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Everything posted by Dongleberry

  1. Dongleberry

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    Bless, maybe learn reading before commenting next time.
  2. Dongleberry

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    Yeah great idea guys, keep coming out with crappy little updates over the Christmas period because everyone sits at their PC all day waiting for the next silly little update to stop their server working rather than spending time with friends and family. I guess that decision making coin you guys flip is almost perfectly smooth by now.
  3. Dongleberry

    Map Edits

    So are there currently any ways to add ingame assets to the map? adding a couple of buildings without players being able to run through them? I just want to be able to add walls, fences, huts/sheds/houses to a couple of locations and get it to work on a server for friends without them being able to run right through the items, if anyone knows a way to get this working i will happily spend hours making locations for your own servers :)
  4. Dongleberry

    Map Edits

    Any news on a working map editor?? or is it all just pie in the sky?
  5. Dongleberry

    Trader Script

    Yeah i see it now, happy dayz!!
  6. Dongleberry

    how to make a mod for client?

    The problem is you are editing it too extreme, the way you set it up you are not losing enough stamina to counter the stamina regain rate, that is why it is going chaotic, you need to balance stamina depletion against stamina regain.
  7. Dongleberry

    Map Edits

    Yes it is 3 lines for each building/structure and i would be over the moon if i could get a working version :) Thank you so much!
  8. Dongleberry

    Map Edits

    @ACTPA I have no idea what any of that means but it looks like what i did with the init.c files already :( @ Sy8282 I downloaded COM a month or so ago from github, is that the version that does not work? and if there is a version that does work on online servers that is exactly what i am looking for, would you know where i can get it? Everything i copy/pasted over from my version of COM you are able to pas through on a server but it is solid on the offlinetool
  9. Dongleberry

    Skalisty Bridge - DayZ Standalone

    Will it work now or is it still broken?
  10. Dongleberry

    Trader Script

    Is there any more news on the trader mod? i do not see it in the steam workshop?
  11. Dongleberry

    For all those who Asked for an Admin Tool

    Ok so good news, the login/out feature is working, meaning if i log out and back in and there are players in it still works, great stuff. There are some things that do not work or work randomly for example the N teleport, only worked on first login, the Insert only worked on the first login, the map only seemed to work on the first login, and players were not showing in the list at any point, it still only shows me in the player list, so i was unable to use any of the teleport player to me, or teleport to player functions, the only things that worked on other players was the kill all feature lol, which obviously killed me also :P Great stuff, the first page works, vehicle, heal self, refill car etc, the spawner works for me too (Haven't done buildings lol) the map worked on the first go, but after logging back in it did not even show me let alone other players on the map. And also an update to my previous post, this time around it did stop my custom loadouts working :( big shame that, would be handy to have them both working. Great work though, seriously, easy to use, easy to install and doesn't need to be downloaded by the client (Apart from the Admin) If you keep working on it i hope the player list can be improved, has anyone else been able to get it working??
  12. Dongleberry

    For all those who Asked for an Admin Tool

    Great work!!! i am downloading it and about to try it out now :) You also asked if anyone had managed to get this working on a 3rd party host? and also it was breaking custom loadouts? i have got mine working just fine with it and i have a 3rd party host :)
  13. Dongleberry

    adding loot to custom buildings

    Hi, Sorry to jump in here, but i have a related problem, i have been using the Community Offline Mod 2.0 to make map edits, once i have placed the items, they are solid and cannot be passed through in the singleplayer COM (Walls/Buildings etc) however when i copy/paste the code into a server init.c file and load the server any player can run right through any of the new buildings/walls??? Any idea why this is happening and how to fix it? Thank you for any help, this is driving me crazy :/
  14. Dongleberry

    Select Spawns

    Did anyone test this and get it working? One of the things that would have been on my wishlist from the start was ability to spawn certain characters at certain locations, very handy for server events :)
  15. Dongleberry

