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About Stevenn_

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Stevenn_

    Balancing Base Building

    Does anyone have any news on when base building will be properly balanced? I walled off a house today (on a server using a buildanywhere mod) and not more than 6 hours later the base is raided. I built in a camp because i thought it was a cool spot but because it takes simply 5 minutes to raid it's already gone. Base building makes the game so much better, but I hate that it's so easy to raid, and I feel like it would be very easy to balance. For now, a patch could be put out to make it take multiple hatchets at like a few minutes each instead of literally 1 hatchet/pliers/etc and 45s of holding your mouse :( Steven
  2. Stevenn_

    Where is the best place to find m4 mag

    I would double carry until you find the m4 mag and an acog then drop the ak
  3. Stevenn_


    I completely agree. Pretty useless. The only time I use one is when looting military bases because on the server I play on I can sell the extra guns @ the trader and I need a backpack to carry the guns in my backpack.
  4. Stevenn_

    So it took you 6 hours to build a base?

    im pretty sure gates are unbreakable so just gate off a house and you're good to go. as nacho said im sure health will be adjusted as necessary