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Everything posted by 5andysalive
Can a developer answer a question about zombie spawns?
5andysalive replied to Uncle Zed's topic in Servers
zombie max count isn't had to figure out, isn't it? -
game crashes while trying to load servers
5andysalive replied to Captain Ginger Beard's topic in Servers
mod by any chance? On of them fancy frameworks, builderitems and so on? I've seen 2 people crash on joining my server while everybody else is fine. Must be somethign like that. But it only said "kicked from server" didn't give a specific reason. Try a vanilla install and then add mods one by one. Or try unmodded servers to see wether it's you or them. The stacks of scripts and number of dependencies some mods now demand and put on servers or clients, while the game still (hopefully) fast changing in beta, is absolutely ludicrous. Everything you have to add, is a chance for game breaking bugs. And every patch will break things. The more complicated the stack, the longer to fix. And for once in dayzs colorful history the devs won't deserve the blame they get for that. -
That's my point. No need to login as admin. There is a text file on the server which lists all possible admin ids. If yours in there,. you can use it. If not, not. Effect: no global chat. They all do that but ALSO require login.
One way would be to check only for admin guid in file, not for login. If you dont have to login, youre not in global chat. So it would only show in your direct vicinity. Also several admins could be using it same time. I'm not competent enough to change the script in that.. I tried searching scripts.pbo to disable admin login auto joining global chat (pretty annoying anyway) but nothing worked. You coud send serverwide by rcon anyway. Second idea, probably impossible, commands with # instead of /. The game hides those automatically.
Can a developer answer a question about zombie spawns?
5andysalive replied to Uncle Zed's topic in Servers
There is a safe distance parameter on zombies. Maybe it's too high, so they don't spawn near players? <saferadius>50</saferadius> <distanceradius>30</distanceradius> <cleanupradius>30</cleanupradius> these 3. however, even if i set very high levels in nominal and min max there aren't that many.. Don't fully understand it either. -
Removing Loot Spawn cords & adding NEW spawn cords to building
5andysalive replied to mrwolv's topic in Servers
Theoretically you do that in mapgrouppos.xml. It somehow doesnt work for me though. I added mil tents something 2_3 and entered the position in there But nothing spawns. You can obviously spawn certain things an fixed position on server start as objects the same way as buildings. but they dont respawn like normal loot. -
My favourite was villayer. your first answer came after about 10 hours. And that was a standard text like "have you tried turn it on and off again". The next, personal answer rarely before 20 hours.Even on server stopping problems. I never had that with fragnet at the time. Was 2 years ago or so though.
void main() { Hive ce = CreateHive(); if ( ce ) ce.InitOffline(); Weather weather = g_Game.GetWeather(); weather.GetOvercast().SetLimits( 0.1 , 0.7 ); weather.GetRain().SetLimits( 0.0 , 0.2 ); .................... Rest of the weather stuff } class CustomMission: MissionServer { bool verify_admins = false; // true=verify presence of BI UID in admin list string cmd_prefix = "/"; // Must be special character ref TStringArray admins = {"xxxxxxxxxx"}; // Add your STEAM64 ID bool IsPlayerAnAdmin(PlayerBase player) { bool found = false; for ( int i = 0; i < admins.Count(); ++i ) { if(player.GetIdentity().GetId() == admins) { found=true; break; } } return found; } void SendMessageToPlayer(PlayerBase player, string message) { Param1<string> param = new Param1<string>( message ); GetGame().RPCSingleParam(player, ERPCs.RPC_USER_ACTION_MESSAGE, param, true, player.GetIdentity()); } bool IsPlayer(string name) { PlayerBase p; array<Man> players = new array<Man>; GetGame().GetPlayers(players); for ( int i = 0; i < players.Count(); ++i ) { p = players.Get(i); if(p.GetIdentity().GetName() == name) return true; } return false; } PlayerBase GetPlayer(string name) { PlayerBase p; array<Man> players = new array<Man>; GetGame().GetPlayers(players); for ( int i = 0; i < players.Count(); ++i ) { p = players.Get(i); if(p.GetIdentity().GetName() == name) return p; } return NULL; } override