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Everything posted by carsonearl

  1. Finally the vehicles won't be hidden from everyone in these bugged zones.
  2. Updated to using the Six Launcer - worked great been playing about 7 hours today (yeah). Suddenly I update to and log on, spawn in debug plains.. I'm standing there with people around me blah blah, I run back to town and whenever I log off I pop right back there. - I've tried Canada 2, got back to the map, still spawned back after relogging. - I've ran on my own to the map from the empty plains, made it to Pavlovo and when I relogged it puts me right back in debug forrest. - Happens on any server, tried many of them. I got 400+ kills, over a week of play silenced M4/Coyote everything I'd ever need medically and tons of food/water. I really don't want to restart that's the worst possible outcome.
  3. carsonearl

    New Zombie Textures

    They look great good job.
  4. Young, if you got a problem with it talk to me on Teamspeak, I made the decision to remove you. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/vq1iy/atlanta_59_apology/
  5. Quitting to avoid death = ban. If you witness anyone doing it just get some evidence and tell us we'll handle it.
  7. carsonearl

    The Beast in Me [VIDEO]

    Bunch of other videos on my channel as well - this is my best one so far though.
  8. carsonearl

    Can't see model in third person

    It's just another shitty new bug from the useless game breaking hot "fixes".
  9. carsonearl

    Wilderness Spawn

    I ran an hour and a half before I hit the forrest - DayZ is so broken.
  10. Same that happens sometimes too these "hotfixes" are just breaking it more.
  11. Most likely situation: ban evading. Anyways, it logs your IP so you just wasted $30.
  12. carsonearl

    Can't See Debug Mon

    Dude is so bugged it's not even funny.
  13. carsonearl

    How often are your camps raided?

    Some asshole ran over all of our tents destroying them, lol!
  14. Same issue as everyone else. I'm stuck in debug forrest I can't get out even if I run back I just respawn there!
  15. Yup same thing happened to me, major bug seems these updates are completely broken.
  16. No problem - I'm gonna try a few things to fix it but about to sleep anyways.
  17. Well, that's good because I don't want to do that.
  18. EXTRA INFO: Any server I play on I spawn in the debug plains/barren wastelands. I have a GPS/Compass, I head South/South East and make it to town entering the forrest passing the map barrier and all that, but whenever I log off and get back on - boom right back in the middle of nowhere. EDIT EDIT: I have 400+ kills, full equipment (NVG, Binocs, Hatchet, Knife, matches, everything in the game), Silenced M4, best Coyote backpack. I DO NOT WANT TO KILL MYSELF I'VE SURVIVED LIKE 2 WEEKS
  19. carsonearl

    Spawning in Barren Wasteland?

    Can someone PLEASE get a solution for this! I've ran back to the map I keep spawning here non-stop. I make it back to the coast even, whenever I log off and get back on (any server) I'm still in the damn debug forrest.
  20. Updated to using the Six Launcer - worked great been playing about 7 hours today (yeah). Suddenly I update to and log on, spawn in debug plains.. I'm standing there with people around me blah blah, I run back to town and whenever I log off I pop right back there. - I've tried Canada 2, got back to the map, still spawned back after relogging. - I've ran on my own to the map from the empty plains, made it to Pavlovo and when I relogged it puts me right back in debug forrest. - Happens on any server, tried many of them. I got 400+ kills, over a week of play silenced M4/Coyote everything I'd ever need medically and tons of food/water. I really don't want to restart that's the worst possible outcome.