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About Rowrin

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Yeah, updated to latest beta, batteye and and almost every server I join I get kicked from with no other explaination; when I do connect, arma2 crashes. Edit: Something might be wrong with the update; in the main menu, in the bottom right, the game still shows it is running Edit 2: Fixed by completely removing dayz and reinstalling
  2. Lol admin of that server is so sad. I wonder if he will uninstall now for being terrible. Poor guy. xD
  3. Yeah, stored a bunch of junk in my tent, something like 8-10 cans of food, 6-8 sodas, 1 m4, 1 m9, 1 as50, 6 stanag mags, 4 m9 mags, 4 m107 mags, 2 blood bags, 2 as50 nato mags. I basically put my entire inventory in there because I wanted room while I foraged for vehicle parts. Saved multiple times. Logged off for about 40 minutes, and heared from my friend that the server had just restarted. Waited to get back on and the tent was completely empty. /sad panda. All i got left is an enfield and waterbottle.
  4. It was so weird, like... there were 4 of them on that hill all suposedly watching eachothers back or something and every time i sneak up to the sniper I am able to kill it before they realise I'm there xD.
  5. So yeah, I guess I ended up picking the best sniper vantage point over Electro as the ideal location to set up my tent. All in all: I died twice. I killed 3 snipers, one of which alt-f4's as he died so i couldn't loot his body :\ the 4th sniper kills Ilthane before he and his friends leave server. One bystander gets caught in the crossfire :\ whoops. I'm pretty sure these guys were item duping cause all 4 of them had silenced m9's, silenced m4's, AS50's, NV goggles, rangefinders and ghillie suits but whatev.
  6. Probably just lag, I encountered similar thing in the cherno general store. guy opened up on me from the back corner of the store while i was behind the counter, i started unloading into them and realized my bullets weren't doing anything so i just chilled for a moment behind the counter since it was able to block the bullets. 2-3 seconds later the player's character looked like it teleported or warped a meter or so to the left and when i shot at it they finally died.
  7. Rowrin

    Snipers are OP?

    Killed 3 of 4 snipers in a group yesterday out on electro. They were on the hill behind the fire dept and shot at me as i was running up. All I had to do was go around the hill, and come up behind them from the top. ezpz. I ended up with a silenced m4, silenced m9, as50, night vision, rangefinder, and all the kewl gizmos/gadgets. It isn't hard to kill off a sniper if you know there they are, just don't be stupid and charge them from across an open field.
  8. Was this on us 717 by any chance?
  9. Rowrin

    DayZ is good for you!

    Are you sure you just dont have it toggled? :o
  10. I'm more in favor of 15-20 seconds but 5-10 is fine for most of the alt-f4 situations. 5 is kinda short but it is plenty of time for a sniper to line up a second shot. Most of the time, if the first shot doesn't kill or misses the guy is gone. standing still for 5 seconds as your character logs out makes you a sitting duck; hopefully more ppl run for cover now. That said, yeah you can run for cover and then alt-f4, but if you are sniping it isn't like you are going to break cover and run down to the guy to finish him off if he didn't quit anyway. You'd probably try and wait him out or look for another target. The only reason why you'd break cover and run down to a guy out of your vision is because you know he alt-f4'ed and would be completely vulnerable for 80+ seconds. I'd still be in favor of a cooldown on top of this. for example, not being able to rejoin for 2 minutes or something after logging off, but again, for most of the practical situations 5 seconds will work.
  11. I believe Rocket disabled it with the latest patch ( I'm pretty sure i read that the single player mode was a hack made by someone Rocket trusted with the game source or something and hackers ended up using it to test and develop other hacks. or something like that. Although that is some pretty good machinima.
  12. Rowrin

    Damage nerf/ view distance nerf

    Again, this was an Arma patch change not a Dayz one. So what does this have to do with anything mentioned?
  13. Rowrin

    Damage nerf/ view distance nerf

    Quality thread... 5 word OP... Damage Nerf has its own thread already and is an arma change not dayz. Fog has its own thread.
  14. If you are standing still for the 2-3 seconds that it takes for a bullet to travel 1.5 km and somehow standing in plain sight. . . let alone 15 miles. . .
  15. Just took a screenshot of the NWAF: Basically objects seem to stop rendering somewhere after 900 meters and all you can see is the ground. My render distance is at roughly 2000, post processing off, etc. The marker is at 903m. There should be the series of four hangars 50m behind that marker. The zombie in the picture is somewhere between 700 and 800 meters.