    Help With Map Edits

    Hi all, Hopefully this is the right place to post, i have an issue with map editing, i have been using the COM (Community Offline Mod) to add buildings/walls etc to the map, followed tutorials to the letter, got it all working after hours of playing around with it, built an area using castle walls, placed a barracks, well, barn, and a few other standard assets, and it all worked wonderfully in COM, i then copy pasted the item info to the init.c file and launched the server, very excited running to the location and then i can see it all yessss!! I was over the moon and extremely happy with the time spent, i then ran against one of the walls and it initially stopped me for a split second but after less than a second i can pass right through everything i placed :( it has no solidity as such, on COM it works perfectly, on a server it is able to be passed through :( If anyone has any information or has any idea how to fix this i would be eternally grateful, i would happily spend hundreds of hours building locations for servers and will happily upload/share them all if i can get them working properly. p.s. i copied the Skalisty Bridge init.c info over and that worked great apart from being able to run through closed container doors, is that normal? Thanks for any help provided
  16. Dongleberry

    Help With Map Edits

    Thank you for replying :) I have been using this https://github.com/Arkensor/DayZCommunityOfflineMode/tree/development
  17. Dongleberry

    For all those who Asked for an Admin Tool

    Hi, First of all great to see admin tools with an ingame menu rather than typing via chat. There are a few issues i came across though, for example when i log on first to the test server i created i have the admin menu, when anyone else joins it does not show them in the player list and never refreshes it, it only shows my name once in the player list, when i click on the map, it shows the players locations but they also have my name on their marker, anyway admin menu works as long as i log in first, however when i logout if their are still players on the server and i log back in i no longer have admin, as it seems to be naming every player the same as me, M no longer does anything, the only way i get it back is by kicking everyone else from the server, then i have admin menu back again, also if i launch the server and at least 1 person joins before me i do not have the admin menu. The problem seems to be that it is naming every player by my name, it shows multiples of me on the map, but all but one is actually me, in the player list it only ever shows my name. If this could be fixed somehow this is an amazing admin tool!!
  18. Dongleberry

    Spawn Tents already deployed with inventory in them

    The only way i would know how to do this would be to set it up on the server with all the things you want inside, create a save point, and then just restore when you want it? Edit: But i'm guessing that is no help at all seeing as you want to spawn it, probably at different locations?
  19. Dongleberry

    Skalisty Bridge - DayZ Standalone

    Managed to get this working after changing the dam name, i also removed all the boats, however there is an oddity with the containers, i can run through the closed doors, all the rest is solid, but the doors i can run through when they are closed. I have a similar problem with COM (Community Offline Mod) i spent hours building a compound area, followed tutorials to the letter, copied the code over to the init.c file and went to the location only to find every single item can be run right through, there are castle walls, gatehouses, barns etc and all of them after you initially bump against them let you pass right through them, on the COM they are all solid, but when i transfer that info over to a server they can be passed through :( anyone got any idea what the problem is and how to fix it?? i would willingly spend hundreds of hours building for servers as i really enjoy it, but if it can't be properly implemented into a server for others then there is no point. Any help with getting this working properly would be very gratefully received.
  20. Dongleberry

    Known/Unkown Exploits/Bugs/Cheats That Crash Server

    Here is my question, how can you tell from that crash report who the player is? I cannot find who the player that crashes the server is?
  21. So Dayz tools come out to the public, how can you edit the map using these? very simply i would like to load something that opens the Dayz map and allows me to place objects/buildings into the game world, is that currently possible? If it is possible, could someone here knock themselves out and actually explain how? rather than just replying "Yes" please. Thank you
  22. Dongleberry

    Kill log

    Firstly thank you for the reply, nobody else had and this is Bohemia forums, i also assumed Bohemia would fix the problem at some point but that seem's unlikely now. i don't have the coding knowledge, i am still struggling just to get admin logs that show killed/killer i was hoping to find some smart person who knows what they are doing and i would be able to copy/paste a working code into my files and finally be able to see killers and those who were killed in the admin logs, i have no mods installed and have no plans to add any as it is likely beyond me :P I haven't changed anything other than what i have to to get a server online and running (IP, port etc) nothing special just a vanilla install. why does this no longer work without having to know how to code to fix it?
  23. Dongleberry

    DayZ tool to place objects/buildings on server?

    47 views and nobody knows anything? :(
  24. Dongleberry

    Server Performance

    It might have something to do with Bohemia's shitty way of making games and the fact that any old toerag can combine a couple of ingame items and force crash a server, until Bohemia learn how to make games efficiently, that will always be a part of their game. Don't hold your breath on that one almost every game they have made has this "Built in" function of theirs and they never fix it, obviously because they don't know how, they have the usual running form of attempting to fix 1 thing and breaking several others.
  25. Dongleberry

    Kill log

    So glad i signed up to these forums for all the help they provide.