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Everything posted by TheMilkman13

  1. TheMilkman13

    US 4347 radio station (closed)

    I am broadcasting on 87.8 MHz on the server provided. Tune in if you want but I am socially awkward so ignore the retardation also please make yourself known so I know I’m not just uselessly talking and playing this damn music
  2. TheMilkman13

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    Don’t know if anyone’s mentioned yet, but you still can’t slide down ladders anymore, it just plays one frame of the animation and does nothing
  3. TheMilkman13

    Gun jamming

    So, they added gun jamming but for whatever reason left out the way to unjam it, so after your gun jams it’s dead weight, and I just died after 2 hours of looting because my AK jammed when I got attacked by a pack of wolves and so was left with nothing but an empty pistol and a steak knife to defend myself. please just let us unjam the guns
  4. TheMilkman13

    Xbox Update 12/12/2018

    Welcome to DayZ
  5. TheMilkman13

    Gun jamming

    I’ve pressed, held, and combined every button imaginable and nothing works
  6. TheMilkman13

    No more new content

    Devs please don’t add anything new in the next updates, just work on fixing all the bugs and making the game more stable. Anyone else think the same?
  7. TheMilkman13

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    You have to have the clothing in your hand and combine it with the sewing kit in your inventory
  8. TheMilkman13

    A problem with the night devs?

    The grain on the darkness makes night time even more unplayable, even if you have a flashlight, glow stick, or anything else plus, I also experienced night time starting and then ending like 5-10 minutes later and I just assumed it was an eclipse lol
  9. TheMilkman13

    Surrender emote

    This happened to my M4, but when I relogged it ended up back on my holster slot, so I guess that’s a solution
  10. TheMilkman13

    Please for the love of god

  11. TheMilkman13

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    After looting 2 people who got killed by zombies, and a good hour of nonstop FPS drops, I get teleported to the first floor of a building and killed by a zombie who wouldn’t die. Thanks DayZ
  12. TheMilkman13

    consistently DRY server!!!

    Holy Jesus the legends are true
  13. TheMilkman13

    Gun jam/unjamming

    As far as I can tell they added gun jamming with no actual fucking solution to it
  14. TheMilkman13

    All the bugs I found in November 23rds update

    FPS is just plain garbage sometimes
  15. TheMilkman13

    Server list issues

    So I’m not sure if it’s just me or what, but sometimes when I try to join a server, it will freeze for a couple seconds, show 1 frame of a loading screen, go back to the list frozen for a little longer and then do the same thing until I join another server that doesn’t make this happen. 1 more thing is that if you put the “slots- descending” option on and join a server or back out, it’ll stay on “slots- descending” but it won’t actually function like it is and you need to cycle back to it and refresh again. plus one minor thing but instead of “name - ascending” it says “server_browser_name_ascending” and I’m assuming that’s not intended nerf night pls
  16. TheMilkman13

    Game Freezes In Inventory

    This has happened to me about 2-3 times and I think one of them had to do with equipping the new shotgun, but that was a one time thing and I can equip it just fine now
  17. TheMilkman13

    Chest holster

    Didn’t even know they were on the Xbox version yet but now that you mention it, I’m happy, because I’ve been wanting a pistol holster for a long while now
  18. TheMilkman13

    Proximity chat not working for headset?

    So I just got a turtle beach recon chat headset (I know it’s crap but I’m desperate) and it only picks up people’s voices in Xbox parties and such but when I met someone on a server today their voice still only came through my TV audio, so it’s most likely because of the headset but just wondering if there’s anyway to fix this