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Everything posted by qsek_

  1. qsek_

    Experimental Update 1.02.150980

    Pistol Silencers are not working correctly. It draws zombies from way too far. I testet this thoroughly. Happens only when you kill a zombie with a silenced pistol and a nearby one has drawn aggro from that. Then zombies from 100m will aggro too.
  2. qsek_

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    @ImpulZ Is the built in Wallhack Issue being looked at? T132474
  3. qsek_

    Experimental Update 0.63.149840

    - Rain drainage sounds are too loud at certain distance (and i mean HEADSETDESTROYINGLOUD) - I had a MP5 with a non removable mag from previous version, still wont come off, though i can chamber single shots directly into the gun. - Hit detection still abyssmal. Had an encounter where i autofired half a M4 Magazine into a sitting player 3m in front of me. No blood splash, bullets went trough. He shot at me, i run away, pull out my AKM, shot at him, he doesnt care, zombies hit me, i retreat he fights with zombies, i switch to M4 again and finally put him down with two single shots. - Patrol pants on player are invisible. - Head torch is still facing wrong direction. btw, verified game twice after download. - And you still can glitch through the ground and make other buildings disappear and see players in it alá having a wallhack built in right into the game. ([Feedbacktracker: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T132474]
  4. qsek_

    Persistency is screwing everything up for everyone.

    So where are the history files then? And if there is a problem with corruption, why is there no automatic backup and restore system? Some simple scripts would fix countless hours of work gone in one bad server crash.
  5. qsek_

    Persistency is screwing everything up for everyone.

    Where exactly are the Basebuilding structures saved? I figure they must be in the folder Steam\SteamApps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data There are a buch of bin files in it. For me there may be more of those dynamic bin becasue i set this parameter in the ServerDZ.cfg: lootHistory = 10; // how many persistence history files should been kept by instance, number is looped over during save Are theses history files any helpful with that persistence bug? will only be the last bin be affected by corruption on a server crash and will the server automatically use the last intact bin? anybody know?