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Everything posted by Lt.Master

  1. Lt.Master

    Having trouble setting up my server

    I have inside my own mission this "missing" file, however I'm not home so I can send you my mission.... What have you changed inside init.c ?
  2. Lt.Master

    DayZ is launching on PlayStation 4!

    Should be out for mid july
  3. Lt.Master

    Central Economy and and AI territories

    As I can see from the changlog. All the files are located inside the "worlds_chernarusplus_ce.pbo". We pick the files we want to modify and drop them inside our mission folder (?)
  4. Lt.Master

    Base Perimeter

    This idea was proposed a couple of times on reddit since 1.0 shipped... It could be a very good solution but I see a couple of issues... The no-spawn area could increase gradualy with the amount of player made structure (probably not a problem) HOWEVER, how can I spawn inside my own base built by my friend ? Using a new system to claim the build and allow the player Y or X ? How do we tell the game "this wall is mine and I want to claim it" ? A base can be built by multiple people...
  5. Lt.Master

    Central Economy and and AI territories

    I guess you just have to place the xml file inside your mission to overwrite it ?
  6. Lt.Master

    1.04 patch Wednesday, June, 26, 2019

    The black screen isssue or the server browser hud on top of the game ui while playing is a know issue since a couple of days in experimental but is still a thing as you can see... With this new update a new system to prevent base ghosting have been implemented. To be short here's the idea : Join server 1 Play on the server 1 and log out in tisy (as a example) Comeback on server 1 but it's night time... So you leave once again Join server 2 because you don't want to play in night time You now spawned on the coast because you changed server.... I don't know if it's the devs who did that or if it's a issue with the server but this is what's happening
  7. Lt.Master

    Having trouble setting up my server

    Did you modified anything inside the folder dayzOffline.chernarusplus before ? Do you still have the "mapgroupdirt" file inside this folder ?
  8. Lt.Master

    Where did the items go?

    I never saw any 3d models for that so you probably dreamed (?)
  9. Lt.Master

    Where did the items go?

    They are still in the game files but are not used. It can be copyright issues like @nikoor said or it could be just pending for a specifc update. A lot of assests are still unsued like the field shovel for example ๐Ÿ™‚
  10. Lt.Master

    Vehicle Questions

    3 TYPES of cars not how many there are in the map. Ada 4x4 Olga Gunter 2 ๐Ÿ˜‰
  11. Lt.Master

    Base Weapon Attribute Override

    I haven't tryed but seems possible. I don't see why you couldn't change the name, attachements types or even bullets types of a existing gun... What have you tryed before posting here ?
  12. Lt.Master

    halp T_T Server hostname character cap?

    Just to recap. [MFPS]3PP|Spawnselect|Loot+|Traders|Enhanced Meds|FPS+|Fido-Mass-Squad|Hunting+| is 80 long [MFPS]3PP|Spawnselect|Loot+|Traders|Enhanced Meds|FPS+|Fido-Mass-Squa is 69 long I have to admit I have no clue at all.. It's not a int limit (1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128) and it's not the server provider... With DZSALauncher you have the same issue ? Or you only tryed with the server browser inside the game ?
  13. Lt.Master

    Real talk..

    If you are burned, you can still play at Project Zomboid who is THE zombie survival post apo game. However you should wait for the next update in my opinion ๐Ÿ˜‰
  14. Lt.Master

    Did DayZ Development partially stopped?

    @exacomvm Unity had the followings issues in 2014 : Multi-threading support (did not exist until Unity 2018.3) Networking solution was extermely bad. They had to re create it from scratch in Unity 2018 The Terrain support was basic and heavy. The plugins on the AT were not a permanant solution for goods results in the long run. A new terrain system have been created (again from scratch) with unity 2019.2 Unity would use unsued library and create build with thoses library. Got changed with Unity 2018.something HDRP was not a thing until Unity 2019.1 The graphic engine was outdated but evolved with each updates The shaders were limited until 2016 A lot more technical stuff that you can't tweak with unity (even if some of them have been fixed) In short, a Minecraft clone is going to run with a lot of lag spikes and low fps. And in 2014 games like The Forest, Rust, Subnautica were awfull to watch... Ugly, not optimized. I can't tell for Unreal Engine because I never used it, but since Facepunch use UE for Garry's mod 2... I guess it's a better engine for a game based on modding instead of Unity. Hytale, project zomboid, they are not on Unity or Unreal Engine... But they both have a very open modding game. And one last thing. It take time to develop something, it's not easy and it's not quick to do. They took the time they had to take. Nothing wrong there even after the 1.0. They had to tweak and fix everything and just by looking all the stuff they had to re create they were pretty quik in fact ! Since 1.03 we are finaly in the content periode where they don't fix major issues you/we don't see. As we saw, the 1.04 is also a content update. 1.05 will also be a content update. They just had to finish the job before releasing new features ๐Ÿ™‚
  15. Lt.Master

    All Ghillied up.....

