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Everything posted by Dongleberry

  1. Dongleberry

    Kill log

    As Kalitke said.... how? can anyone here be kind enough to explain exactly what this adminlog message is, and where to put it, i cannot find a file called PlayerBase and if i did would i just type adminlog and place it under a section called EEKilled? I'm sure a lot of people are reading this message and laughing and probably thinking how can he not know that? believe it or not i do not, that is why i am asking, any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Dongleberry

    Server not posting messages

    You might find that Bohemia being the enlightened beings they are added the ability for players to block completely all server messages, oh and another coin toss decision they made was that EVERY SINGLE player has those messages blocked by default and they have to manually change that when in the main menu and cannot change it while ingame. That coin they toss at Bohemia for decision making must be worn to almost nothing.
  3. Dongleberry

    Kill log

    Basically need the ability to actually list player deaths in the logs (How that has been broken is beyond me) and also to list their BE GUID and/or Steam64 number, on 0.62 at least it did all that and listed the weapon that killed the player. The fact that no longer works is ridiculous, and now they have released the so called "Beta" yet most of what they claim to have added simply isn't there or appearing, players unable to find planks, nails and other bits needed to craft.
  4. Dongleberry

    Kill log

    Yes i have all that and prior to the update yesterday the Admin logs showed player kills/deaths albeit listed with the useless long number but at least it logged them, now it just shows survivor52 or whatever joined/disconnected and nothing else??
  5. Dongleberry

    Kill log

    Since the update yesterday Server Admin logs show absolutely nothing of any value at all, it just shows a long ID number that is not BE UID or Steam64 when someone connects/disconnects and it no longer shows any kills/deaths at all, is this an update???
  6. Dongleberry

    Team assignment based on GUID.

    The line that has case "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX": always causes an error. this is the warning message. Can't compile mission init script"! chernarusplus\init.c(63): Broken expression (missing';'?)
  7. Dongleberry

    Check user input chat

    Do you mean how can you check chat logs on your server? i.e. what players are typing ingame? if ur server is setup properly all chat logs with be within the .adm file but if you want to see the chat logs live you can either run BEC alongside your server and that will log it or use Rcon ;) Either the previous poster misunderstood your question or i have.