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Everything posted by Rowrin

  1. Rowrin

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I think morphine spawns/rates are fine, it is just that leg breaking is too common that this issue arises.
  2. Wierd thing... Ended up grouping with 4 other people and as a group we had no problem finding weapons. it actually felt like more weapons spawned while we were grouped than when I would play solo. So I dont know whats going on anymore. Three hours together we found 2 AK's, 2 Winchesters, an m9, an Enfield, silenced machine gun, m16, 2 remmingtons, 3 I forgot which guns from a downed huey, and a sniper rifle.
  3. xD in one of my many spawns today, I ran into 2 ppl, one was bleeding. I decided to use my only bandage to help the other guys friend. Immediatly after I took a hatchet to the back of the head.
  4. If i had to sneak into every building to find a weapon it would take me like 8 hours. I just run through towns, poking into buildings, looking for water/food/weapons and then ditch the zombies either through another building or through the woods. at this point i've stopped bothering looking for weapons. the zombies are avoidable (as long as you dont try to pick their pockets they completely ignore you), so spending 1-3 hours looking for a gun is not worth the effort. I filled my pack with coke/pepsi, got a hatchet and matches and went into the woods. cleaved some animals for food and was pretty much "surviving." Then I realized this was stupid and logged off. as fun as it is to kill off a few zombies, it is not worth the time spent looking for the weapon. Simply "surviving" is so easy and boring. . . You are pretty much garenteed to die (which isn't a bad thing in a game like DayZ), and when it takes this much time (not difficulty, it isn't hard, just ridiculously time consuming) to find a weapon/better weapon, it simply isn't worth it imo. tl;dr: weapon spawn rates are crap. special snowflakes will defend it because they think difficult/hardcore is the same as pointlessly-time-consuming making them uber leet and everyone else is either bad or "casual"
  5. I use Avidemux 2.5 its freeware and really good. use this guys tutorial to figure it out: i recommend the settings the guy in the video uses. Keeps it very high quality and makes the files manageable.
  6. Rowrin

    Have weapon spawns been decreased?

    what version / beta patch are you guys running and are you noticing a lot of chemlights or some other object? I'm in the big NW military airfield and finding nothing also. My only reason for heading there was because I was finding so little down by the coast and cherno as well. Just tons of chemlights and bottles. i've basically found a m4 in like 7-8 hours played. I have a 1911 that i found on the way there (to the airfield) but not finding any ammo for it other than .45 acp every rare now and then and converting them. i'm on running 93965 beta launching through steam.
  7. Rowrin

    Crossbow... Opinions?

