you can just instantiate of mission load. And for loot spawns the mapgrouppos.xml one line should look like this <group name="Land_HouseBlock_1F3" pos="2135.05 10.0662 1545.49" rpy="0.000000 0.000000 0.257171" a="0" /> "group name" is the CLASSNAME of the building/object "pos" is the XZY coordinates of the building/object "rpy" is the Roll,Pitch and Yall of the object i think.(might be in different order)
  11. krcenov

    How to merge these tiles?

    Contacted the author and he gave me the map png. I managed to merge them with photoshop, although keep in mind that they overlap each other by a little.
  12. krcenov

    How to merge these tiles?

    Please clise this topic, problem solved.
  13. krcenov

    How to merge these tiles?

    Author doesn't respond, I need to merge them in order for me to use the image in CE Editor
  14. krcenov

    How to merge these tiles?

    No, credits were given. Thanks for the heads up.