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Everything posted by Lambicus

  1. Lambicus

    Console Update 1.12

    It already runs at 60fps! ADMIN note: Removed unnecessary provocation, keep it civil.
  2. Lambicus

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    That's because you're in a hardcore server ya noob!
  3. Lambicus

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    No, PC doesn't. Modders added all those you mentioned in an unfinished state. The developers have yet to add them with completed animations.
  4. Lambicus

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    The guns will be added when they are added on PC. They haven't finished making the animation sets for the weapons yet but they will be doing it this year.
  5. Lambicus

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    No it's a bug and is in fact now fixed on the PC build. The gun would literally be deleted.
  6. Lambicus

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    Okay so after about 500 hours or so of game time (19 days), here's few point I can think of right now: -First of all, this is a BIG ONE! Please add full directional voice chat like there is on PC, I've been asking about this since release and have had no information or response so I would gladly appreciate you guys for looking into this! -We need longer night time! 1 hour would seem fitting now that we have NV scope and headtorch working. Don't forget to add the weapon flashlights to the Xbox build either! -Inventory causes client crash (reliably) when you are looting another player and both have very full inventories. -I'd like to see free look assigned to a different controller button if that's possible, I know there's limited space with leaning and hold breath in the works. -Separate sensitivity sliders for regular aiming and Aim down sight. I.e. aiming with ACOG scope. I find the scoped sensitivity too slow for me. -Can we finally get the UI icons for the 9V Battery and 7.62x54mm ammo? -Another UI point: There is no combine text when attempting to load a magazine with ammo, even though the combine action is possible. The same goes for the 'Equip' text for arm bands within the UI. -This is a controversial one but I would like to see all EU/US players always filtered to their region on the server browser when they log in to the game, as well as making 'Slots - Ascending' the default filter setting. This will help to make servers full and not having 20 low population servers. -I would love it if the team could make switching quickslot items and reloading, different inputs. They are both currently tied to the Y button and this creates inconsistencies. -(Minor) I wold like to see different locations for the player to be standing at in the main menu (like on PC). Currently the character is always at Rify. That's it for now as I can't think of any more off the top of my head, though I know there's a lot more feedback I'd like to give which I can't think of right now! Thank you for reading this if you did and please add directional voice chat! :D
  7. Lambicus

    Xbox Base Building

    Nope. Only walls and watchtowers currently.
  8. Lambicus

    To all combat loggers.

    That's not true. Combat logging is massively frowned upon in any game especially DayZ. Combat loggers have zero excuse for what they do no matter who they are.
  9. Lambicus

    To all combat loggers.

    They get on my nerves a well. Very frustrating. Shot at a guy at VMC, he went and sat in a bush and logged off while I was about 20m in front of him. Scum.
  10. Lambicus

    Was night time removed ?

    Every server I play has night time disabled. I think you guys disabled it due to the bugged film grain.
  11. Lambicus

    Picking up barrels

    You can only carry a barrel if it is empty.
  12. Lambicus

    A problem with the night devs?

    The whole point of the film grain countermeasure is to stop the use of gamma correction by the player. It's bugged, it's not supposed to be this bad so don't worry it will get sorted. On another note, I often see you in the same server as me on DayZ. The Yeti Bum, right?
  13. Lambicus

    Was night time removed ?

    I was playing in a server and the timestate was completely frozen. The clouds were moving slightly then teleporting back and the sun was not moving at all. It was the top population US server ending in 8154 I think
  14. Lambicus

    A problem with the night devs?

    No the film grain filter definitely has a problem since the latest update. It looks like it's been applied twice or something. It was nowhere near as bad last patch. You cannot see anything thanks to the grain even when it's slightly dark. It hurts your eyes!
  15. Lambicus

    M3S Truck ?

    The doors are spawning too. The truck isn't enabled yet though. It is in the files and perfectly functional though!
  16. Lambicus

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    You got this build on experimental the other day... (apart from the Xbox specific changes, of course)
  17. Lambicus

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    That's the issue with persistence and everybody is having it, even on PC. They're currently working on how to resolve the server crashes which is the cause of the persistence wipes.
  18. Lambicus

    Patch this week?

    It's low FPS everywhere pretty much. Where it used to be locked 60fps in the countryside it's now 40-60 depending on various conditions. Also, texture streaming is very slow, especially in cities yes.
  19. Lambicus


    I'd expect Tuesday. They will probably submit it to Microsoft on Monday. Still could be Monday though. What server do you play in by chance? I'd like to find a no-rain server which isn't crashing all the time. I lost a car twice in 2 days thanks to server crashes on NL 3663933.
  20. Lambicus


    There's no point right now. There's a big issue with persistence (the saving of items on the server) where every time the server crashes (not restarts), all persistence is wiped. Your tent will probably disappear in a few hours or less.
  21. Lambicus

    Cannibal laugh in game?

    It is in. Kuru is fully obtainable.
  22. Lambicus

    car persistence

    Okay so it will stay unless the server crashes. I got a car going earlier, server crashed 5 minutes later when I was driving down the road. Joined back and It was gone. It happened to me 2 days ago as well. Cars suffer from the same persistence issues as other base pieces right now so don't bother with them if you want one with the intention to keep it.
  23. Lambicus

    Sniper scope?

    Nope they are not currently in the Xbox or PC version of DayZ.
  24. Lambicus

    Xbox Locked servers?

    It is their plan to add community servers eventually, yes.