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Everything posted by icerasta

  1. icerasta

    Xbox Update 24/10/2018

    Not at all, I've been busy. Working and providing for my family. I'm sorry for making mistakes.
  2. icerasta

    Xbox Update 24/10/2018

    Because this was the first forum post I have ever made, and not even seen or looked for the other posts or know where I am looking that is why.
  3. icerasta

    Xbox Update 24/10/2018

    Firstly thank you for bringing this on xbox one, people that are complaining and moaning well its on testing and not been out long, they update it pretty regularly so far so just stop wining. Rather then complaining post bugs and problems you think need changing in the correct forums. Anyway here is a few issues of my own which I think really need looking into and I am not complaining just noting what's bad. *sometimes when on the first load up screen you can't press a and this requires several reloading attempts to sort out *server lists sometimes won't load and comes up with error code 9, and also server setting like name ascending and descending don't work correctly, you have to press them several times or them to correctly work. *when loading into your bag this can be very slow at times and can cause issues on crashing or getting yourself killed, moving around the bag also seems slow sometimes and also needs looking into. *some items in bag don't have an image and show only a number, making you highlight them to know what they are. *when aiming down a sight attached to a weapon sometimes this becomes off place with the crosshair which requires you to aim up into the air for this to fix it, and also sometimes when in prone with some of the sights you can only see your body and can't actually see anything. *night time, as much as I don't mind this the night time cycle seems to be too long and every server I go onto its always dark and raining, maybe to combat the moaning people we could have the time of day next to the server list with a possibility of showing weather conditions. *diseases such as drinking dirty water. And eating raw meat have no effect, at the minute this isn't obviously a problem as it helps people survive longer but could do with being fixed. Not really much more I can think of at this time, I know there is a few more but these are the more major issues I've had so far. Remember I am not complaining but brining this to people's attention and maybe to help out the devs. Thank you