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About Heisen99

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  1. Heisen99

    DayZ Standalone "Overwatch"

    Overwatch was Epoch + Overpoch. There is no sign of the Epoch Mod Team working on an Epoch modification for DayZ Standalone as it currently stands. https://github.com/EpochModTeam
  2. Heisen99

    Scripters Question & Answer Thread

    Yes my bad, I forgot to include static within my example.
  3. Heisen99

    Scripters Question & Answer Thread

    For example, I'm wondering if you can do public classes e.g. public class Global_Accessible_Data { public int CountOfMyApples {get;set;} public string NameOfPetDog {get;set;} } Can you do the following above, like you can in C# then utilise in other files without using params.
  4. Hello, I guess we could create a single thread for common questions of which other scripters could answer if they know how to solve someone's issue. So if you have questions of Enforce Script like I've had some, post below and see if someone can help solve it.
  5. Heisen99

    Dayz standalone Scripting tutorial series

    Indeed, however, the following as you presented in your video can be more useful in other instances so it's good you touched on it. for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { // code }
  6. The amount of bs I had to go through trying to fix Jackson County for example and re-binarizing it was stupid
  7. Heisen99

    Dayz standalone Scripting tutorial series

    Why not do this instead. foreach (string part : hatchbackCompoments) { vehicle.GetInventory().CreateAttachment(part); } // not tested ^
  8. Heisen99

    OnEvent issue.

    That's great however a bit of explanation on where you found the chatMessageEventParams..
  9. Heisen99

    Dayz standalone Scripting tutorial series

    I've done some C# however I got to the point where I was really confident with SQF; saying that; Enforce Script is not as restricted and I believe we truly have an open space for modding coming to light.
  10. Heisen99

    Dayz standalone Scripting tutorial series

    It's very different from SQF Scripting for me coming from A3. Saying that it reminds me a lot of C#.
  11. Heisen99

    OnEvent issue.

    Not showing up in the logs when the event should be triggered.
  12. Heisen99


    override void OnEvent(EventType eventTypeId, Param params) { super.OnEvent(eventTypeId, params); m_oPlayer.MessageStatus(eventTypeId.ToString()); } MessageStatus not working so I can't debug.