    PS4, Xbox and PC version all have a dead leaf color on the ghillies. In the futur (don't know when) we will be able to color the ghillie to olive for example
  16. Lt.Master

    Experimental Update 1.04.151915

    The bits of music we heard in the trailers were fine but the complete music doesn't give the post apo vibe don't you think ? By listenning to the music in loop with this youtube video here's my impression : 0:00 to 0:25 โœ”๏ธ 0:26 to 0:40 โž–The build up is here, but doesn't hype... It's missing a personality to this moment 0:41 to 0:56โŒ it's fuzy... Messy, not organized... But it's just after a build-up... This is where I was expecting a drop but not a dead moment. 0:57 to 1:21 โœ”๏ธ 1:22 to 1:35 โŒ I don't have the survival post apo vibe at all. 1:36 to 2:04 โž– The"noise" created on top of the guitar add the post apo vibe but it's lacking of horror. I don't feel in danger, I just feel ready to kill everyone without any risk. 2:03 to the end โœ”๏ธ I have the feeling of danger, everything feels rotten, old, damaged, dangerous.
  17. Lt.Master

    Fix it or kill it

    Oh boy you are new to the game as I can see ๐Ÿ˜‚ As usual, all new experimental patchs bring tons of bugs. This is why experimental is a thing ๐Ÿ™‚ However, because they want to release the update to console mid july... We are probably going to see the story repeat with the 1.03 but here for the 1.04... On PC while you (console players) are going to wait for the update with you buggued scope in 1.02....
  18. The hitbox for the placement of any objects is pretty bad. This is not your fault, this is a issue since december... Inside some buildings you can't build or place tents almost anywhere for no reason. I don't see a lot of people complaining about and I never saw any tweaks to that issue in the past. All you can do is to try to found a sweet spot...
  19. Lt.Master

    Offline mode

    Hello ๐Ÿ™‚ Offline mode is a thing but this is a hidden feature. You just spawn at the coast and when you comeback you start all over again because the game doesn't save your progress. You can change all the values you are talking about but it's not with a nice UI with sliders and all of this... It's the lines of code.... Arkensor and his friends worked on a modified offline mode with more features. So you can spawn items, vehicles, animals, zombies, teleport and much more ๐Ÿ™‚ https://github.com/Arkensor/DayZCommunityOfflineMode
  20. Lt.Master

    more military grade vehicles

    In the base game I don't imagine a bmp-2 as a drivable vehicle. The devs have to code tons of stuff for a non planned feature.... And because we don't have any armored(of any types) vehicles in dayz mod. However, military vehicles such as a UAZ, URAL, HMMWV, Kamaz, Vodnick and a Pick-Up could be one day added into the game. They are in the mod for most of them ! They all have similarities with other vehicles planned for dayz so all they need to do is to create the 3d model, animate and create sounds for them. If the game stay popular after 2 to 3 years I don't see why bohemia won't continue the support of dayz in content ? For free or with dlc(s)... I don't know how they could bring dlc in this game but I'm sure they are going to found a solution x')
  21. Lt.Master

    more military grade vehicles

    Yeah... Depends if they are just going to release the complete game or expand with dlc(s) like with arma. Only time will tell us....
  22. Lt.Master

    more military grade vehicles

    When you think about the futur of dayz (in years, not months).... Why should we only have 1 truck (V3S). I don't know if the mini truck is categorized as a truck or car so let's say we only have the V3S. And only civilian cars ? No police, taxi, medical or military variants ? Seems odd don't you think ๐Ÿ˜‰ We could aswell see the UAZ or the URAL coming into the game with some variants like in arma 2 ? They don't need new code for the driving or mechanic part.... So why not... one day ?
  23. Lt.Master

    Red dot sight

    Wait you have this bug in 1.02 on console ? RIP x)
  24. Lt.Master

    Did DayZ Development partially stopped?

    Sounds like it's easy and quick to do but just the new sky rework with the same quality can take some days on his own. Realisticly, they took as much time fixing issue than any other game companies. Take all the patchnotes from dayz since 2019, take all the patchnotes of a another game since 2019 and compare to give you a idea. Do that again and again to get a accurate idea of how long it need to fix/tweak something. But I have a good news for you ! When 1.03 came out I've speculate we were at the end of the tweaking era and starting to get content updates.... Guess what, I was right ! The next update (1.04) is also a content update ! In short, the game is finaly going to get content and you just need to wait for the 1.05 to see if I'm still correct x) They never told us why they had to create a new engine instead of taking another one.... They probably have some reasons, like modding.... I guess ?
  25. Lt.Master

    Did DayZ Development partially stopped?

    Nothing have been said about any content related for dayz about this or any dlcs from arma 3 ๐Ÿ˜ž To recap what happend since 1.0 in december : Xbox what buggy as hell so they had to tweak 999 things They have reworked tons of stuff like the sky, the inventory, the night, the lights and much more They have released the game for PS4 Bullet Tracers 2 new cars and some "new" guns dynamic attachements radio/chemlight on a backpack Belts where you can attach knifes, pistols and canteens Tactical helmet with NVG and light as attachements With the next update you can attach grenades on your vest you can rotate items in the inventory Track-IR is now a thing Grenades is now a thing in the next update or in experimental Infected can wear stuff (helmets, backpacks, etc) (next update) All the stuff related to medical things are going to be usefull (for real this time) in the next update You can have 2 guns in your back (for example) with the next update MAYBE a solution to prevent base ghosting for the next update I've probably forgot some things but just remember the first 2 lines because this is what created that feeling of lack of content.... Oh wait this is not a feeling... x) And I'm just going to explain you one thing to help you understand a point. The new engine (since 0.63) ask to the dev team to re create everything from scratch. They need to re-add everything and redo everything.... Code, animations, UI, probably some sounds... This is why a LOT of content is missing from the 0.62 build. BUT this is not why they are STILL missing, this is the awnser from above ๐Ÿ˜‰ Oh and helicopters and bikes are no way coming this year in case you ask ๐Ÿ˜ž