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Everything posted by DrZeddy

  1. DrZeddy

    -cpuCount parameter

    If you have a dedicated server, which you run solely to serve the game, how many cpu cores should you give to the server?. On my server I have 8 cores (AMD FX8370) So how many cores should I allow dayz SA to use? Keeping in mind that some cores will be need to run the background services, such as networking (Ethernet driver, Sound card, and other services which are required to run by the OS. Thanks
  2. Hi Community, Well my server has been running excellently for such a long time, I was very happy. BUT... Just the other night, I re-started my server and a very short while after starting it would crash and the window it was running in would disappear. I tried several times to restart it, even tried a cold start after re-booting the PC. But same thing it would just crash sadly 😞 To compound things and make the problem even worse, I had a back up program running in the background to backup the server persistence, And I turned it off, thinking everything has been running so smoothly for over 6 months... Finally, since I finished work early today, I thought I would address the issue. The first thing I did was make a manual back up of my c:\DayzServer folder on a USB dingle/dongle thing. Then I confirmed the integrity of the server files in my C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\dayzserver.... They verified 100%, so I copied everything and pasted it into my c:\dayzserver folder. Copied over my old Config.Dz and the folders db and storage_1 which can be found in the chenarus offline folder... I noticed that the game did not like or did not recognise its own backups?!! (see below) So basically these lines... Are extremely worrying! I have players who have been base building for around 6 months on the server in Electro, And I am worried that their base/bases may have disappeared!! Please can someone explain the meaning of those lines above.. "15:07:14 [CE][Storage] ver:0 stamp:0, valid:NO, name:"mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_010.001"" What does it mean ? Its not valid? The backup was made by the game itself and have not been tampered in any way what so ever? So why is it not recognised? ALSO Why are the dates of the back so OLD? This is one of the XML files in the backup folder The DATE is the FOURTH of JULY!!!! And the server has been running no stop day and night right up until around last week!! So why has everything gone pear shaped after 4 July??? I will naturally upload the crash reports when I find the correct page to do it at... HAS IT GOT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THAT DATE???? 4th JULY??? Seems very suspicious to me. In the meantime Can anyone help me RESTORE the Dayz Game generated Back Ups back? Or better still Can a member of the Dayz team look at the crash reports and back ups and let me know if the bases are still there or not? After all someone has spent over 6 months daily building their base, and it would be a shame for all that work go to waste! Finally - The crashes occurred 28/29 April so quite recently!!!! And I no longer have my own back ups made with my own app, Since I only held a 1 day archive which is automatically deleted after it is more than 24 hours old (all 96 of them - 96 per day at 15 mins interval) 😞😞😞😞😞 Thank You
  3. DrZeddy

    !!! [CE][Hive] :: DB is not responding too long.

    Hi, I just want to watch this thread, since I'm having issues to, I don't think my issue is exactly the same. None the less - I'd like to watch this thread.
  4. DrZeddy

    Way to check for updates with an external script

    Yes its awful and simple hahaha... It may not be the best solution, but its still allows you to update your server automatically, until you find a better solution. Glad it helped 🙂
  5. DrZeddy

    Way to check for updates with an external script

    When I wrote my backup app, I wanted a way to see if Dayz SA had been updated or not while I was at work. So I set my Dayz Server instance to always keep itself up to date in steam, using the steam options for the game (DayzServer) And I never RAN the server from its default installation path c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\dayzserver instead I used it as a reference point for checking the version... I installed my actual server at C:\DayzServer and in the back up program I checked the file version of the DayzServer_x64.exe in c:\program files (x86\steam\steamapps\common\dayzserver folder and compared it to the DayzServer_x64.exe version in my c:\dayzserver folder.... If they didn't match then the server has been updated and my local copy is older... This would only apply to locally hosted servers, not remote server... Maybe that can help you resolve your issue?
  6. DrZeddy

    Backing Up Server

    Well I think I have finished my app to back up the server. I'm just performing scheduled back ups on a once daily basis using the app. Once I am happy that the backups are performing successfully then I will post the app in case other server owners would like to use it. I did notice in the logs that the occasion BIN file failed to back up. I resolved this by increasing the wait/delay before trying again. Once the current phase of testing is complete, that will leave only the multiple/repeat backups, once every user defined interval (minimum interval 1 hour up to maximum interval of 8 hours). I would welcome any feedback since its my first attempt at this sort of thing. Photos follow. PS. I do not know how to package the app for distribution yet (installation package). But I will address that once the last bit of testing is complete. Home Tab My Settings Tab My Tasks Tab My Completed Back Ups Tab Active Task Tab
  7. DrZeddy

