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About EinfachRobin_

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  1. EinfachRobin_

    High CPU load

    DayZ does not support multicore support so it always only uses 1 core.
  2. EinfachRobin_

    ServerTime Settings not working anymore!

    Seems to be working. Thanks!
  3. EinfachRobin_

    Stable Update 0.63.149415

    Which Server are you playing on? On my Server it's nearly always sunny and daytime.
  4. EinfachRobin_

    How to get Coordinates

    Hello, is it possible to get several coordinates from different locations except by walking to them on a server which has the debug menu enabled? On maps like izurvive I only get 2 coordinates but I also need the height. Thanks for the help Robin
  5. EinfachRobin_

    Cars ready to drive?

    How do I replace already spawned cars or spawn new cars? Is this possible somehow?
  6. EinfachRobin_

    Cars ready to drive?

    Hello, is it possible to let cars spawn ready to drive? Is there a setting for it or something I can do that all spawned cars on my server are ready to drive straight away? Thanks Robin
  7. I'm running the DayZ Server on a Windows Server. I disabled the firewall for test purposes but it's still now working. Checked all IP's and ports again like the installation guide says.
  8. It says "Failed to login. Trying to reconnect." I don't know what I missed, i checked with the guide twice...
  9. EinfachRobin_

    Auto Restart

    Do you know how to add the messages when a players joins the server? I think it was called motd or something similar.
  10. EinfachRobin_

    Can't craft on my server

    Oh, okay. Thanks!
  11. EinfachRobin_

    Can't craft on my server

    Hello, as the title says, me and other players can't craft on my server. I didn't change anything it's since a restart and a "repair files" on Steam. Maybe it's the small update that just came? Please Help Robin