    I'm thinking of grabbing one to help with loot runs in the NWAF. so many zombies that occasionally you cant help but shoot one and with only having a 1911 (finding very little ammo) and my m4 i end up pulling damn near half the field.
  8. yeah, i think something is up with the weapon spawns in in the last 7-8 hours over 2-3 days I've found next to nothing. I got to the international airfield (the big military one) and other than the m4a1 I found in the first barracks i've got nothing. Been wandering around for a few hours now, 3 different servers (on one some dude was running the wrong beta patch and was invisible and couldn't see anyone. . . dude jacked my motor-bike and layed barbed wire everywhere. ..). I've yet to find a makarov also, lots of ammo but no mak. Ridiculous numbers of chemlights and smoke grenades. chemlights are always blue. i'm running and playing on servers running 93965. I've spent a good 5 hours at the airfield and this is what i've noticed: -not a single sidearm spawn. no 1911, no m9, no glock, no makaraov(dont think it spawns at the airfield though), no PDW; all of which (aside from the mak) i've seen regularly prior to -no 1911 ammo is spawning there either. I'm finding a few .45 acp revolver ammo every now and then and converting them. -every building has 2-4 chemlights and 2-4 smoke grenades. The smoke grenades have really helped in searching around though. -noticing fewer m4 ammo laying around (STANAG) -lot of shotgun shells, double barrel rounds, and the 8 rounds for the military shotty. I've found 1 m4a1. That's it >.> I'm not sure what is going on since some ppl are claiming more weapon spawns (i spend a good couple hours before deciding to head to the airfield and didn't even find a makarov). What version+beta are you guys running? again i'm running beta 93965 through steam launching Arma II: combined operations.
  9. I havent had this issue. Picked up a Czech pack last night. I did install the latest beta though so not sure if that might be it.
  10. I found a Czech pack last night and was able to loot it. but it does feel like spawn rates on things like weapons and packs have fallen, but that might have just been the server I was on. Left it for anothet server with latest beta and found a revolver in about an hour. Im finding metric tons of chemlights and road flares though. I have also found tons of coke/Pepsi (and a mountain dew). Curently sitting on 5 Coke and 4 Pepsi.
  11. Is something wrong with I just went from last night when my character died and was playing it today. I spend 4 hours, from roughly 5:00 to 9:55, on 7 different toons looking for a weapon and here is roughly what happened: -attempt 1: spend a loooong time being sneaky, using empty tin cans etc. got to the medical/military camp near the west coast airfield. no weapons which i thought was odd, then was killed by some player with a 1866 -attempt 2: again spent a loooong time being sneaky. Found nothing but tin cans a LOT of chemlights, road flares, and ammo. Lots of ammo. no weapons. -attemp 3: decided just to run into a town and just spot the drops. chemlights, road flares, tin cans, and ammo everywhere. -attemp 4: spawned with broken legs halfway under a building. was able to climb my way out using 'v' and went with it for about 20 minutes. found a crowbar, but other than that, nothing but chemlights, tin cans and road flares. -attempt 5: again just running through komarovo, chemlights, roadflares, tin cans, ammo. -attempt 6: again running through towns, i found a hatchet and just ran into the zombies swinging for revenge. didn't work too well. -attempt 7: spent an hour running around cherno and the factory/warehouse outside cherno. Chemlights, roadflares, chemlights, ammo, bandages, chemlights, roadflares, painkillers, chemlights, tin cans, road flares, tin cans chemlights. I eventually found an enfield after about 40-50 minutes. but guess what the only set of ammo i hadn't found yet was? enfield ammo. Spend another 10-15 minutes looking for that before i just decided to call it quits. Anyone else having a hard time finding weapons and noticing a lot of chemlights? I have seen more chemlights today then all of my past experience in dayz put together. I remember finding spare makarovs everywhere in through I noticed there is a new beta version for arma 2 out that a lot of servers are switching to, could that cause something like this? tl;dr: I'm finding motherloads of chemlights (i could easily fill my entire inventory with chemlights in 10 or 15 minutes), lots of pain killers (wandering around cherno i think i found 8 or so in 10 minutes), lots of tin cans and the usual everything else, but no weapons. a rare hatchet and crowbar and the one enfield but that is it. edit: something i also noticed, red chemlights are showing up with the blue chemlight model. Not sure if this has anything to do with it.
  12. I would be inclined to agree if DayZ wasnt DayZ. Any global chat in a server ruins the unique immersion that dayz brings. The psychological nature the game naturally brings revolves around the players playing the role of someone in an apocalypse. DayZ just works on ppl making it very natural to play the part. Once the game is more complete lobby side chat, or chat for players in a server but not in game could maybe be worked out.
  13. Rowrin

    Why so much rage?