    Server Configuration File

    Yes it works, The night time acceleration gives you approximately 22 minutes of night. I calculated it out as below x1 24hrs x2 12hrs x4 6hrs x8 3hrs x16 1hr 30 mins x32 45mins x64 22.5mins
  8. DrZeddy

    Backing Up Server

    Hiya mrwolv, Please try to delete the settings and tasks files then run the app again. I guess because I have amended the settings and tasks they either need to right or not there at all. The file names are: Settings.Cfg Tasks.Cfg I have found a bug where, when saving the tasks after deleting one of the tasks, the remaining tasks are NOT re-indexed from 0 upwards. This caused an issue and I am waiting to get some free time to make the bug fixes. The work around for the bug I mentioned above is to delete the tasks and settings files then amend your settings and define a new task.
  9. DrZeddy

    Server status

    The server is live right now at 20:02 on 20 Feb 2019 - It is night time in there when I looked. The port number has changed from what you wrote above
  10. @g4borg Thank you, your explanation helps a lot since I do not know the language (I think it's C..) And I very much like the helper function you posted. It does indeed make the code very much more readable. I had the same problem with the code coloring, in the end I deleted the whole code block re-inserted it again and chose 'No Syntax Highlighting' in the code format dropdown
  11. In your code for the Init.C In the subroutine labelled StartingEquipSetup.... In the places where you have ItemTop.GetInventory...... It should be .... player.GetInventory.... Like this... itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("HuntingBag"); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("HuntingJacket_Summer"); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("HunterPants_Summer"); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("HuntingVest"); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("HuntingKnife"); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("CombatBoots_Black"); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Headtorch_Black"); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Battery9V"); itemBs.SetQuantity(2); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); Also, Note that in the original Init.C file The item is "cast" for each item you create... Since I don't know C or Java or whatever language it is written in, I don't know how to explain it better... EntityAI itemEnt; ItemBase itemBs; itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("HuntingBag"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("HuntingJacket_Summer"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); This line is missing in your init.c code, in each of your object instantiation blocks Maybe another member who knows C better than could explain the meaning ITEMBASE.CAST better!
  12. Post your init.c and maybe one of the members may spot something, without seeing your code it's hard to tell
  13. DrZeddy

    Backing Up Server

    I've now completed the changes necessary to backup some of the serve files on 15 minute intervals. Please Note: When a file cannot simply be copied because it is open in the game, The file copy action is retried the amount of times you have set in the global settings field Max File Write Retries There is a 1 second delay between each retry, therefore only files of a specific format can be backed up and not the whole server when using backup repeat intervals of less than 1 hour. To be specific, the files types highlighted in the image above in red ellipses. Finally: Please let me have your feedback and if you come across any issues, please let me know so I can resolve them. Since the last update, the persistence files seem to have increased in number. Please keep this in mind. On my server, each partial backup of all of the files highlighted in red above consumes just under 90Mb
  14. DrZeddy

    Backing Up Server

    Hiya mrwolv, Thanks for your question, I will try to implement that into the next build. In the meantime, I have tried to create some basic information for the app. And more importantly, I have fixed the issue where already open files (files in use by the game) were not being copied. So since I have resolved this it is advisable to download the updated version. Additionally, I have taken some of the settings out of the global settings and moved them in to the task settings. This means that when selecting which files to back-up, rather than being global settings that affect all tasks, The user can set different options for each task. Finally, I moved the back up tool out of my dayz server website into its own website http://www.jaandohs-dayzbak.co.uk/ Thank you for any feedback and hopefully with more feedback I can progress the tool as time allows.
  15. DrZeddy

    Connect/Disconnect Messages?