void OnEvent(EventType eventTypeId, Param params) { super.OnEvent(eventTypeId,params); int i; PlayerBase player, temp_player; array<Man> players = new array<Man>; GetGame().GetPlayers(players); if(eventTypeId != ChatMessageEventTypeID) return; // Is chat message ChatMessageEventParams chat_params = ChatMessageEventParams.Cast( params ); if(chat_params.param1 != 0 || chat_params.param2 == "") return; player = GetPlayer(chat_params.param2); if(player == NULL) return; if(verify_admins && !IsPlayerAnAdmin(player)) { GetGame().AdminLog("[ADMCMD] (Unauthorized) " + player.GetIdentity().GetName() +" ("+player.GetIdentity().GetPlainId()+", "+player.GetIdentity().GetId()+") tried to execute "+ chat_params.param3); return; } string message = chat_params.param3, prefix, param0, command; TStringArray tokens = new TStringArray; message.Split(" ", tokens); int count = tokens.Count(); param0 = tokens.Get(0); param0.ParseStringEx(prefix); if(prefix != cmd_prefix) return; param0.ParseStringEx(command); GetGame().AdminLog("[ADMCMD] PLAYER: "+ player.GetIdentity().GetName() +" ("+player.GetIdentity().GetPlainId()+", "+player.GetIdentity().GetId()+") CMD: "+ command); switch(command) { case "spawn": { if(count != 2) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "/spawn [object]"); return; } GetGame().CreateObject(tokens[1], player.GetPosition(), false, true ); SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[ObjectSpawn] Object spawned: " + tokens[1]); break; } .................................. All the other cases make sure every case opens closes all brackets. then the last case and the end: case "refuel": { ref array<Object> nearest_objects = new array<Object>; ref array<CargoBase> proxy_cargos = new array<CargoBase>; Car toBeFilled; vector position = player.GetPosition(); GetGame().GetObjectsAtPosition ( position, 10, nearest_objects, proxy_cargos ); for (i = 0; i < nearest_objects.Count(); i++) { if (nearest_objects.IsKindOf("CarScript")) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Refuel] Found car: '"+nearest_objects+"'"); toBeFilled = Car.Cast(nearest_objects); float fuelReq = toBeFilled.GetFluidCapacity( CarFluid.FUEL ) - (toBeFilled.GetFluidCapacity( CarFluid.FUEL ) * toBeFilled.GetFluidFraction( CarFluid.FUEL )); float oilReq = toBeFilled.GetFluidCapacity( CarFluid.OIL ) - (toBeFilled.GetFluidCapacity( CarFluid.OIL ) * toBeFilled.GetFluidFraction( CarFluid.OIL )); float coolantReq = toBeFilled.GetFluidCapacity( CarFluid.COOLANT ) - (toBeFilled.GetFluidCapacity( CarFluid.COOLANT ) * toBeFilled.GetFluidFraction( CarFluid.COOLANT )); float brakeReq = toBeFilled.GetFluidCapacity( CarFluid.BRAKE ) - (toBeFilled.GetFluidCapacity( CarFluid.BRAKE ) * toBeFilled.GetFluidFraction( CarFluid.BRAKE )); toBeFilled.Fill( CarFluid.FUEL, fuelReq ); toBeFilled.Fill( CarFluid.OIL, oilReq ); toBeFilled.Fill( CarFluid.COOLANT, coolantReq ); toBeFilled.Fill( CarFluid.BRAKE, brakeReq ); SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Refuel] "+fuelReq+"L added, all fluids maxed"); } } break; } default: { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "Unknown command: " + command); break; } } } .........................................then is the normal rest. the override playerbase, character creation and loadout. override PlayerBase CreateCharacter(PlayerIdentity identity, vector pos, ParamsReadContext ctx, string characterName) {.........................
well i copied the thing as it is above and it doesnt. I added some cases but the beginning is the same. dont know why it does that for you.
nobody can see it. Only in the rcon tool does it show up as global chat. but not ingame. Neither the /commands nor the # ones. Except for you. Just tested it with someone next to me. That's fine. If you have to hide something from your fellow admins, that's your problem :)
Works great. I added a few bits from the github version. the weapon classes and the refuel thing. The admin tools script most servers use is nice but it just does too many things at once and adds a script-construction to the server that i don't understand. However 2 (noob) questions: a. is there a way to empty players hands before adding stuff (createinhands)? ideally by putting it into inventory, but maybe by destroying it. I know i can player.removeyallitems() but that's a bit overkill. and b. i second this one: Hello, how to teleport when the survivors have a number ?? Example : /goto Survivor (5) Doesn't work