    The sandbox pvp is what brings the psycological aspect of an apocalypse to the game.
  14. I've been playing 1.7.+ for a while now, this is just my impression of the starting gear change: The only hard part of this game atm is starting a new character. Once you get your first weapon and a decent amount of ammo/supplies, the difficulty flatlines. Doesn't get any more difficult, but doesn't get any easier either. Yeah, new characters aren't out killing eachother on the beach, but only because they literally cant kill anything. The only thing this patch really did was kill new players from entering the game. The entery level difficulty is way too high. I have no problem adapting to this, and players that played before should have no problem adapting to this. It is the players comming into the community that suffer. The two most common responce I see to this previous statement are: -Derp we dont want casuals mucking up our community. or -Derp bet you loved those makaroni knights/bean wars down by the coast. For one, DayZ isn't "hardcore" in the slightest (kinda imposible since it is still in development anyway). It is a very in-depth game, but not hardcore. The only hardcore aspect is perma death. That's it. You log in, scout for new weapons/supplies, avoid death, log off. Hardcore games require you to dedicate a lot of time and effort into achieving a goal. You could literally play DayZ for 15 minutes a day and enjoy the game just as much as someone who plays for 3 hours. This may change later in the design phase, but atm, this mod is VERY casual friendly. There is no endgame, there is no goal other than survive. You can beat the average survival time by walking 50 yards into the forest, proning in a bush and going afk. You'd eventually die of dehydration, but you'd last longer than the 33 minute average. As for the makaroni knights and bean wars by the coast, these usually have 3 things in common. Players involved are noobs, given an abundance of supplies and ammo, and have no clue what to do. Noobs just starting out quickly realize they are playing a sandbox game set in a zombie apocalypse, free to do whatever they want. Starting with all these supplies, what would any player do? Use them of course. The most abundant supply they were given to use? ammo. 6 magazines, 48 rounds. It is their cheapest resource, practically free to spend. You could waste 3 magazines, half your ammo, 24 rounds to kill another player, and that player could do the same and the winner would come out even in ammo, but with excess beans, bandages and other supplies. It was more time and resource efficient to kill other players for more supplies than to learn to stealth/scavenge, thus, the makaroni knight. The trigger happy, nothing-to-lose noob. For these players, dying usually meant getting more supplies than they had when they were alive. Additionally, experienced players could camp these noobs since they are like walking piñatas. Crack them open, take their beans/morphine/painkillers/bandages/ammo and you are good. No need to venture further into the world to get rare essentials. The whole arguement for killing off starting weapons and gear was to make starting players more pacified, willing to work together. Though, one could argue that, by giving these players all these supplies, they would have no reason to kill eachother cause there is nothing they would need. This obviously was not the case. What I've encountered is that newbs, (new players) and the noobs, (makaroni knights), both usually get frustrated and stop playing. Yes, there are more people willing to team up, but these groups consist usually of experienced players who know what they are doing. Occasionally newbs will tag along with a group of experienced players / other newbs, and occasionally a makaroni knight will graduate into an experience player, but again, players trying to learn the game are just having a harder time doing so. It can take an experienced player several lives to get their starting weapon, with prior knowledge of the game. A new player, even one who is acquainted with the arma 2 controls/inventory wont have the slightest clue where to start. Ultimately why the bean wars and makaroni knights? Starting characters had plenty of supplies. There was no such thing as wasting ammo, no need to scavenge for food/water and gear. You could shoot anything that moves and not feel the consequence of doing so, or if you needed any type of supply (morphine, painkillers, food, water), just camp the beach for a little and you are set. In my opinion, if you want players working together, not butchering eachother or getting farmed by other players right off the bat, you should limit the starting supplies. It has worked, but completely removing them it hurts players still trying to understand and enter the game. You want to force players to learn to scavenge for supplies. Given it takes an hour of sprinting to dehydrate, and even more to bleed to death from dehydration, removing the starting beans/water is no problem. mechanic wise, having no morphine works since morphine seems to be a rare spawn now, so it wont encourage experience players to camp noobs/newbs for it; however, this will make breaking your leg a death sentence early on. The coyote pack is unnecisary, a smaller one (czech vest?) spawns making itself useless unless a player drops their starting pack, and starting with so few initial supplies, no starting character needs the space. Pain killers aren't necisary since it is a fairly common spawn, and the shakey status effect is more of an annoyance than a death sentence. imo starting gear should consist of a mak with 1 mag (8 rounds total), a bandaid, and a flashlight/flares. 8 rounds gives starting players something to work with and build from and makes for a less-than-annoying makaroni knight. No point in killing players early on for supplies since scavenging will yield more anyway. As the game continues to develop i'm sure there are ways to make group play more appealing. For example, things like fixing up cars and heli's are main sources of group interaction. I was playing on a server where someone got the idea to fix up a bus. People helped and they drove to the international airfield as a group to gear up. Me and some friends plan on making a tent city complete with barbed wire and sandbag barricades. As the game continues to develop, there could be more activities that are near impossible to do alone (like fixing a heli) that encourages groups to form. These groups require more than a lone bandit to threat, so even bandit groups can form, attempting to rob the other group of their hard worked whatever. as for everything else, it is working and I'm enjoying the mod very much. Line of sight is still being worked out, zombies are sometimes blind and sometimes have a sixth sense etc. Just usual alpha is alpha stuff that will be worked out. performance wise: is a godsend. I use to have to play on a really good server with low population to get fps above 15 (after doing all the posslbe fps tweaks). Now pretty much every server I play is 30+.
  15. TB's WTF is... series is and has always been, and he's said it over and over, "a first impressions" of a game. What you saw was his first impression, whether he be confused and still figuring it out or whatever. what you saw was in fact what any new player going into DayZ will encounter and their first impression of the game.
  16. Rowrin

