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Everything posted by zykrem

  1. zykrem

    Stable Update 1.01

    thx! I'll keep looking ^^
  2. zykrem

    Stable Update 1.01

    did anyone found a CR-527 ? I found some mags but as for the rifle... none so far...
  3. zykrem

    Stable Update 1.01

    seen 2 in shacks, in vybor. 3 to 4 sks headshot at close range to kill a Z. doesn't seem right... looking for a cr527 to test now
  4. zykrem

    Where do you find medium/civilian tents?

    The loot system is difficult and/or frustrating but I don't think it's wrong or flawed. To me, that's a part of the charm of dayz! I only play on private servers. You should try it, I think it enhances the experience and it eliminates the temptation/habit of hopping.
  5. zykrem

    The Village

    good server, good vibes !
  6. zykrem

    Performance tanks after 12.20.2018 update

    no problem too, ~60 fps as I always had since 0.60.
  7. Hi everybody! I need some help cause I got a problem with the launcher... It doesn't work at all (for quite some time now, don't even think it works once...) It fails when loading the launcher with this message : Launcher initialisation impossible. The launcher will close. Reason: [-103] Unknown I tried many things : - deleting the exe and reinstalling it - administrator rights - allowing it in antivirus or firewall (or other applications that might have an effect) - reseting config files - reinstalling dayz entirely No result so far. The problem is still the same. What can I do to resolve that issue ? Does someone have an idea ? EDIT logs sent in the feedback tracker https://feedback.bistudio.com/T133598#1800830
  8. zykrem

    Can't switch between 2 character

    You have one character for all the public servers. You have one character for each private server. So, I guess you must play on public servers or on the same private server with both your friends. edit : rephrasing
  9. zykrem

    GAAAAHH - Persistence still a mess.

    True. I did not consider this possibility in my previous posts. If they didn't know about the issue, it is truly annoying and frustrating, and then I do sympathize.
  10. zykrem

    GAAAAHH - Persistence still a mess.

    I'm not debating about what should have or shouldn't have been done for the release (or what they promised). I already stated that persistence should have been fixed and so all the problems it generates. My point is : persistence is not fixed, despite the version, and it is known. Nonetheless people chose to collect items and create a camp, knowing it could get wiped and that all they have done would be for nothing. They put themselves in that situation. Yet they complain or act surprise when it happens ? (notice how I use "when" and not "if"). That's the behaviour I don't understand.
  11. zykrem

    GAAAAHH - Persistence still a mess.

    I agree that presistence should have been fixed for the release, but I don't understand that behaviour... The issue is still ongoing, it is known. You know there is a non negligeable probability the camp will disappear. Just don't set a camp until it's fixed, or maybe just 1 barrel/chest to test. And if you do set a camp, accept the risks.
  12. zykrem

    PC 1.0 Release Date Announcement

    I wonder if there are any external pressures to release the version 1.0.
  13. zykrem

    DayZ Exp Bug

    No bug involved here... In steam, your game is set as experimental (0.63.149597), so you can only play on experimental servers. Switch to stable (0.63.149525) and you'll be able to play on the server you want.
  14. zykrem

    What do you do when you have too much stuff?

    To stash stuff you need a tent or a barrel, otherwise it will depop. If I remember corretly, it's like half an hour for stuff put on the ground, 4 hours for a bag. Then it disappears. The tent/barrel will be dedicated to the server. If you login into another server, your tent/barrel will not be on this new server but still on the old one. (if I correctly understood your question ^^) That being said, there are issues with persistence right now as I understand it. So everything could disappear anyway, tents/barrels included... Perhaps you should ask yourself : what is in my bags and do I really need that ?
  15. zykrem

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    yes, this is how it works since the release of 0.63. R is used to chamber a new bullet (with shotgun or mosin for example) hotbar shortcut to the mag is used to change mag (with m4 or akm for example)
  16. zykrem

    SVD spawn?

    svd spawns at heli crash and in military barracks/tents/bunkers. I found 2 on russian heli, 1 in tisy MB, and 1 in troitskoe MB (3 badly damaged, 1 worn). Can't remember in which update, not sure it was in the last one... That being said it's a rare loot, so good luck if you're looking for it specifically.
  17. zykrem

    Gun jam/unjamming

    hold the button that is used to reload on xbox
  18. zykrem

    Shotguns not working

  19. zykrem

    Shotguns not working

    I didn't have any issue with the shotgun. Try to hold R, maybe the shotgun was jammed and it'll work afterwards or Try to press R once after loading ammo
  20. zykrem

    Stable Update 0.63.149525

    true, a lot of issues with weapons. The modification for gas canister isn't a good idea. Sure, the size of a cooking pot on a stove+canister must not be 1x3 (the pot being 4x3). But I think it's a mistake to make the size of all gas canister 4x3. Instead, we shouldn't be able to put stove+gas+cookin in our bag but stove+gas and cooking pot alone, the combo stove+gas taking the place of the larger item (gas canister would be a good idea). Here is how I see it : small gas : 2x1 medium gas : 2x2 large gas : 2x3 stove : 2x1 cooking pot : 4x3 stove + small gas : 2x1 stove + medium gas : 2x2 stove + large gas : 2x3 cooking pot + stove + gas (any size) : 4x3 but impossible to put it in a bag, the cooking pot and stove+gas must be separated.
  21. zykrem

    Stable Update 0.63.149525

    Yep, but you can switch between scope by drag and drop.
  22. zykrem


    your server is in stable, your game is in experimental, change your game to stable and you'll be fine.
  23. zykrem

    Getting assets into the Game? (DIY Grenade)

    nice idea ! but I can't help you with that... that being said, if it's a craft "lootTag[]" should be empty I think ^^ what's sad is that we don't know when the throw system will be re-implemented...
  24. zykrem

    Stable Update 0.63.149464

    I miss the .308 too...