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KingChipTv OnTwitch

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Everything posted by KingChipTv OnTwitch

  1. KingChipTv OnTwitch

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    And Microsoft might still have to approve updates build.... I know a few other previews had issues with microsoft
  2. KingChipTv OnTwitch

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    GET EM!!!!
  3. KingChipTv OnTwitch

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    This guy gets it..... How these people angry when they stated like that. Hopefully these kids stay in school cause their future looking rough already
  4. KingChipTv OnTwitch

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    READ KID IT SAID "IF STABLE" Which means not confirmed to be released u idiot
  5. KingChipTv OnTwitch

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    If yall read the patch notes it says IF BUILD IS STABLE. Simply stated so GROW UP people. Let them work instead of complaining because you cant understand what you read.