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Everything posted by Blue0range

  1. Blue0range

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    This is a wonderful idea! People would be really happy about that and it might finally bring some good press towards Bohemia. I'm by no means an expert, but something like this could make it obvious to the public again that the devs care.
  2. Blue0range

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    Can't enforce this enough. My friends and I were absolutely binge-playing until we found out about that bug. We haven't played dayz ever since.. :(
  3. Blue0range

    Addressing the most pressing issues #2

    I absolutely agree. There's no point in fixing chimneys or character animations at the moment. These things don't disturb the player's experience in the slightest. It has always been like that with dayz. How about focusing on the major problems so many players point out every day instead: Pitch-black darkness that makes the game unplayable at night. The sound of your own gun, I mean come on. Cars breaking when going over the slightest bump on the street or just simply glitching into the ground even if you're not going very fast. I lost about 6 cars like that and you know how hard it is to get a car running on your own. !! The friggin' persistence problems. Bases disappear for absolutely no reason? This is ridiculous! I see no point in playing dayZ at the moment. Cars and bases (or at least the possibility to store items in a barrel that DOES NOT disappear for no reason) are such an essential part of the gaming experience. It's simply not worth building a base that will disappear anyway. There's no point in finding and repairing a car when it will break due to a glitch anyway. And even though these things are bugging me, I still play the game and tell others to be patient and to wait for the next patch. But I can't deny the fact that bohemia, instead of working on these problems, seems to focus on the little things that do add to the experience, but can't make up for the big things that really are broken. It's really sad, because the game has so much potential and if it works properly once in while, I simply love it. It COULD be one of the best games out there, for sure.
  4. Blue0range

    Experimental Update 0.63.149525

    Listen, we appreciate your hard work on all the different construction zones. BUT you need to fix those persistence problems. Bases are what people came back for and if they keep disappearing, we won't be playing the game.