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Phenom (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Phenom (DayZ)

  1. I'm not sure if this counts as abuse or not, but I've tried the latest patch out and everything works fine for me, no noticeable problems glitch-wise apart from anything that would be my fault, but I think that the zombie detection mechanism has gone from difficult to damn near impossible, I don't think it's balanced correctly, and I know it's supposed to be realistic but I don't think a zombie will come running around a corner miles away (lol exaggeration) if I was crouch walking by a building, mainly because all the other zombies stumbling around next to it would also have the same affect in that particular case. I just think that with the whole 'no starter weapons or drinks' thing a zombie who can detect whether or not that one tiny step from god knows how far away is a zombies or a humans and all this 'super realism' stuff has just made it nearly impossible to get the weapons we are meant to get before we can do anything.
  2. Phenom (DayZ)

    Kronzky's SP "hack" removed (his words)

    You know though, that's just the internet. Sometimes you may get angry about people making up their own stories and frustratingly ask them to 'grow up' (which trust me, I do all the time) but the internet is always like that, and always will be, there's no use crying about it and you just need to learn that the internet is a very strange place, this of course not just being aimed at Rocket (I'm sorry about the whole SP mod situation btw) but at everyone on who is tired of these people, you've just go to learn to ignore them and hope that when the job is done you can explain your side of the story and have them understand it, and if not so be it.
  3. Phenom (DayZ)

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi, I am Jacob, I just get on which ever server I can. I like trying to survive as long as possible, if that means avoiding cities or even killing the innocent, I will. Though I've never done that :).
  4. Phenom (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    I can't seem to find where I can actually download it, I found one link but then the DayZ website just says I can't go onto the page. I've not been banned and I have validated my account and everything, I don't know if I've done something wrong or if it just isn't available for me to download now or what. =/