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About amov1ngtarget

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  1. amov1ngtarget

    fix it

    I just got aggroed by a zombie through a wall and building from far away and then it one shot knocked me out, but I was still standing there holding my gun. Then my legs just magically break and I die since I can no longer run away. I thought there was a recent patch that didnt make zombies one shot disable you. Zombies have been glitchy since I started "testing" dayz. I would much rather have no new content added and zombie ai fixed.
  2. Except one of them became a zombie. Let's just hope you are in the place of shaun and not the other guy lol.
  3. Well all of your replies are assuming you are not just attacked at night while you are asleep. And a lot of you who said you would just go to "store name" and take stuff/hold up there, thats just it isnt it? A lot of you have the same idea which means a lot of people would be thinking the same thing, so what is to say it has not already been cleaned out, surrounded by zombies, or taken over by some not so friendly people?
  4. amov1ngtarget

    Underground Base

    I watched that video earlier and as far as I remember he didnt go into specific details about it. Thanks for your replies malphos. I have to agree with your speculations. They make sense and seem in line with what he has said in the past. Mostly I was wondering how usefull an underground area is going to be. 2. I know its going to be instanced to a server, he already stated that. Forgive me for being so unclear on what I was asking. What I meant is, is each persons' area going to be instanced on that server (as in 5 people could have big areas all 'ontop' of each other since they are instanced) or will it be so if you build a tunnel in a certain direction you might find someone else's? 6. I didnt really mean an actual door. I was more asking if there was going to be a way to protect anything you put in your underground area or is it going to be as simple as finding the entrance and just going inside to take what you want. 7. From what I think I heard him say in the interviews, is that implenting the underground areas would be easy. I could be wrong though and jumped to conclusions.
  5. amov1ngtarget

    Underground Base

    I know it is probably way to early for you guys to give up any details about this but if you can I would like to know. 1. In some of the live chats rocket was talking about how they would start out small but be built larger and larger. So I want to know if there is going to be a limit or will one person be able to build a single underground base that covers the entire map? 2. Rocket was talking about instancing the underground base if I heard right. Does this mean a full server of people could do what I asked above or does that just mean its only on that server? 3. Is there going to be a way to keep people out of your base or is everyone just going to be able to walk in and take whatever they find while you are offline? 4. Is it just going to be a big empty square so you can have a place to set up tents or are you going to be able to construct actual buildings? 5. Is there going to be a place to store a lot of equipment like an armory or will you be able to at least set up tents inside it? 6. If other people will be able to find and enter it, will it be something as simple as just opening a door and walking in or will it be much harder to get into other peoples' bases? 7. Is this something that will be coming out for alpha or will this only happen when it goes stand alone?
  6. amov1ngtarget

    Ten Reasons why Kill on Sight is 'Realistic'

    I laughed at this entire thread. It is so funny how most of the posts were about what would happen in real life and in disasters. How do you compare what would happen in a zombie apocalypse to what happened in history or in natural disasters? The way people would react in a zombie apocalypse would be completely different. In wars (of any kind) you have one group of people killing another group. In disasters you have people being killed by obviously a disaster, accidents, occasionally other people. In a zombie apocalypse you would have people being killed by other people, accidents, starvation, dehydration, disease, and either zombies or an ever increasing amount of zombies. (No one is going to be taking the time to keep electricity and other things working) Considering not a single person would know what a real zombie would be like. (Can they run, jump, use things (weapons/vehicles), do they kill and spread the virus with a single bite or scratch, is the virus in the air and if anyone dies they are going turn?) Or why don't you guys just say, hey zombies are just something made up they are not real so none of this is realistic anyways?
  7. amov1ngtarget

    DayZ Stories

    I joined a night time server and was wandering around looking for any supplies in Elektro. While at the power station I found a remmington 870 (flashlight). A few mins later I fell off a ladder and lost everything.
  8. amov1ngtarget

    Quit quit quit...

    Having a timer before you can join another server is a very stupid idea (no offense to anyone). You have disconnects, freezes, sometimes you join a server that you think is day time but it turns out to be night, you and a friend try to join the same server but only one of you gets in so you want to join a different server. There are too many things to have a timer for that. However how about a system where in order to leave a server it takes 10 seconds of sitting there, and if you have been hurt it takes ~2 mins before you can start logging off?
  9. The other day a friend and I joined a server and it was night time. We both had just spawned characters and it was after the patch where you only spawn with the flashlight. I have to say the experience of that night was absolutely amazing. We had so much fun. For us the game went from being just a zombie survival to what felt like an actual horror game. I had the crap scared out of me so many times just by turning with the flashlight and all of a sudden there would be a zombie just standing a few feet away. Any one else have fun experiences like this or is night time all bad for everyone else?
  10. amov1ngtarget

    The zombies need to be more dangerous.

    I wonder how many people would be happy if it was harder for zombies to detect you, but they hit a lot harder, have a large hearing range for gunshots (if you shoot in a small/medium town you are going to attract all the zombies there), maybe run faster, and can go normal speed in buildings. (if possible)
  11. amov1ngtarget

    My thoughts about DayZ 1.7.1.x (No whining)

    If that is your first post in English, then I think you did very well. As for your ideas I personally think some of them would be fun and are good suggestions, but I haven't played for that long so it could just be me. So are you trying to suggest that zombies should have a harder time hearing/seeing you but in return guns should be very rare?
  12. First off I want to say I live in the United States. I use the six launcher for dayz mod and when I sort the servers by ping all the servers up top are in the US. The best server has a ping of about 62 and there are tons of servers between that and 80. When I join any of those servers I have very low fps, however I have joined a couple different servers hosted in other places like Germany and the UK and had absolutely no problem with fps. Same graphics options on all the servers. Does any one else have frame rate issues like that or know why it is happening?