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Everything posted by Bashfluff

  1. Bashfluff

    Journals/Diaries for writing down Events.

    No it fucking isn't. Like seriously' date=' are you constantly running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Then maybe I can understand how you think that "death can come at any moment". Downtime and constant forward walking is a big part of the game. Can't possibly understand how you can deny this. Maybe you're still in that "newbie paranoia phase". I know I was when i first started playing. Having downtime has no affect on the intentness. It actually makes encounters more intense after a long walk. >No it fucking isn't. Like seriously, are you constantly running around like a chicken with its head cut off. No. Please don't stoop to childish insults. If death weren't constant, there wouldn't be as much tension as there was. And even if it wasn't, there are plenty of other time-based things you need to take care of... >Downtime and constant forward walking is a big part of the game. Can't possibly understand how you can deny this. Maybe you're still in that "newbie paranoia phase". I know I was when i first started playing. What is your fascination with calling people new if they don't agree with you? Yes, moving is a big part of the game. Downtime is not. If you could write while moving, you'd either run into a zombie or off a cliff, or into a tree, etc. It would be a smarter gameplay move to make you stop when you opened a journal. >Having downtime has no affect on the intentness. It actually makes encounters more intense after a long walk. Walking is not downtime. There are things you have to look out for as you walk with every step: players, zombies, buildings in the distance, plans, level of supplies. Yes, there ARE some moments in the game where you might be holed up in a house or something, waiting for someone to leave you be. But even then it's important to keep an eye out. >And that is a GOOD thing. Players should chose what to do with their journal. The fact is that it adds absolutely nothing negative to the people who don't wanna use it and positive things to the ones that do. How many people eventually end up using it is something you and I both can't know and is irrelevant unless the implementation of journals are difficult for the server to handle, so technical related difficulties. The amount of people who use the feature is something you can guess at AND it's relevant. There's no reason to implement a feature no one is going to use. It wastes time. If there's no reason to write in the journal, most people won't. That's just common sense. They'll be busy actually playing. They'll be looking for paths into the next town or zombie-surrounded house, or for other players, supplies, etc. Yes, SOME people may use this feature, and I think that being able to get the journals of people you kill and store them until you get killed is a fantastic idea that I think may be enough. But I'd like something more. I just don't think there's QUITE enough justification for this as-is.
  2. >Similar doesn't mean the same. I've never heard someone describe a horror movie as fun (well, maybe if it was some hilariously bad trash-horror). I'm pretty sure rocket would be deeply disappointed if you told him that you found DayZ fun. Out of all things, DayZ tries to be everything but fun. That's because no one says, "That movie was enjoyment." You'd be using the word "fun" in a very awkward way. But that does not change that they are used interchangeably IRL. And even if you'd like to disregard that... fun/fən/ Noun: Enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure: "anyone who turns up can join in the fun". Adjective: Amusing, ENTERTAINING, or enjoyable: "it was a fun evening". Verb: Joke or tease: "no need to get sore—I was only funning"; "they are just funning you". Synonyms: noun. amusement - joke - sport - jest - lark - entertainment verb. joke - jest - banter - jape >It's actually be definition not a game, but a simulator as described by bohemia interactive. That out of the way, DayZ is clearly a Mod. Uh, no. Something can be a simulator, a mod, and a game. This is all three. And so it has to follow the most basic game design law: it must be fun to play so as to keep people playing. Simulator or not, mod or not, these three things actually follow the same law, more or less. I don't understand how trying to avoid how this thing is also a game would help your case... >Did i ever imply that this game isn't popular because of enjoyment? Enjoyment is a factor, but the bigger factor is Uniqueness. DayZ doesn't try compete and is drastically different in terms of authenticity and gameplay than anything currently on the market. No, but you said uniqueness was a bigger factor, which is utterly ridiculous. I outlined how it was ridiculous in my example. You can create something that is unique easily. But if it's not also fun, no one will play it. And notice how you use "gameplay". Not a game indeed. >Popular media has nothing to do with real life experiences. You said that especially if a zombie apocalypse were to happen for real, it would be FUN. Only the sickest of minds would think that dead people roaming the streets, complete breakdown of civilization and constant fear of death would be fun. It is certainly enjoyable and fascinating to think about but actually letting it play out in real life would be horrifying and far from any media portrayal. Well, I guess you're going to have to call hundreds of thousands of people worldwide sick bastards, then. >1.This game doesn't take place in Russia but in chernarus, a fictional region based on the Czech republic. But I guess eastern-europe is just all the same for some people. 2. In actual real life, survivors would all have different weapons. The chance of all having exactly the same gun and same amount of gear is marginally small and a statically impossibility. So much for your realism. 3. This is first and foremost not real life. There are technical obstacles and balancing issues to address and overcome. As it turned out, giving players a starting gun resulted in some nasty, unnecessary and frustrating scenarios for everyone involved. 1. Okay. Sorry for my mistake, but someone has already outlined how available guns would be in such an area. 2. Yeah, that's true. I support weapons randomization for that very reason. I DO like realism, as you constantly support as well, but it must give way to gameplay when it is necessary. There are numerous instances of this we could both nitpick over and over again, but that misses the point: at the core, it tries to be a realistic zombie game, and while the little things we gamers can ignore, the bigger ones break out suspension of disbelief. 3. I've yet to see any of them.
  3. Bashfluff

