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Everything posted by PoweredByte

  1. PoweredByte

    Possible cheater - report

    Play on Community Servers, ive had this happen too and the devs will not address this, you can check my recent posts for more information.
  2. PoweredByte

    Survivor GameZ dead?

    1 year later.. maybe someone has new information about what happend to Survivor GameZ?
  3. PoweredByte

    Survivor GameZ dead?

    Hello, i would like to know if Survivor GameZ is now completely dead or if it will be back in the Future. Greetings
  4. PoweredByte

    1.19 Stable Release / Wipe News

    You're right, what's the point of gathering anything IN A GAME...
  5. PoweredByte

    DayZ | +45 QoL suggestions | Part 2

    really really good suggestions, but you kinda forgot Cars 😅
  6. Update: - Decreased Multivimatin Spawns slightly - Moved Bears a little closer to coast
  7. Name: Coronafied.tk | 1PP | Vanilla | No Mods | Active Admin Monitoring IP: coronafied.tk OR directly via Coronafied offers a harsh environment and a pure DayZ Vanilla experience with no tweaks at all, just like any Official Server- but this time- with Admins constantly fighting against Cheaters/Hackers Please make use of the ingame-radio for VoIP Communications. The server is monitored daily, admins are always available to assist and support. Our rules are strict and very clear: - Try to survive! - Raiding bases is allowed This is 100% Vanilla, No Mods or anything similar required. Technical info: - Dedi Server with more than enough capacity for at least 60+ Players. - 60players slots - 99.9% SLA, highly maintained server Look us up in Discord for more details and support: https://discord.gg/dRPGRFEUyU
  8. Update: - Increased Multivitamin Spawns slightly.
  9. PoweredByte

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    that's what you call an "invisible bullet", hackers are doing that for months now- i already complained about that very often but nobody really cares. dont' play on Official Servers, thats Rule #1
  10. PoweredByte

    Survivor GameZ dead?

    i cant join any servers anymore, i think it got cancelled or something.. sadly
  11. PoweredByte

    Hackers on official?

    Hello, for a few days now i'm getting randomly killed, not hearing a shot or anything else, doesnt matter if i'm inside my Base in Electro, or walking around in Cherno.. I can only see my character falling backwards with blood splashing out of my Characters head, following with "You are dead". Can anyone relate or has some ideas what this could be?. EDIT: Server i'm playing on is: DE1420
  12. PoweredByte

    Hackers on official?

    this is ridiculous and gives me the feeling that there are 0 admins at all if only there would be a report player button..
  13. PoweredByte

    Hackers on official?

    a stranger and me just died again (completely different location now)
  14. PoweredByte

    Hackers on official?

    I recorded it now for better analysis , (i know, it could be a player with some skill, but i'm 99% sure it isnt, just because it happens so often the last 2 days now) also, its both times a perfect headshot, and i'm not sure if someone is actually that skilled to perfectly hit in such a short delay. (also only 8 Players were online on that Server)
  15. PoweredByte

    Hackers on official?

    my Friend and me just got killed again at the Airfield (inside a Building), i saw him getting headshotted 2x times and i ran away, after that i got headshots (WHILE RUNNING).. please do something against this.. this truly destroys DayZ
  16. PoweredByte

    Hackers on official?

  17. PoweredByte

    Hackers on official?

    i know that, but i'm also getting "headshotted" inside my base, like inside walls and stuff, in other Buildings too...
  18. PoweredByte

    Stable Update 1.11

    Why releasing a Roadmap if most of these things won't be added anyways? i think they will just get more hate
  19. PoweredByte

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    why adding cars then? who wants to play on empty servers just to drive around- makes no sense to me.
  20. PoweredByte

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    "It's really not a big issue." - It definitely is! flying cars are more than a common thing, not only flying tho, cars are getting pushed into the ground so often And it doesn't matter if "1.10 has added the pipe wrench and less engine damage" if your speedometer just maxes out randomly and the engine goes red out of nowhere
  21. PoweredByte

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    probably haha, i wish tho...
  22. PoweredByte

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Im very proud of this Update! now we just need a better Vehicle Engine that doesn't turn any vehicle into a Spaceship ^^
  23. PoweredByte

    DayZ in 2020

    https://imgur.com/a/zVIjzZL Theres your Helicopter 🙂
  24. I'm not sure about this one, you can try to change the values in the globals.xml file.
  25. PoweredByte

    bad version server rejected

    Login into your Steam Account and update the Server :)