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Everything posted by Cicero

  1. I like having no gun just find a night time server with like 10 ppl which means like 60 or so zombies just turn ur torch on and loot like crazy since towns have alot less zombies it makes it alot easier to look hassle free. I found all my ammo at night sure when you hear a zombie and cant see shit it scares you also turning the torch on when one is near but i digress night time play is the best kinda play. Tests your skills and makes you a real man lolz also players are scarce and night
  2. Cicero

    Dayz for Arma newcomer?

    i haven't done the tutorials im one of those noobs that you see running with a torch through the dark trololol with no idea how to do anything other then experiencing it haha but ive picked up fast only on my 2nd life and i have a gun and alot of ammo sadly no water what so ever
  3. i just started im on my second life just got a le enfield my first gun oh that feeling man nothing beats THAT feeling. like u ive been trying to loot towns only to find that the houses cant be entered a little trick is if the windows can be seen through then you can enter. trust me get a gun play smart and thisgame is awesome also been on my 2nd life for like 3 hours sadly i have no water and it looks like that will be my end but still epic as can be you just have to find a gun and QoL becomes awesome
  4. Cicero

    Is It Impossible to Run From Zombies?

    i just started but some advice play a night server amount of zombies is really low since there is less then 15 ppl usually and will allow you to find towns or lone houses with 1 or none lurking the area
  5. i only just started and love this mod to bits i spawned on the shores near a big city don't know which one and wasn't really willing to find out so far i found a canteen bullets food and i only took me a few minutes to do it. ofc it was night and zombies don't see to well which is why i think im a night time player
  6. awesome game is awesome
  7. Cicero

    Tips and discussion for new players.

    i also just bought the game and plan to be on within the next day or so and the forums just hype me up more haha
  8. i find it funny he mentions AMDs and pretty much everyone here has one. HD 6770m here haha
  9. I have looked this game up and it looks awesome but im unsure if my computer can run it and wanted to find out before i buy it help plz? Also do i need any of the expansions other then the actual game to play it? Also its a laptop specs Intel®coreI7-2670QM CPU @ 2.20GHZ 2.20GHZ 8 gig ram 64-bit operating system my graphics card is a radeon HD 6770m 1 gig dedicated HDD 620gig any tech savy people think they can help me out with an answer? -thanks
  10. bump for more indepth answer like frames lag etc last bump then im done