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About JusticeEMU.

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    On the Coast

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  1. Can this please be implemented already? I shouldn't have to guess what servers are first person only.
  2. JusticeEMU.

    Console Update 1.08

    Can we please get a few official mouse and keyboard 1st person only servers?
  3. JusticeEMU.

    Character wipe

    Had my game freeze (not crash) a good 10 times since the latest update, and my character never got reset. You must have died to a player/zombie before you character disappeared off the server.
  4. JusticeEMU.

    So when you die..

    You can't revive somone who is dead. You can only save someone who is unconscious, whether it be from just being knocked out by brass knuckles, or because they have severe blood loss and are very close to death, but not if you are already dead.
  5. JusticeEMU.

    Buildings turning invincible non stop

    Upgrade your system? They shouldn't hold the game back because some people are still playing on 5 year old consoles.
  6. JusticeEMU.

    Standardized suppressor spawns

    Have you found one there? I'm only gonna bother continuing to look in spots where someone has already found one. At least the same type of loot building if not the exact same location.
  7. JusticeEMU.

    Standardized suppressor spawns

    It becomes ruined after firing only a few shots.
  8. Anyone who has come across a M4A1 suppressor, where exactly did you find it? I've searched from Pavlovo military base, to Zelenogorsk, Myshkino tents, NWAF all multiple times... Still nothing!
  9. JusticeEMU.

    Ghillie suits

    Yes, ghillie suits are in game. I've already crafted a full set. Pointless though, as they aren't very good at concealment due to sparse foliage along the ground on xbox. No backpack can be worn when wearing the full suit, gets super soaked when in rain, making it very heavy, clipping issues with clothing underneath, issues with ghillie suit being in the way while aiming down sight and prone. Not even just the ghille hood, but the entire main piece is in the way of the scope. Still no hold breath mechanic so you can't just crouch and work around the issue that way. Super cool in theory, but it needs work.