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About IbziDK

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. IbziDK

    verifySignatures = 2 not working

    I'm trying to set up a modded server, and want players to download the mods to be able to join the servers. I have DZSALModServer installed, but the mods are not showing up nor do they force install in the launcher. I read somewhere, that this program doesn't work with batch start file?? (anyone who can confirm that?) verifySignatures = 2 not working, when joining via steam, you can join without the needed mods. Tried equalModRequired = 1 but then nobody can join.. bad version. server rejected connection (even tried renaming the server mods, to the client steam versions - didn't help) So for now I'm completely lost. How can I get the server to reject clients without the right mods, and the launcher (or another way) to force download the needed mods from the server. TIA
  2. IbziDK

    I can't get mods to work on my local test server

    Nope, that made the DZSALModserver crash :-(
  3. IbziDK

    I can't get mods to work on my local test server

    DZSALModServer.exe is running with the server started via batch file: @echo off cls set watch=DayZ Server2 title %watch% Watchdog DayZ2 cd "D:\DayZServer" :watchdog echo (%time%) %watch% started. Start "DayZ_SA" /wait "DZSALModServer.exe" -config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2312 -profiles=D:\DayZServer\DayZ -scrAllowFileWrite -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck -noFilePatching -mod=Trader;DayZ-SA-Tomato;DayZPlus;KillFeed -ignoremod=DayZ-SA-Tomato "-dayzserver=DayZServer_x64.exe" echo (%time%) %watch% closed or crashed, restarting. goto watchdog But no mods are being downloaded nor do they show up in launcher... What have I done wrong? Mods are running server vise and I can join the server even with verifySignatures = 2;
  4. IbziDK

    Stable Update 1.0.149974

    Thx for an update, where you start bleeding out, and loosing your character and your "base" :-(
  5. IbziDK

    Stable Update 1.0.149923

    Tents are almost useless. Can't place them anywhere, unless the surface is super duper flat and horizontal :-( Only managed to place a medium tent
  6. IbziDK

    Experimental Update 0.63.149918

    Where do I get the server files?? Nevermind, got them