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Everything posted by PandahFistophacleezeSykes

  1. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Stable Update 0.63.149464

    Server restarts / crashes are resetting positions of vehicles . This is extremely frustrating because me and a friend found two cars tonight and both times we filled the cars with tires batteries etc only to go find more car parts and have the server crash minutes after ... upon logging back in the car is always gone . something with persistence or vehicles is cleaning up the servers cars on every server crash / sudden disconnect. TLDR: vehicles disappear upon server crash , they also are far too fragile and disappear if you bump the radiator .. also the gas consumption is way too high.
  2. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Trading Post

    Lol no one has been playing enough to trade since February .. or there’s nothing worth trading XD
  3. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Spray paint in 0.63??????????

    Don’t ghillie suits start off green ?
  4. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Night Is Great!

    Light sources and batteries need to be more common loot , the moon needs to light up the night if it’s cloudless , and the devs need to eventually add a dual weilding system in which different items could be held by the hands at one time (E.g. flashlight and a pistol). Also , Whatever happened to the devs idea of your eyes acclimating to the darkness and attaining “‘natural night vision” after staying in the darkness for a while ? Night in dayz sa right now is too grainy , too unrealistic , and gets in the way of actual gameplay especially if you are unlucky enough to have a work schedule that forces you to play on dark servers due to never being able to play in the daytime (irl daytime seems to somehow match with In game day time ?). Fix it in the specific ways I listed in my first paragraph and you will have an amazing night system , all thanks to muah .
  5. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Came back to it after a year or so...

    Ya it’s really sad to see this as a BETA . If any of you played before .63 you would see a LOT of stuff missing . Countless weapons and items , wolves , farming , fishing , remapping keybind (you have to do it every time you enter game it doesn’t fucking save lol) 2 vehicles , placing fireplaces in already made fire spots , diseases aren’t working (although they are listed as working and apparently there’s “4 sicknesses”) . Overall the game feels like it took a few steps forward in its weak areas and about a dozen steps back in all of its strong areas .
  6. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    [SUGGESTION] ADS memory after weapon collision

    Then make it a 1st person only thing . After all when you’re playing 3rd person you aren’t really PLAYING the game are you ? You’re just watching ;)
  7. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    character to use both hands?

    Yes we will need this soon, if it’s easy and quick to implement I say do it ASAP . Otherwise they best have it done for 1.0 or later !!
  8. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Decrease Item Damage

    Honestly this hasn’t been an issue for me compared to earlier builds . I think it was .61 or .60 when the zombies would literally wreck your clothes and any items on you in one or two hits. I think we have hit a good balance with this patch , I’ve been getting struck by zombies pretty frequently but have only needed to repair my gun twice , and my clothes are now at damaged / badly damaged but these are the first outfit I found after spawning a few days ago - been playing for at least 3-4 hours per day since then Too so IMO there’s plenty of wear and tear here but not too much .
  9. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Realistic animation

    Yes Too many words and not enough DELIVERANCE.
  10. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    *INVENTORY* - Slot separation/Quickbar Accessibility

    I only agree this should be worked on past 1.0 , but even past the long awaited features that are supposed to come after 1.0 . So not directly after 1.0 , but maybe 6 months after so they can work on shit that’s a priority . These small things really shouldn’t be focused on right now ... they need to get the core mechanics polished and they need to add everything they took out / have promised for years on end .
  11. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Melee Animation Need Redone

    I don’t believe we should nitpick this just yet . My idea here is that a soft skill will eventually be put in that deals with the efficiency of swinging melee weapons and dealing damage with them . I think someone who masters the “melee soft skill” should be rewarded with more fluid animations and no animation locks - a person with NO melee soft skill however would swing like we do currently and not have much control over the stance lock while attacking. The devs can actually make this wonky animation work if they properly introduce a melee soft skill , making the user much more fluid and efficient at melee attacks when “leveled up” in this particular skill. The zombies going through you while attacking you is bullshit and needs fixing though .
  12. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Getting sticks from bushes without sharpened items

    Ya kind of mind boggling how .63 became much less user intuitive than .62 - and it also became much less realistic with no sticks on forest floor , rocks being super rare (like wtf ? Knives are everywhere but hey let’s make rock knives SUPER FUCKING RARE) and all the real weapon names changed to some silly shit . Get back on track dayz , we get that you needed a break from the real work but now the vacation is over and we need you to get back to work . And please don’t let the interns take this one again .
  13. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Server hopping - base security

