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Hieronymus Josche

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Everything posted by Hieronymus Josche

  1. Currently, when a survivor/culo bandito enters a town/area with structures, then clears all the zombies, zombies will respawn at annoyingly quick rate, breaking immersion because you see them teleporting/switching between their spawn locations, and forcing the player to blast off all their presh ammos and bullets. It makes sense to put pressure on the player to not just jam out with their clam out and loot farm all the live long day. but how about this: When a player enters an area that zombies spawn, they clear the zombies, then they place an item or a "flag" (this could be anything, a campfire, a tent, a vehicle) Zombaloids will now spawn OUTSIDE of that area by 200 meters, and any loot stops spawning, (no cheating or sploiting, K mang?) Now players have a safe zone. Now you may ask, "Well, what's the fuggin point?" To use the structures as shelter, or a base and generally give some life to the world. Give the carebears a nice place to play nice tower defense, give the culo banditos something to raid. Also, say some noodle head sets up camp at a location with some high quality loot meats; barakas/horsepittle/derpstand (OH yeah! thats right! they think's their is SOOOO funny) Other players would have good reason to take them the fug out. TL;DR, Make a item that creates 200 meter "no zombie/loot spawn" zone, enabling base building in existing structures
  2. Hieronymus Josche

    item that creates a "no zombie spawn" zone suggestion

    SHIT! I just realized, I think Vipeax or someone else on the mod team, started a thread about an idea like this a month ago or so, I can't find it now, but sorry for duping :(
  3. Hieronymus Josche

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    The bandit skin needs to be back, there is really no way to establish someone's motive in a subtle way, this is a bullet simulation dressed up in a FPS jumpsuit, not LA Noir. I keep seeing the same two arguments against having the bandit skin back; 1. I'll "accidentally" get turned into a bandit from: defending myself or stuff, friendly fire, who fucking knows??? to which I ask, Where are all the youtube videos of this crippling bug with the humanity system? A quick search shows 69 returns, 5 of which are bandits just killing people, with all the other crazy shit that people manage to capture, this is the only one: and its user error, the guy "thinks" he is getting shot at, so he intentionally makes a decision to shoot that player, and even then, he doesn't get the kill. argument #2, and my personal favorite: "I've got to look out for #1, people are just going to take all my sweet loot meats!" Newsflash! THE LOOT IN THIS MOD RESPAWNS!! THERE ARE NO SCARCITY OF RESOURCES TO JUSTIFY THE SORT OF BEHAVIOR THAT WARRANTS YOUR SELF AGGRANDIZING NIHLISTIC FANTASY! that being said, Be a prick! shoot who you want! I could fucking care less, but be the duck your always wanted to be and quit justifying a non existant reason to be an asshole. If you want to take a shit in my sandwhich because it sexually excites you, I'm not going to judge that, sure I'll be pissed for 30 seconds, and then I'll go get all that gear back..BECAUSE IT RESPAWNS
  4. Hieronymus Josche

    item that creates a "no zombie spawn" zone suggestion

    Yeah, the object would have to be destructable
  5. Hieronymus Josche

    item that creates a "no zombie spawn" zone suggestion

    ok, but why? you think it makes the game too easy? you don't like the idea of someone blocking spawn from looting? you think that 200 meters is too far away or too close?
  6. Hieronymus Josche

    item that creates a "no zombie spawn" zone suggestion

    I see your point, but it wouldn't stop the zombies from spawning, just move them "out" by 200m, so they aren't spawning right on top of the place that you are having a real nice base for stuff. yeah, its not really about 'repelling" zombies, but just having them not appear in front of you when they've been cleared, but still you have an interesting idea.
  7. Hieronymus Josche

    item that creates a "no zombie spawn" zone suggestion

    I'll be sure to type shit out like this EVERYTIME, and I'll be sure to respond to EVERYTHING YOU POST
  8. Hieronymus Josche

    How to avoid getting raped by established players?

    In Arma II every rifle can be used to easily site and kill a player at around 900 feet ~ 300 meters. So Imagine a person laying under a pine tree that far away from you in real life, you would never see them. There idea of a "shoot out" or "firefight" is some action movie bullshit. If you hear shots and can't see the shooter it's too late, they have you sighted, just run away from direction of the gunfire as fast as you can, if you aren't already dead. As far as the douchebag thing, the entire engine is based around ballistics and high powered rifles, so it's only natural that people will tend to shoot everything they can since its the most well developed aspect of the scenario.
  9. Hieronymus Josche

    Noob here (Need help, not items)

    Pretty much what everyone else said: The game engine has really strange collision detection, standing too close to moving doors can hurt/kill your character, crawling upstairs, through tight doorways or too close to trees can also ruin your day. For the zombies chasing you, if you break there line of sight, they will quit chasing, but will continue to search for you. I recommend running up a steep hill to gain some ground, or running through a building that has two openings, also, you can lose them in bushes or thicker forrest, when think you've lost them, hold down the left alt key to look around while you continue you to move one direction. if you dont see them, crouch, it will make it hard for them to pick up your scent. As for structures, there are only a hand few of buildings that are actually enterable, since all of the structures are just the same ones copied and pasted in all the different villages and towns, you will soon see, the best sign that a building is enterable is that you can see into the building through the windows. http://www.dayzwiki....title=Main_Page the DayA wiki has a lot of good information, but it sort of ruins the fun of discovering stuff on your own, so be warned
  10. Hieronymus Josche