    Oh I think you have to have to have a modded server for that and the relevant plugin. Sorry I don't know much about modded servers... I do recall seeing something about that in one of the questions (roughly) a week or two weeks ago. Maybe you can find it in one of the forum threads here, Or maybe you can find it in the modding forums https://forums.dayz.com/forum/153-dayz-modding/
  16. So looking through my logs for the server. I often see text similar to below With reference to the log info above Please can ANYONE who is knowledgeable in these matters answer the following for me? THANK YOU IN ADVANCE... 1. What does the line below mean? 2019/01/27, 12:43:57 DDOS: Stats for flag 512:1 1024:1 1:3 What is DDOS Stats? and should I be worried? 2. What does the line below mean? 2019/01/27, 12:44:28 DEFAULT (F): Player Measures Script call What is Player measures Script Call? and should I be worried? 3. what does the sequence of lines below mean when they are displayed once every minute? 2019/01/27, 12:46:28 DEFAULT (F): Player Measures Script call 2019/01/27, 12:46:32 Players: 1 in total 2019/01/27, 12:46:52 CHAR_DEBUG - SAVE 2019/01/27, 12:46:52 player Survivor (dpnid = 311706743) 2019/01/27, 12:46:52 Identity: playerID = 113 , charID = 113 2019/01/27, 12:46:52 Person : playerID = 113 , charID = 113 2019/01/27, 12:46:52 Saved 1 players ... 2019/01/27, 12:46:57 DDOS: Stats for flag 512:1 1024:1 1:0 Why does someone seem to be connecting and diconnecting mulitple times (more than 10 times continously) 4. Do all other people hosting server's have the same kind of log entries? Should I ban the player? and for what reason? Also if the answer to the above is Yes.... Then how would I do this? 5. Finally... Does anyone else even read their log files? Cheers JD
  17. DrZeddy

    Connect/Disconnect Messages?

    Using the default messages.xml file as described here... You would have something along the lines of the below for a JOIN message... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <messages> <!-- This is example server join message for any user who just joined --> <message> <!-- Show this message oin connection --> <onconnect>1</onconnect> <!-- but delay the join message for 2 minutes --> <delay>2</delay> <!-- do not repeat message --> <repeat>0</repeat> <!-- message itself with placeholders --> <text>Welcome to DayZ on this server (#name)...</text> </message> </messages> If you are using BEC then the above will not work as BEC works differently and maybe another member can help you with that...
  18. DrZeddy

    Server MOTD

    You can find that info here... in the documentation
  19. DrZeddy

    Backing Up Server

    *** IMPORTANT *** Please note... Looking through the logfile DayzBak.Log in the application folder, I noticed that occasionally one of the. Bin files fails to be backed up, because it is in use by the game. When I get home from work, I will be looking at resolving this issue. Therefore, for the time being, please do not rely on this as your sole backup, Please keep a contingency plan B. Thank You for any and all feedback. Jaan Doh.
  20. For a message to repeat every 30 minutes, you would do it like this... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <messages> <!-- My message - repeats every 30 minutes --> <message> <!-- Repeat is enabled --> <repeat>1</repeat> <!-- Delay 30 minutes --> <delay>30</delay> <!-- My Message Body --> <text>Hello World...</text> </message> </messages>
  21. DrZeddy

    Join Server Time Edit

    Thank You G0ndalf, I obviously misunderstood the question. Apologies HogsMaws...
  22. DrZeddy

    Join Server Time Edit

    it goes in your serverdz.cfg file as a parameter respawnTime = 30
  23. DrZeddy

    Backing Up Server

    I'm happy to say my app is finished. Version 1.00 I have uploaded it to my dayz server website. http://www.jd-uk-dsf-gaming.co.uk/ServerBackUpTool.Aspx If you get redirected to the home page, Please scroll to the bottom and in the footer you will see a link titled DayzBak Tool Thank you for trying it and remember it's FREE! PS I notice that I forgot to state that it is only for the local machine (your own pc) The tool does NOT work over the internet and cannot backup remote servers.
  24. DrZeddy

    Backing Up Server

    Thank you for the feedback, both positive and negative, even though its only photo's right now. Thank You Radar for the Idea of saving the back ups for a limited amount of days. I never paid any attention to the space taken since I use a 1TB SSD on the dedicated server. None the less it is something that will add value and make it beneficial for the end users. So this weekend will be busy while I try to implement the changes. For the time being I will disable the REPEAT backup feature which enables the app to make back ups every N Hours and instead will leave it at once daily until I get to package the app for others to try and test and use and hopefully receive more feedback. I'm hoping to get all this done for Sunday (tomorrow). And after that I will work on the repeat feature once again. So fingers crossed lol. By the way, just to clarify a point, The app does not do anything else aside from back up your server files (a specific folder is copied from source folder to dest folder). It will not re-start the server or pause the server or anything else, nor will it interact with the server. Its just a dedicated and simplified scheduler for copying files from folder A to folder B. This is done by using a timer object in the form.
  25. DrZeddy

    Backing Up Server

    The images used are only place holders, there are no more 4 images in the app (those you see on the home tab) I have replaced them already with newer images created by myself and not anyone's else's copyright.