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Everything posted by GHoffman

  1. GHoffman

    Requesting White List Entry

    Why does it take so long to get our servers added to the white list? Shouldn't this be an automated process by now? I have my instance I'd. I can't join my server and it just sits idle. This is a stupid problem to have!
  2. I have the same issues. I believe it's because the DayZ staff haven't added our server IP Addresses to the white list.
  3. It appears tht I'm just waiting for the server to get added to the white list by the DayZ staff. Thanks for all the help so far.
  4. GHoffman

    Requesting White List Entry

    bumpity bump bump
  5. I opened a ticket and hope to hear back from them soon. Do you happen to know what time zone HostAltitude operates out of? I am wondering because I know that they have a big presence in Europe as well as the United States.
  6. Hi there, I ordered a new VPS server on Tuesday. I know there is a delay in getting a new instance id from the DayZ staff, but can I get an estimated time on when my server will be ready? Thanks, Gregg Hoffman