    Journals/Diaries for writing down Events.

    There's no way that you can possibly think this game has a lot of downtime UNLESS you are new. Death coming at any moment is a reality in the game. You were just arguing in another thread how intense and scary this game is constantly, c'mon now. I've acknowledged that people can write in their journals for more immersion. But not many will, because that's not incentive provided by anyone. That's the player doing it themselves.
  4. Bashfluff

    Semi Perma Death.

  5. Actually this game has been getting around because it is something different and fresh. It wouldn't nearly have the attention if it just was another "shoot all zombies" game >Having fun and being entertained aren't synonymous and are two different things. When I watch a horror movie, I'm entertained but I don't have fun. Same with games But they are similar and can be used interchangeably. Until you break out the dictionary, you have no right trying to lecture me on the definition of words, and even then the common parlance renders it irrelevant. For all intents and purposes, yeah, they are pretty much the same thing. > Sorry but can you lend me your official "how you must make a game" rulebook? I don't have one. Besides, this isn't a game but a MOD. This should be obvious. If people don't want to play, they won't. And don't give me this "not a game" bullshit. It clearly is a game. >Actually this game has been getting around because it is something different and fresh. It wouldn't nearly have the attention if it just was another "shoot all zombies" game 1. I didn't say it should be a "shoot all zombies" game. 2. This game would never get around if people didn't enjoy it. It doesn't matter how different something is; if people don't like playing it, they're not gonna. I could make you a different game right now. It'd be shit, but it'd be different. And we'll see how much play it gets. >Wow, I'm speechless you can't possibly be serious. \ What a wonderful rebuttal. Haven't you given the slightest bit of thought as to why zombie media is so popular? The zombie Apocalypse is a fantasy, and giving people the opportunity to live it is fun to them. >I actually responded to your "realistic" argument. The problem with arguing about realism is that everyone defines it differently. You did. You said it was irrelevant, and then went on to laud the realism of the mod. Realism is not that difficult to define at all. Would it be reasonable for some of the lone survivors of the apocalypse in Russia to have a gun? Certainly. Is it reasonable that they don't? Not at all. Not saying it's impossible, but it's certainly unlikely and unrealistic.
  6. I love this idea. Slow zombies and infection are two staples of the zombie genre, and it would be remiss for them to be omitted in this mod. I'm not sure about the poster above me's idea about fast zombies, but I think the rest is brilliant.
  7. Bashfluff

    Journals/Diaries for writing down Events.