    New Spawn Gear BREAKS THE GAME

    Entery level difficultly has nothing to do with whether the gameplay that follows makea the game casual.
  17. Cant wait to try it out. Going from to gave me a huge fps increase. Waiting till I can find some servers and for the mirror to be less busy xD
  18. Rowrin

    New Spawn Gear BREAKS THE GAME

    No spawning gear turns new players away. Game isnt difficult if you know what to do, but new players just starting out wont stay because the entery level difficulty is too high
  19. Rowrin

    So which version should we play? is stable. people were downgrading from last night because it was causing server crashes.
  20. Rowrin

    u mad?

    1) I lose more of my gear to the updates than I do to other players -yes, it is alpha, it is buggy, it isn't finished, there are things that need to be worked out, it is alpha wait till beta, or wait till release. The point of the alpha is to get concepts implemented and then fix bugs that occur with that implementation. 2) The updates generally break things more than they fix. -that is the point, the updates put in new content that the devs are working on, they want the players to look for bugs so that they can fix them before moving on to add more content. A small team can catch only so many bugs. it takes a large amount of players, who do things no dev can predict to find all the bugs and exploits in a current build, thus an alpha. alpha is for building and fixing, beta is for tweaking. 3) Some of the updates seem a bit overdone (IE; buffing zombies, while taking away starting guns all in the same patch) -alpha is for building/fixing beta is for tweaking and balancing. the game is still way in the development process, once all the content is largely there, then the primary focus will likely be balancing. 4) No real/clear installation instructions / or a updated thread on how to install things properly (I have to walk most of my friends through the installation process step by step) google is friend:
  21. Cool. Since this got stickied I guess I'll keep it updated then. Although I'm not sure if Rocket is updating the "old" mirror folder anymore since the files required for and have just been deleted. Although that could just be because those builds were really really fubar. Does anyone know if Rocket is still maintaining the old file folder? I can understand the reasoning for not doing so. You'd want players testing the latest version, and having previous versions keep some people from doing so and there is less confusion as to what version everyone should be using. Similarly however, if a previous, more stable version isn't kept on record, players and servers might not want to test the latest builds the moment they are released since there is the worry that, like, it would be severely unstable and they wouldn't be able to revert.
  22. -.- it's alpha. melee weaps were just introduced. Although, this is exactly why you dont implement new content in a hotfix xD once the devs wake up it is a simple job to remove the references to melee weapons in the game code and release that so theres a working version of 1.7.1 Then they can sort out the bugs in melee weaps and rerelease them
  23. there are a lot of 1.7.0 servers currently running since it is the most stable version. 1.7.1 is technically the one that started all this broken stuff. Its hotfix's hotfix needs a hotfix xD ( needs to be fixed and it was a fix for which was a fix for 1.7.1) Its alpha so it is going to be bumpy, but it would be nice to have a stable alpha, and a test alpha (beta alpha!). Although that may discourage players from testing the test alpha.