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Bite The Hand

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About Bite The Hand

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  1. Bite The Hand

    NVG not working?

    I love when they add things that dont work. such an awesome experience.
  2. Bite The Hand

    Private servers still on preorder....

    i refuse to be sensible. also their lameass support is closed atm
  3. Bite The Hand

    Private servers still on preorder....

    Whats up with this? I see others on theirs..... Let me know when you get your shit together. ffs.
  4. Bite The Hand


    at this rate, super unlikely.
  5. Bite The Hand


    You people are clowns. shut down your bakers dozen of .01% complete projects and focus on something ffs.
  6. Bite The Hand

    Private Console Servers Pre-Order and FAQ

    dontcha think they would be taking those same measures if they could? other than changing your password and not telling the person, doesnt appear that way.
  7. Bite The Hand

    can you carry anything that blocks bullets?

    but thats like, good once. looking for a more perm solution
  8. Bite The Hand

    can you carry anything that blocks bullets?

    ij70 single shot
  9. Bite The Hand

    can you carry anything that blocks bullets?

    im setting up a paintball arena. i want barricades
  10. Bite The Hand

    can you carry anything that blocks bullets?

    is there any item ingame that can actively stop all round penetration? i know the steel frames cant, even as walls... i havent tried chests out.
  11. Bite The Hand

    Thank you for your hard work but....

    I see your point. but flooding has a purpose to some degree, though most times it can be anti-productive. but i stand by this as its such a god awful layout. i have to contort my hands just to emote xD xD xD
  12. Bite The Hand

    Thank you for your hard work but....

    as necessary as this reply or this one. dont high nose other people for the same nonsense youre pulling.
  13. Bite The Hand

    Thank you for your hard work but....

    pc has fried your brains. your controller layout is so bad.
  14. Bite The Hand

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    The biggest issue I have is with the hot wheel, reloading and having multiple firearms. for example, you start with your ar. you fire and you go to reload, it clicks over to the next weapon, youre now on your shotty. you fire through the rounds and go to switch to your pistol, no you are now reloading. and it goes on and on like that forever. please fix it so i can reload or switch a weapon and not be fucked in the middle of a fight.
  15. Bite The Hand


    I searched for this, although not finding anything im sure its been suggested many times. I mean it has to have been. it seems so silly of me that you could play this game and never say to yourself, "hey, why the hell am i only wearing a raincoat? who the hell wears just a raincoat." and not say something, but here goes nothing: Make raincoats vest equippable instead of shirt equip. it only makes sense. dayz is aiming high for realism, seems kind of a big oversight to not realize raincoats go above clothing and arent worn as clothing(ya know?). I mean, do you throw your slicker on with no shirt?...weirdo...