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About Furcas

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    On the Coast
  1. Furcas

    You poor poor people!!!

    What they hell are you talking about? Alpha is a cycle of development, not a style. You are thinking of 'Open Alpha'
  2. Run run as fast as you can' date=' you cant catch me i'm the gingerbread man.... until you get tricked by the fox. Which is either more zombies, a trigger happy player, or screwed on the geometry. Its a terrible metaphor, but the only one I could think of at the time. You must be doing something wrong to continue dying in the first half hour. I'm not the greatest at video games, but I can still get into a city, grab some very basic supplies, and into the woods safe 'n sound, even on a full server.
  3. Its these kind of stories that make me grin. Even though DayZ is still in alpha, the experiences are there to remember. I hope rocket doesn't revert the spawning equipment, running around with a torch trying to find at least something to defend yourself with is the most exciting part of the game so far. I even would go so far to say I would support any decision to make weapons and ammo more rare. To the point where in all of electro, you could probably only find two or three guns at any given time. Maybe later in development, there could be an option for that.
  4. Hmm, odd. Every time I ran into the fire station, I walked up those stairs, and all the zombies moped around the bottom, with only two making it up to the second level.
  5. I haven't memorised spawn locations in the cities, I tend to avoid them in general, but I was too excited about the new features, to miss up a chance to test them out fully.
  6. Finding out I had no gun when I spawned was rather a shock, even worse, was managing to agro roughly 5 zombies. Then as I ran in a building, an armed survivor rushed to my rescue, taking them out for me, rather than shooting me down like I would of expected. After running around electro for a bit, I decided to test out the zombie LOS, and the hiding mechanic. So after running around like a lunatic, not getting shot surprisingly, I ran in and out of sheds, losing the lot of them. However, I did get damaged by one, and used up my bandage to stop the bleeding. After venturing around the city, I managed to piss off another one (I'm still trying to figure out a safe distance to sneak around them, since the detection mechanic has been changed) I got hit again, and bled out. After several more goes running around main cities, not something I usually do, I think I've tried it enough to give a good opinion of the changes. My thoughts: The idea of spawning with no weapons was interesting, would see to make things tougher, but I've noticed that there is less instances of the 'bean wars'. I've yet to come across someone camping survivor spawns for bandages and pain killers, so that maybe is a one off for me. However, hiding from zombies is more of a run-through-buildings type deal, and was too easy to do, removing the threat of the chase, rather than the 'gingerbread man' deal that was before. Hopefully this is fixed so its a lot harder to lose the Zed. Tl;DR No weapons is fun, Hiding from zombies is broken.