    I'm well aware. But before the devs use their time making this a reality, why not turn this from something few will use into something that many people would use? I get that immersion is high-up for most of us, but a journal isn't typically how people will get immersed. If this is to be done, it should be shown to be worth the time spent doing it. And that means adding some sort of incentive for the player to right in it. Nothing fancy, but enough to make it worthwhile. I mentioned a suggestion about taking other people's journals (but not being able to alter them) automatically when you kill them. THAT has some promise.
  8. To the contrary' date=' it encourages teaming up. Since the new patch, I've grouped up with more strangers than ever before The aim of this mod never was to be fun. Crouch walk' date=' prone, creep and be cautious. At this point and time, I don't take anyone seriously that talks about how hard it is to avoid zeds. Stealth in this game is very effective, some argue its overpowered. Due to the new zombie AI, you can actually outrun zombies now. [/quote'] "This game was never meant to be fun" What the hell? I don't think you know what you're talking about in the slightest. No, this game does not have mass appeal. That does not mean it isn't fun. The draw of any game is that its primary audience be entertained, for them to have fun. If no one was having fun, no one would be playing. This is basic game design, guy. This game has been getting around BECAUSE people find it so fun. It's not because they're miserable while they're playing it. A game not holding your hand is not the same thing as a game that is without fun. Living in a post-apocalyptic environment can be one of the most fun things you can imagine, especially realistically, by the way. And given that you dismissed my realistic argument as irrelevant, you have no business lauding how "authentic" this game is, because it all comes down to the same thing.
  9. Bashfluff

    Journals/Diaries for writing down Events.

    I know that this game constantly requires you to be moving, constantly requires your attention, ESPECIALLY when you're moving around a lot. I know that most people aren't going to write in it because there isn't any incentives for them to do so. If the only benefit comes from the person picking it up after you die, there's no reason for the person to write. There is NOT a lot of downtime; this game demands you constantly be alert. And if you're walking, how the heck can you write anyhow without risking death, which can come (and does) at any time? Maybe you don't understand what incentive means, but what I'm talking about is giving a reason for someone to write in their journal, not requiring people to do so. Most of my problems stem from people choosing not to use the journal, so I don't understand how you got that...
  10. Bashfluff

    Semi Perma Death.

  11. Bashfluff

    Journals/Diaries for writing down Events.

    But see, the problem with that is even people who like immersion aren't going to take the time to write, most times. They're going to be playing. Most people don't trust each other and have a map open. They don't really need to write for any purpose but for the one that comes after, which would turn a lot of people off. There will be the occasional guy who jots down something worth reading, but I suspect it would be the exception and not the norm, even in this community. I like the idea, and I support it, but I also think that there should (somehow) be some incentives for writing in the journal, otherwise it could be a next to useless feature that hardly anyone uses.
  12. Bashfluff

    How to play this game

    I think that towns are where everything reaches a fevered pitch, but there's something to be said for skulking around small towns for ammo, trying to figure out how the zombies are moving, how to sneak in without being aggro'd, and how to get around the world without being shot. It's unnerving and has this atmosphere that is still tense and frightening without having to be fast-paced. I DO think that everyone should visit the city every now and again to vary things up, but in my opinion, it's a deathtrap that usually should be avoided for anyone who wants to prolong their gameplay experience. Plus I have more fondness for stealthy gameplay than the more COD stuff that can happen in towns (although I could never seriously compare the two, you must admit, it can seem that way at times).
  13. Bashfluff

    Journals/Diaries for writing down Events.

    What's interesting now to me is the idea posted on the other thread about players keeping the journals of everyone they have killed without being able to alter them and without wasting any space. I think that would be interesting.
  14. Bashfluff

    No weapon at spawn

    I've seen evidence that contradicts your own, OP. Don't assume that everyone must agree with you or they're being ridiculous. For every account of someone easily finding a weapon or never having an issue with bandits, there's another about how they keep getting camped and can't find shit. Maybe going back to the way things were isn't the way to solve it, but there is an issue here, and to pretend that it doesn't exist because you don't have problems strikes me as both exceedingly arrogant and ignorant.
  15. Bashfluff

    How to play this game

    Please elaborate. Perhaps add something of value. This worked for me and still does. I could see how someone could take issue with it. Maybe that bit isn't essential, because whether or not you decide to risk going to a big city for good supplies is dependent on your playing style. High risk, high reward and whatnot. Many players tend to scavenge around the map and stay away from the towns. Of course, there isn't a defense for the useless, uninformative nature of the one criticizing your post for no discernible reason.
  16. Bashfluff

    Journals/Diaries for writing down Events.

