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Everything posted by Salutesh

  1. There is one point missing further information. "Crashing into objects with the M1025 at low speeds would still result..." into instand death?!
  2. Salutesh

    how to make a mod for client?

    How did you make the changes? Where is the changed code?
  3. Salutesh

    When will we get a wiki?

    A dokumentation for the Enfusion engine would be awsome but i think they are on it.
  4. Salutesh

    how to make a mod for client?

    Hi Gurkenkoenig, so you can start on building a mod for clients with this basic layout that i just uploaded to github: https://github.com/salutesh/DayZ_Mod Feel free to use this to build on. Keep in mind that you always should know what you try to modify and keep your mod structured. For example you want to change something in the staminahandler.c of the game, you cant just copy paste a class/void etc. In case of a existing class you have to mod the class: modded class StaminaConsumer { //MY MODIFIED CODE } For exsting voids you have to override them: override void StaminaConsumer(float threshold, bool state) { //MY MODIFIED CODE } etc, etc. If you need any further help, just ask here.
  5. Salutesh

    Tool for create new positions for spawn loot

    DayZ Vanilla++ should be able to do what you want to do: GitHub Link: https://github.com/Da0ne/DZMods Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1567720365 Steam Mod discussion about that mod and loot spawning that may help you: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/1567720365/1744478429685466615/
  6. Salutesh

    Cant mount P drive any more

    Would be a very useful information for the documentation of the DayZ tools when they are there :)
  7. Salutesh

    Cant mount P drive any more

    Fixed my problem by simply start the DayZ Tools from Steam. Maybe some background setup things that only steam is running for you?!
  8. Salutesh

    Cant mount P drive any more

    I have the same issue since today after steam updated the tools and server files, this is my log: Already tryed to verify the tools and game with Steam, no changes.
  9. So i builded a system once in Arma 3 for the Exile Mod (DayZ liked Mod for Arma 3) that allowed playes to look for loot in interior map objects like for example trash piles or cabinets in buildings. See a small preview here: Source Files of the Arma 3 Exile Project: https://github.com/salutesh/Exile_Scavenge My question is if someone can point me to the right direction where i should start in building something like this up in DayZ SA as its a different thing as it was in Arma 3. Should i wait for more documentation for the Enfusion Engine or is someone smart enoth to help me out? Like how i can get for example the players cursour target to get information like the model class name etc. Is this even still a thing in DayZ? Kind regards, Steve aka Salutesh
  10. Salutesh

    Scavenge Interior Objects! Need some advise!

    Thank you! Something to start with. :D
  11. Salutesh

    Exile Mod / Dayz Life

    I just saw something on Github that someone is working on it. So i guess yes its a thing in the future.