    Yes bases disappearing is bullshit - no need for that crap if you just put in a good base raiding model . I would say model the base raiding after Dayz aftermath . Dayz Aftermath was a great dayz mod back in the day that approached base raiding pretty fairly . You would need multiple sledgehammer , toolbox , and I think some other tools to get through a gate or a wall - no explosives were implemented before the shut down of the mod but it made for much better raiding because you couldn’t just blow their walls . You would need legit 5 sledgehammers and other tools depending on the level of the gates / walls , because during the break in the tools would easily snap , sometimes taking up to an hour or more to break through all the walls of the base . This ensured that people weren’t quickly wiping out all the bases on the map with farmed explosives , and also it meant you had to be at the enemies base for longer periods of time . I wish the devs for that mod would resurface , they were some crazy aussies with great ideas but when standalone came out they were intimidated and stopped the project . It’s a Damn Shame too because besides the bugginess of the RV engine , Dayz Aftermath had everything going for it: curable diseases , craftable cures for the zombie plague , new buildings , whole new additions to the map akin to what Chernarus plus looks like now , and a passion for a vanilla experience that really stressed the original dayz experience and just made it better with awesome things like a military base with electric powered gates that was a conquerable base in Balota .
  14. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Stable Update 0.63.149464

    Ugh persistance and vehicles need to be fixed like ASAP . There’s really no point in playing at all if it keeps disappearing or being destroyed by one little bump when all of our shits in it . Fix basebuilding , Fix vehicles (vehicles need less fuel consumption , need to be less fragile , and need to be less rare) and add in all the weapons you took out . why did you guys even take out weapons for beta ? I don’t understand why you needed to beCause they were already modeled and programmed , why take work you had completed and just throw it in the garbage ?
  15. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Weapons in .63

    Blaze 95 - gone Fn fal - gone Steyr aug - gone Red 9 - gone trumpet - gone sporter - gone Longhorn - gone vss vintorez - gone SVD - maybe gone Glock - gone ? derringer - wtf ? Gone ? Pm73 rak - gone ? Ak 101 - gone improvised bow - unable to be crafted If anyone has seen any of these “gone” weapons , let me know , and I’ll take it off this list ... but so far I feel like almost all of these weapons have truly been taken out which is a huge shame cuz there’s like 6 more weapons on top of these weapons taken out that still needs to be implemented . Weapon wise , dayz is a shadow of its former self .
  16. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    I just don't have any words left.

    Why would Helmets that don’t cover the face , protect your face ? Your logic is broken on that one . The only one that protects your face is ummm the one with the face shield ? lol
  17. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Stable Game

    Slugs or buckshot ? Buckshot spreads too much rn it seems , but if you had buckshot then the game was definitely desyncing .
  18. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Rotate items added ASAP

    We all play tarkov , even if you don’t you probably want this feature ... so please give us the rotating item feature from that game as it makes perfect sense for a survivor to play Tetris rather than leave something very useful behind simply because it won’t rotate into the right spot . i know it’s been asked for before but I’m asking here to see it implemented ASAP - as there’s not much time seeing as 1.0 is supposed to be here by 2019....
  19. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Orb of light over fire

    I made a campfire and this orb of light just floats over it... This was a dark , rainy night under a construction "carport" on top of the construction site. https://imgur.com/a/rBNpWFh I Could not submit to the bug tracker for some reason =(
  20. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Pls fix the night issue

    This is me looking straight through the third floor of the construction site to an open lot. I see nothing without flashlight (mine just disappeared?) : https://imgur.com/a/kqHluIk please add "acclimation" to the darkness after some time (~20 mins of being in total darkness should grant partial "natural night vision") and maybe even brighten the night up a bit with the effects of the moon.
  21. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Stable Update 0.63.149442

    Cars definitely need to be fixed ... they are currently too rare , too fragile , and too gas consuming to care about . If you need us to test and provide proper feedback PLEASE increase the spawn rate , durability , and gas tank size of the vehicles . Overall lots of bugs need ironing out . I hope this happens before thanksgiving .
  22. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Which Vehicles are in BETA now?

    Yea haven’t seen a vehicle yet zzzzz it’s a shame they really need more on the map , fighting for control of like 5 vehicles per massive chernarus map will get old quick .
  23. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Came back to it after a year or so...

    Yes more wolves (if there are any atm) and aggressive zombies would be great . I remember when they first made the zombies able to jump fences and walls they were very aggressive and threatening , but since then they have gotten weaker and weaker.
  24. Things removed from .62: -some guns (not sure which, but I swear we’re still missing some, and of course still waiting for half a dozen to be implemented) -fishing -farming -throwing -custom keybinding -controller support (wtf ? Isn’t it on xbox ?) Some others maybe missing , these are just off the top of my head . I REALLY hope that these features / guns get re-added ASAP as they added so much to the game it’s mot even funny .. I’m not going to stop playing because of their absence but I am missing them greatly .
  25. PandahFistophacleezeSykes

    Is armor worth it nowadays?

    Hmm interesting , I wonder if legit full body armor like we see in tarkov would be implemented eventually - adding even more protection for raids on enemy bases . Need me some fort armor for the next raid on neighbees base ;) !