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Everything posted by djkatt

  1. djkatt

    Stable Update 0.63.149525

    List of things I've encountered, that should be repaired: 1:Guns,Items stuck in hands( you can repair that by pressing G trying to use animations there is chance items will dissapears or reloging). 2:Wiped bases my bases (tents, walls etc... dissapears after every crash/restart) so i lose many items with that from start of stress test with bases i got this problem and still didnt repaired 3:Cant remove items from car i hide barrel in trunk and cant remove it 4:Magazines and scopes stuck in weapons 5:Car work like a jump boost and touch car doors and i got ejected 100 m into air and died 6:Zombies run through the doors even if they closed 7:Sounds of cars doesnt work 8: Shooted doesnt hear his own shoots sounds if you shoot svd everyone hear you shoot but you didnt hear anything 9:Stucking Animations only relog or using other animations can repair blocked animation 10:You can use car without sparkplug 11:Teleporting zombies 12: Can go on stairs of builded things on wall stair od watchtower. Sorry for my bad english
  2. djkatt

    Stable Update 0.63.149386

    no its not that do you know why? me and my friend was changing from car checking so 1 of us was around car and car got broken, we repaired car and it cant start engine after 2 minutes of trying to run car, it just disappeared, it was 2 car what disappeared but we got 3 cars, third car landed on roof on road and i taked wheels etc from it to other car, it stay in this position from yesterday
  3. djkatt

    Stable Update 0.63.149386

    after server restart, zombies get 500% dmg, they dont make sounds when they find you and they can find you from 100 meters even if you crouch ;f i think something is wrong maybe it will repair after next restart
  4. On server where i playing spotlight stay from 2 days in public places where someone put them, its server fault
  5. djkatt

    Stable Update 0.63.149386

    The physics of vehicle suspension is broken, the car reflects like a rubber from the ground, which roams for no reason and destroys tires, etc. 20 minutes after taking the car from respawn, the car disappeared with all items, including nails, metal and other building loot.