    Just for discussion: There is obviously the potential for trolling here. I'm not sure if anyone would care much, but i expect at least some people to fill their diary with swear words or generic complaining that "you killed me". On the other hand, humanizing the other players has a small chance of decreasing banditry by a tiny bit. I don't see a reason for bandits to want to read it, and I can see obvious issues with forcing players to read it when a kill is made or even when looting. UNLESS there's something in there that they could possibly want. However, there's next to no reason to suspect that without a reason for someone to write in the journal. And even then one would think that the contents would be for entertainment purposes, not information.
  17. Bashfluff

    Turn game bad habits into real life bad habits

    The problem is that some of these actions are frequently used in a legitimate way or are hard to detect, so any punishment would end up hurting more innocent people than guilty. I more support a way to make these things impossible rather than a one size fits all punishment system. But it IS an interesting concept, I'll grant you that.
  18. Bashfluff

    Journals/Diaries for writing down Events.

    Ooh, THIS I like. It would add to immersion and perhaps reveal interesting information. But I can't help but think no one would use it because it only offers incentives for the person who finds it, and none for the one who writes it. If someone can come up with an in-game reason to write in it, I'm sold.
  19. Bashfluff

    "Secret balance fixes"

    It's a secret to everyone.
  20. Bashfluff

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I'd be careful about banning people to prevent accidental punishment of the innocent (unless it's obvious they were just evading) and just wait for the patch that claims it will stop all of this.
  21. Bashfluff

    How to play this game

    Welcome to DayZ. All smug joking aside about how harsh and unforgiving this game is, this is why I see the need for a tutorial and a slightly increased weapon spawning rate. For you, guy, I'd suggest researching the game a little more. Look up a map and how to use it, and check out this video for everything else you need to know: It teaches you not only the basics but some nasty little glitches to look out for and some tips to help you along. As far as not being able to find things/map... As much as I hate the excuse, this IS an alpha, so calm down a smidgen. Things like that are going to be rocky for a while because the devs aren't exactly focused on polishing a product in an extensive testing phase by making it extrememly user-friendly. As popular as this game seems to be now, they may look into it to keep in new players, but until then, you'll just have to grin and bear it.
  22. It won't. But in my experience, people don't usually snipe new players now, because it's just so easy to go up and get them because they can't fight back. I know other players have issues with this... There needs to be a more permanent solution to the bandit and weapons issue. The bandit one for obvious reasons. And the weapons one for reasons multiple people have listed. I favor bringing back the starting weapon for one reason only: choice. I've seen a lot of people bitching that they can't defend themselves or find a weapon. I still haven't found one in the six hours of time I've spend today looking. But there are others who LIKE having to go out and really look hard to find even the worst weapon. I'd usually say to increase the weapon spawn rate a bunch to placate the first group, but it makes things too easy for the second. From where I'm standing, it DOES need to be increased, but only a little. The solution should come from people being able to choose whether or not they want to spawn with a gun. Bandits wouldn't be drawn to new players, I presume. Because of the generally snobbish attitude of what seems like the majority of players about making things realistic at the cost of gameplay, I'd imagine they'd take the no spawn automatically. EDIT: A previous poster made an interesting point about the direction that new players tend to go, some might say HAVE to go, to get supplies. Do you think that this would be solved by making people spawn at different points around the map so that there are multiple places to get supplies that may or may not be occupied by players instead of one big battleground? Are there not enough supplies in most of these towns to make that work, only causing people to have to wander farther to a "main" city to get their supplies? It's an interesting point, I thought.
  23. Bashfluff

    Single Player Tutorial

    Games like this should feel challenging, but the challenge should come from the inadequacy of the player, not the unfairness of the game. Making it to where we can't see the controls, now that would be challenging and realistic. Fair? Hell no. There's a balance there. Some people LIKE being thrown into the game not knowing what to expect, and some people research and look up the game, how to play, tips on where to search, maps of the game world, etc. No amount of complaining about how you're supposed to play the game will stop these people. In my opinion, you should support people playing the game however they wish as long as it doesn't impact others. An optional tutorial for new players could serve as an introduction to mechanics that they're unfamiliar with, like the inventory and healing systems that I had to look up to figure out, as well as practicing sneaking and such. Complaining that it ruins the game for other people seems laughable to me, because they will choose to play the tutorial or not to depending on how they want to play. A tutorial would be excellent.
  24. Bashfluff

    Bring Back Starter Weapon Petition

    Signed. Players with guns are constantly killing other players for their supplies with absolutely no risk to them, given the low spawn rate of weapons.