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Don't Panic

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About Don't Panic

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    On the Coast
  1. Don't Panic

    Weird Teleporting

    Weird thing happened when my brother and i were raiding the tents at Stary yesterday. I was in the tents, my brother was in the forest north of the camp keeping an eye on things, and we heard shooting, probably comming from the deer huts north of Stary. We decide to get out, and start moving west along the hill overlooking Stary, staying on the South side of the hill, so anyone by the deerhuts can't see us. As we reached the outskirts of Stary, I disappeared, and reappeared back in the forest just above the camp. I start making my way west again along the same path, and a minute later, I'm back in the exact same spot north of the camp. There was no desynch or lag or anything, so I'm not too sure why I was sent back to the exact same place twice. Thoughts?
  2. Found 3 morphine in a deerstand last night.
  3. Don't Panic

    Heli crash sites?

    Yeah, I lucked out today; my brother and I found two crashed choppers 3 minutes apart. Got l85 at one, m14 at the other. Not too shabby. One didn't have too many infected, the other one had 20+, though there was a deerstand and some houses nearby. Either way, best way to look for loot is by using binos at a distance, and ideally with some elevation to avoid missing anything in the grass.
  4. Don't Panic

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I tried throwing a smoke grenade from a deer hut into a field (helo crash and houses nearby), so there were about 20 zombies roaming around, and 12 of them were right around the grenade. Only 2-3 reacted to the smoke, the rest ignored it. Not sure if smoke was tonned down, but I was a bit surprised given how they often react to thrown tin cans.
  5. Don't Panic

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    One thing I've noticed is that when crawling up to the ladder on deerstands, i'm at no bars, when i click to climb, I get up, go to being very visible, then I'm at no bars again while climbing. I'm not sure of the mechanics or code behind this, but could something similar be applied to doorways, where somehow you are at zero (or very low) bars when going through doors? That way crawling up to doors then having to rise doesn't always get you caught.
  6. Don't Panic

    Who "owns" Day Z?

    This is mostly a series of open ended questions directed at Rocket et al. As the thread topic asks, who "owns" Day Z in terms of IP and related related rights? If this is something that you can't currently discuss, I completely understand. I'm just interested in both IP issues, and how employee/company relations with regards to IP and ideas can function. From what I've read (and I admit I could have missed something), Day Z was originally something Rocket came up with. Later, Rocket began working for Bohemia, and started working on Day Z for them. At that point, did Day Z become property of Bohemia, or did Rocket still retain any rights? In most companies I've worked for, any creative ideas you have tend to become property of your employers, at least under existing employment agreements/contracts etc..., so I'd be interested in knowing how this all worked.' A side thought I had, a common argument raised is that "this is just a mod, you are a tester, not a customer" when dealing various complaints/suggestions. If Bohemia has some rights to Day Z, then I think an argument could be made that we are both customer and tester, and I think this does change the dynamic between the community and developers somewhat, though not necessarily for the worse...
  7. I haven't been playing very long, but I think a couple good things have come out of the 1.7.1 patch. First, starting with very little equipment isn't too bad right now. Not perfect, as you seem pretty vulnerable to those that have found guns, but since you no longer have anything worth stealing at the start, they have no reason to kill you (beyond being jerks, but we can't fix that). I'm glad they are trying to implement melee weapons. Clearly not perfect yet, and I think a few suggestions, like having a hatchet tool, and axe weapon aren't too bad, and seem like potentially easy fixes to problems like wood choping; there are options, and I hope they are also explored. My main issue is that of zombie aggro. Having played 1.7, after a while, I found them to be not exactly challenging. The truth was, I felt crouch running could get me far too close to them, without any consequences. That being said, with the changes, I think the balance has swung too far the other way. I've still been hit through walls, and I think I've seen zombies come through walls as well. With their old level of detection, this wasn't as bad, but when they can come from very far away, and keep spawning as you kill them, the difficulty pendulum has swung too far in the other direction. My preference right now, might be some sort of compromise between the new zombies, and 1.7. Perhaps keeping their increased range and damage for now, and increase their numbers a bit. I'm not sure what impact that will have on difficulty, but I think it's better than feeling like everything is left to chance, or having to crawl from cherno to the NWA to avoid detection.
  8. I've got a quick question about updating. Last I time I played, I think it was When I logged off, I had a hatchet in a tool slot (as usual, since it was introduced), and the rest of my inventory was full. What will happen when I log in with the latest update? Will I just drop the hatchet, or will it take up inventory space and cause me to loose other items? Or will something else happen? I'm thinking of just finding a sever running an old version, reverting if needed, dropping the hatchet, then updating to 1714. Will this avoid any loot lose/resetting issues?
  9. Don't Panic

    Single Player Tutorial

    I think it might be handy to have a small single player tutorial/trial mode, that consisted of a small map, a few buildings and an appropriate amount of zombies. This might allow players to get used to the required ways of moving around zombies, figure out what types of buildings are enterable, and so on, without having to go online. I think this would have a number of benefits, including: a) reduced frustration from new players. I remember after waiting a really long time to get into a server, the learning curve was pretty steep. Constantly dying at first only increased frustration as respawning was glitchy, and that only impeded the learning process. b) Helping players in the game with established characters adapt to changes in zombie behaviour right after patches, without loosing their characters to glitches that were not caught. While I understand that finding glitches are part of testing, I'd be annoyed to loose a character that I'd been with a long time to zombie behaviour I couldn't even reasonably anticipate. Thoughts?