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Everything posted by GHoffman

  1. GHoffman

    People using Tree /Grass exploit.

    Nope. Tested again and can connect with no problem! Bah...
  2. GHoffman

    People using Tree /Grass exploit.

    That's good to know, but you are leaving out vital information on how to properly check for this cheat!
  3. GHoffman

    People using Tree /Grass exploit.

    I just had someone test this by removing the tree and grass files and try to join my server. It just reports that they are using modified versions of these files and doesn't do a damn thing else! He can join no problem....
  4. Jerry cans shouldn't be rare, they should just be found EMPTY!
  5. GHoffman

    Huey Server restart/Crash whilst flying

    The chopper will respawn right where it crashed, or where it was last saved.
  6. Users are getting kicked from our server for this restriction more and more. What is this Script and where can I read more about what each script restriction is for?
  7. GHoffman

    BattlEye: Script Restriction #99

    Nope. I don't bother using the in-game admin features as they tend to break more things than they fix. I just use the Rcon tool. So, all these people are getting kicked because they are attempting to access the admin controls within the game? Can we get some verification from the developers on this? When I check the server's log, I see a good amount of people getting kicked by battleye because of this script restriction.
  8. GHoffman

    BattlEye: Script Restriction #99

    Nope, I'm glad these people are getting kicked currently. Are we allowed to ban for these offenses?
  9. GHoffman

    BattlEye: Script Restriction #99

    Thanks for the quick reply. That was the procedure that I thought I needed to do, but was unsure. This is my line 99: 5 BIS_alice_emptydoor What exactly does this script spawn into the game?
  10. I updated to this patch last night on our server (US129). After I got the Battleye .dll file installed everything has been very smooth. Load times are extremely quick. In-game performance seems to be increased as well. I've been having to give tech support to many users to install all the files properly. Many users rely on Six-updater so I've been trying to steer them away from that program and quit being lazy!
  11. GHoffman

    Banned from US129 for shooting at admin

    Threat against your life? You need help, man, really. The last time you were on our server you were on like a 24-48 hour marathon of playing DayZ. Get some sleep and then go see a mental health professional. Lack of sleep causes insanity and you show signs of it.
  12. GHoffman

    Banned from US129 for shooting at admin

    Yoshi is unbanned from our dayz server but still banned from team speak. Why you would want to come back is beyond me. In real life, you would have been hunted down and killed. Not be able to come back to grief us over and over. If you ask me, our solution was more realistic. You were a member of our group. You turned on us. Now you are on here crying. What's really sad is all the people on here defending your and the hacker's actions.
  13. GHoffman

    Banned from US129 for shooting at admin

    We did nothing but get the parts required to fix vehicles that the hackers damaged, so we could relocate our camp. We lost our Military Offroad vehicle the night before and it has never respawned. They teleported to our vehicle locations and completely leveled the entire camp and surrounding areas. They spawned about 20 satchel charges. Stop speaking about things you know nothing about. Why does this community think we must accept the illegitimate actions of hackers? Hackers by definition are illegitimate and anything they do does not count. Unless the developers rein in on these hackers, this game community will die as fast as it grew.
  14. GHoffman

    Banned from US129 for shooting at admin

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=29695 We would love to remove the password on our server, but we are cleaning up the damage to our camp and vehicles from the hackers last night and this afternoon.
  15. GHoffman

    Hacker on US129

    Last night, six of us are traveling to the North West Airfield in a vehicle. We were ambushed by a single guy with an M4 SD from the woods. We could tell by the sound of it. He shot out 1 tire and we exited the vehicle and took up defensive positions. We had night vision and thermal scoped weapons and could not find him after the initial attack. We hauled ass out of there after repairing the tire and headed back south. Wh we reached the Vybor area, we came under attack for the second time, also a single M4 SD. We exited the vehicle again and searched for him also finding nothing. We left there in a hurry and went further south to the gas station south of Pustoshka. Waiting for us on the road was a satchel charge which launched our vehicle into the air. Those that survived the explosion then came under fire from a single guy with an M4 SD. Our group of 6 made up more than half of the whole server. There is no way that there were multiple people coordinating this attack. This was 1 guy teleporting around the map, ambushing us with the same gun. It was a single guy wearing a guille suite and he attacked us from the northwest airfield all the way to Pustoshka while we were going full speed on the roads.
  16. GHoffman

    Hacker on US129

    They hit us again, this afternoon. This time they spawned satchel charges, EVERYWHERE! Everything was blown up. All tents, vehicles, everything. This needs to stop now. DayZ developers, we need some hot fixes to correct these hacking problems!
  17. GHoffman

    US233 Vehicle Spawns

    I read that only servers with an instance id of less than 1000 have vehicles enabled.
  18. We had the same issue. All of our vehicles and tents disappeared. When I restarted the server a few hours later, everything came back except our newest tents. The newest tents were completely empty. These had some of our most valuable, recent finds and they are completely gone.
  19. GHoffman

    Sidechat and broken bones

    Even though Required build was commented out was the server still running the 93965 files? So you could essentially have 93965 with side chat and have no problems or would it actually run 1.60 files? Yes, the server was updated with the latest Arma 2 and DayZ beta files. We discovered that because requiredBuild was commented out, clients running older versions of the Arma2 Beta could connect. (A hacker came into our server. He was invisible and invulnerable to gunshots.) This problem was cleared up when I erased the 2 forward slashes and requiredBuild began enforcing clients to have the latest arma2 beta patch. Edit: Also, certain people could use side chat in game while almost everyone else could not. That was the other clue for us. These people had older versions of Arma 2 installed.
  20. I got a request to increase the view range on our server a little bit. I would like to have the view range at least 1000m if possible. Is this a setting that I can adjust as a server admin and where would I find it so I can see what it's currently set to? -Thanks
  21. GHoffman

    Sidechat and broken bones

    We found out why side chat was still working when we had all the latest beta versions installed on our server. In the Server.cfg file there is the line called "requiredBuild = 93965". There are 2 forward slashes ("/") in front of it. These are not supposed to be there. Delete these 2 forward slashes and the server will start enforcing the Arma2 Beta version to be 93965 or above. Side chat will no longer be available on your server. Ex: "// RequiredBuild = 93965" should be "RequiredBuild = 93965"
  22. GHoffman

    Server Setup Questions

    In your server.cfg file, you need to edit the requiredBuild setting. It has the forward slash's in front of it "/". These are not supposed to be there. Delete the 2 forward slashes in front of the "requiredBuild = 93965" setting and the command will actually start enforcing the beta restriction. This will keep users who have older beta version from joining your server and not let them still have access to the side chat channel. I hope this helps!
  23. GHoffman

    Script Restriction #16

    Thank you so much! This fixed my problem on my server as well.
  24. Hello, I am the admin for a new server and would like to request admission to the white list. I have sent PMs to several Developers with no response. I'm not sure if I sent the PMs to the right Developers, though. Please add, instance ID 618 Thanks, Gregg Hoffman