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Everything posted by Kibarob

  1. So here is my idea. What if we had separate style servers such as a Hardcore and an Co-Op style. The "hardcore" servers could be just how it is now, pvp, spawn with what you get.... blah blah blah. The real deference would be in the Co-Op server. This style server would be..........NO PVP.......that's right player kill will not be allowed on the servers. The spawning gives you the old spawn gear, and zeds could be reved up. Just to have more of a co-op is needed type of feel. Now there are still alot of things that would need to be ironed out. One being the separation of player files server side so you cant spawn in a Hardcore server like Tony Montana. Also I could use some more idea's towards the Co-Op style server. Few little ideas that came up (but don't know if feasible): 1. Factions 2. "Property owning" 3. Base defenses (would go with above) 4. Shop/economy system: Run by players (theory would be that excellent guns would be vary rare to spawn but not so much the ammo.) Anyway, fill in what you like or not like, your ideas, and maybe we can get Rocket to notice and have a real game out of this.
  2. Okay lemme know. Twas just an idea, and since Rocket seems to do only what he likes XD
  3. Okay so if you say it sucks you are marked crap, if you kiss ass your awesome? Me and friends are trying to understand if rocket is trying to destroy his mod. To be honest, I'm more meh about the mod anyway, but have the ability to have some fun with it. More so the friends tend to do more bitchin and whining. But now it's gotten kinda stupid. 1. Food and drink, drink wasn't so hard to find, but food was no where. Fix that first and foremost (do you have people that play this before you even load it up?) 2. Lets take away a starting weapon and leave you on a beach with a patch and pain meds BEFORE we give you some form of even slightly tested melee ability. This is beyond wonder in who thought this was a good idea. 3. Fix the chat, beta seems to take that away, whats the reason for player co-op when you can not talk to no one. You want to make the game have a better co-op turn off player killing BOOM done, game is more co-op, then ramp up zeds, and leave original spawn pack alone. show hate cuz you know its right.