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Sterlyng Roehrig

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About Sterlyng Roehrig

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  1. Sterlyng Roehrig

    So when you die..

    Yeah maybe, I just knownforba fact that when your guy dies on PC that within a certain time frame you can be resuscitated
  2. Sterlyng Roehrig

    Patch this week?

    This is not the case in us servers, everytime I jump into high pop servers there still raining, there just not night time
  3. Sterlyng Roehrig

    New DeadZone Added?

    I put a silicone controller cover over mine so my grips are fine
  4. Sterlyng Roehrig

    World size

    I dont want NPCs and quests, if they add them I stop playing this, the second they add those they turn into every other RPG on the market, right now I love how unique this game, the fact that there are no NPCs, but instead the community is driven by the players
  5. Sterlyng Roehrig

    So when you die..

    You can on PC, and that makes no sense, if your cheacter goes unconscious he wakes up on his own
  6. Sterlyng Roehrig

    New DeadZone Added?

    It's called buy an elite controller, I can adjust my deadzones into the negative if I want to counteract their deadzone changes, that plus the control freaks I'm using
  7. Sterlyng Roehrig

    So when you die..

    Actually, the reason for this is on PC you could revive dead people, if you got to your friend with the right med supplies cant remember if it was an AED or an adrenaline syringe but yeah
  8. Sterlyng Roehrig

    World size

    Right but you understand that that "whole map" came long after? When the game first came out on PC this is all they had too, but even this is massive for 60 players, I wish everyday there was 100 players, me and a buddy hit the NWAF and all its surrounding military camps looking for people in a high pop one day and didnt even run into anyone
  9. Sterlyng Roehrig


    Idk, I guess I'll check on our tent later tonight, I'm okay with the tents disappearing after character wipes because it only makes sense, would be cool if they didnt tho, but then disappearing on server wipes would be dumb, how long does the game go without a character wipe?
  10. Sterlyng Roehrig

    World size

    Your joking right? The map for how many players are in it currently is too big imo
  11. Sterlyng Roehrig


    Okay, so now I've found a tent, my next question, if I stash some stuff in a tent and the server does a wipe (not a character wipe) will my tent stay with the stuff in it?
  12. Sterlyng Roehrig

    Standardized suppressor spawns

    Whaaaaaat? I've had mine for a long while now
  13. Sterlyng Roehrig

    You do know that bases will never work...right?

    Omg this, every player crying about bases, I have a single tent that I move everyday, and a map on my phone with thelocation every one of my buried sea chests that are filled with loot, and guess what? I still have over 400 storage spaces and a plus the best part? Good luck finding my tent and my 4 sea chest, like stop crying about bases, I dont get why everyone wants to be tied down to q single structure anyways, I like to camp the woods outside populated towns, hidden but ready
  14. Sterlyng Roehrig


    Has anyone found one yet? I want to know if there implemented, literally the only thing I wanted in this update
  15. Sterlyng Roehrig

    Weather conspiracy

    Idk, I'm fully aware of the hardcore survival aspect and all that, plus technically if I go to a low pop and survive I'm still playing the hardcire survival, just because theres less people doesnt mean it's easier, if anything it's a whole lot less toxic, because yeah let's be honest, not everyone is a kos player, but 99.9% are