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red w0lf

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Everything posted by red w0lf

  1. red w0lf

    Stable Update 1.0.149974

    fps issue fixes?
  2. red w0lf

    Stable Update 1.0.149923

    Binds are still not working, example, binded left and right to left and right arrows, they dont work.
  3. Where is Survivor Gamez with official release? Please shed some light on this, thank you.
  4. Id have to find it, but i can assure you they did. It was during a interview. And there was articles on it. EDIT: https://www.bohemia.net/blog/bohemia-interactive-is-going-to-gamescom "They said it will be an integrated game mode, so anyone will be able to hop on and play."
  5. red w0lf

    Goodbye Legacy Branch 0.62!

    GG. Lets hope it makes a difference towards 1.0.
  6. red w0lf

    Addressing the most pressing issues

    Editing the XML is one thing if you have an example guide and ALL the functions. As it is now, its useless because there is no wiki or guide that defines and shows ALL <input name and <btn name possibilities or ones that are available. So you don;t know what some of them are.. like fucking arrows or numblock keys. Some of us (im sure im not the only one) refuse to learn the current controls and play the game.
  7. red w0lf

    How can..

    Use left handers or arrow players play the game, we cant even configure the xml without a guide. Launch beta with no guide? wtf is btn name for arrows, or numpad entries, etc. Unreal.. atleast give us a guide with a layout for each action and "btn name"
  8. Hello, Yesterday Eugene mentioned there will be a forum post about editing the .xml to use custom binds. Is this planned to be released when exp hits stable? Id like to play tonight, but I need to edit my own binds as I play in a very unorthodox way and good ole WASD is unplayable for me. Thanks.
  9. red w0lf

    Binds, XML, and the forum post

    Well I hope not, but I would love a tool you could use to edit/generate an xml. Or a bit of a guide...
  10. red w0lf

    Addressing the most pressing issues

    We need an easy app to assign keys in the xml. Webbased, exe, or template xml with comments or preconfigured. Content creators should be working on a youtube video for this perhaps.
  11. red w0lf

    Exp Update 0.63149365

    Hey, is the forum post coming regarding editing the .xml for binds?
  12. red w0lf

    Are wounds and puddles still coming?

    Aside from blood decals from guns on player model, bruising/blood on the face or body from melee fights would be awesome. Not just one black eye, but progressions to severely beaten or swollen.