- Rain drainage sounds are too loud at certain distance (and i mean HEADSETDESTROYINGLOUD)
- I had a MP5 with a non removable mag from previous version, still wont come off, though i can chamber single shots directly into the gun.
- Hit detection still abyssmal. Had an encounter where i autofired half a M4 Magazine into a sitting player 3m in front of me. No blood splash, bullets went trough. He shot at me, i run away, pull out my AKM, shot at him, he doesnt care, zombies hit me, i retreat he fights with zombies, i switch to M4 again and finally put him down with two single shots.
- Patrol pants on player are invisible.
- Head torch is still facing wrong direction.
btw, verified game twice after download.
- And you still can glitch through the ground and make other buildings disappear and see players in it alá having a wallhack built in right into the game. ([Feedbacktracker: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T132474]