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About Captjay49

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Captjay49

    Weapons not appearing

    I started playing again the day after the official release. I have went to MULTIPLE servers and same on all, there are no m4s, ka's, suppressors, clips, only a few rounds of 7.62 or 5.56. There are loads of fx-45s, I have found 3 cans of food and 1 water bottle. I have went to EVERY spot on the map on multiple servers and it's the same.. It's like everything's being hoarded or something cause every time I'm killed on sight it's with someone with an assault rifle, wtf is going on?? Ps. Love the game!!
  2. Captjay49

    Server issue

    I have an original xbox one, i don't know if that matters... But i cant ever locate last server played on or a favorite one, is there an issue with this? Thanks, love the game!
  3. Captjay49


    I was just curious if my game had glitched or are water wells now random? Everyone i went to was gone. Thanks. also, love the game!!