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Everything posted by polakinho

  1. Just to introduce me a little, I'm a foreigner so sorry for the mistakes that probably will appear in this comment. I played a little bit the last version of Day Z SA 0.63, and I wanna let my suggestions to make the game more interesting and challenger if I can say like that. I realize that the animations of the zombies it's really get increased comparing from the last versions, but I felt that something was missing, but for to be more straight, the point is, the zombies need to be more dangerous. They need broke doors, make scary sounds (more loud, and more spooky), climb some easy objects and kill easily the player, and the most important thing to me, higher numbers of zombies in the map. Hordes of zombies walking on the roads, hundreds of zombies in the cities. I don't know if most of you guys from the community will agree with me but, I want a Day Z with a truly survive aspect, focusing mainly on the survivor gender. The PVP needs to be the bonus of the game, but the ''mission'' is to survive from the weather, zombies and the last from the players. I fell that the game doesn't lose that sense of looting and going to PVP right after. Resuming my suggestions, basically, it gets like this : - A higher number of zombies on the cities, roads, even in the woods find some lost around there. - Zombies need to run faster and be able to climb and broke fragile objects, like doors made from wood, and etc. - Zombies need to be able to kill players easier. - Zombies with the skill of call other to chase the players. Well, that is it. My suggestions are based on making the game in a Project Zomboid aspect if you guys know what I mean. The game is really getting fixed, they just can't permit that the game become boring based on the fact that the game has this aspect of PVP in most cases.