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Everything posted by D4RK5TAR

  1. D4RK5TAR

    hacker and dupper in 8550 MI server

    amigo eu tbm reportei os duplicadores num post , ninguem da equipe do jogo deu a minima atenção , é triste ver isso 😥
  2. D4RK5TAR

    Frostline Dupe Exploit

    I was playing on a official server SA SP when I saw 2 guys near the coast who were selling a type of script to duplicate items to the fresh spanws ... I don't like hackers and I don't want to believe that I spent hard earned money buying FROSTLINE with such an obvious security flaw. Somehow this guy is disconnecting and leaving a clone of its character , so when reconects the clone stilll there !!! Please Bohemia fix that, I'll leave the link to the video and the discord where they were selling this script so that you can do something about it ok. Discord group link : https://discord.gg/2HTbF9bW Ty , Lobo Véio
  3. D4RK5TAR

    Addressing the most pressing issues #2

    1 more thing , please fix head torch . It light up in hand but if u put it in your head it does not work anymore ...