    Player Identification and Classification System

    Well, yes, the mask gives a survivor a way to opt out of the system, but is a way of letting anyone who see's the mask know that that survivor is hiding something, so it's like a bandit skin, but one that's self imposed. Players aren't "forced" down a path of banditry.
  11. Hieronymus Josche

    Player Identification and Classification System

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/14446-yet-another-suggestion-to-encourage-teamwork-and-pk-accountability/ I posted a similar idea a while ago, the big difference being, the ID reveal was the choice of the player. I would say make an item like a "bandit mask" that way a player who has it equipped can't be ID'd.
  12. Hieronymus Josche

    Axe Murders

    I find an axe near Elektro, I don't have anything else. I go to the school building, enter through the back door. At the opposite end of the hallway, a fella with a dbl barrel shnotty. "OH FUDGE" methinks, as I run towards entrance, he fires, I get lucky and he misses, not by much. I run to the brick building across the parking lot, through that building, around the next and wait by the corner. His trigger happy ass has now brought a hoard on him. I start to creep back to the last building I ran through. In 3rd Pers (hey! it's not cheap if I'm using a melee weap), I can see that noodlehead trying his best to cover the diametrically opposed doorways. He does not see the 3 zomboloids wandering towards him until they are in the building. BOOM!! he fires both barrels into the zombz (they really need to add the option to fire just one at a time). Seizing my opportunity to go berzerker, I run up on Elmer Fudd. He turns around just in time to catch a piece of wedged steel right in the kisser.
  13. Forgive me if this has been mentioned before, I searched high and low couldn't find this suggestion. Although I'm sure there is some variation along this idea.. Here we go: Create the ability for players to turn on their own player tag. This tag wouldn't just have the player name, it would also contain; Zed Kill count, survivor kill count, player helped/saved (bandaging, giving items to, giving transfusions) and time alive. This tag would only be visible to players that were within a certain distance of the player exposing their "tag" (around 30m) I imagine the scenario like this: Two players come across each other, instead of killing each other, they both flip on their flags. Now both players can get a very basic overview of each others stats, how experienced the other player is, and say if player A has a high pk count but also a high player "helped" count, player B has to decide whether or not they are trustworthy. The information is presented as neutrally as possible. When a player sees another's ID, they now have to decide how to interpret that information. Players aren't presented as "bandits", but their actions are on display, but only to whom they choose to reveal that information to. So, if players never want to reveal their stats to other players they don't have to. Also if a players are working together and their flags are on, when things get hairy, situational awareness becomes much better, but only at a certain distance, once a player left the 30m range, the flag disappears. Once again, sorry if this has already been suggested. I think this suggestion adhere's to the mechanic of not setting up a system that rewards or punishes a certain play style, but encourages people to think on their feet and judge each situation for themselves.
  14. Hieronymus Josche

    Wish List

    1. More varied terrain features, rivers with strong/unpredictable current, mountains with sheer faces/cliffs. Make the terrain another aspect of the game to contend with. While there is definitely an element of strategy already involved, (picking the faster open fields, less cover, or the slower forests and hills, more cover) Having to cross a dangerous river/mountain to get somewhere sounds like an exciting aspect of having to survive, and this ties into my next wish... 2. the ability to scale/free climb cliffs/structures, with a mechanic somewhat like this: http://www.foddy.net/GIRP.html Keep the brutal sense of peril and difficulty, but the reward of overcoming the environment. Scaling buildings and other structures for a better vantage point, safety, or just to get to the next destination.
  15. Hieronymus Josche

    Flaslight attachment on jacket or flashlight headgear

    yes, being able to have the light follow your gaze while you looking one direction and moving another, AWESOME!
  16. I think some sort of accountability for killing/helping/surviving would go a long way, right now, superficially anyway, it seems that killing players is the most immediately "rewarding" behavior. The game has a plethora of really powerful ballistic weapons, so people tend to follow that path of interaction with other players and the environment.
  17. Hieronymus Josche


    I've always thought Duct tape would be a great addition, attach a flash light to anything, attach the knife or a hatchet to a pole or stick, a grenade to a doorway.
  18. Hieronymus Josche

    Yet another suggestion to encourage teamwork and PK accountability

    Can't be to sure about anything in Day Z ;)
  19. Hieronymus Josche

    Yet another suggestion to encourage teamwork and PK accountability

    Subtlety is very important, just can't imagine it's possible with the current engine
  20. Hieronymus Josche

    Yet another suggestion to encourage teamwork and PK accountability

    The point is to have a hard, indisputable metric that a player can AT will reveal to another player. The chat is already full of bullshitters...
  21. Hieronymus Josche

    Can no longer join any server

    10:30 pm PST US 6/18 Had gotten a bad spawn (out in the middle of barren land off the game map) was going from server to server trying to see if I would randomly spawn back inside the map. I adjusted my gamma settings, everything was too dark to see where I was going. When I attempted to switch servers I got the following error message: " The server is running the incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are a server admin please contact the DayZ staff. " This message appears on every server I attempt to connect to. Version currently running: Im currently running the Arma II: OA beat version 98325, Day Z version Servers connected to: Any and all servers that claim to be running Sys Specs: pentium i5 2.7 10 gigs of ram nvidia quadro 1800 time line of events: Bad spawn in the middle of nothing, joining various servers to attempt better spawn, heading SE, found survivor corpse, took matches from the corpse, logged into various servers, adjusted gamma settings, attempted to switch servers, recieved error message was unable to join any servers.