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  1. Eine der ältesten deutschsprachigen DayZ Communities mit einem einzigartigen Spielprinzip ist zurück! RASSELBANDE - Hände hoch, Überfall! 2013 gegründet - über 1.000 Mitglieder High-Performance Server mit 90 Slots Zahlreiche Mods, die Ihr nur bei uns findet Hunderte Custom-Clothings, Waffen & Attachments Komfortables Base-Building-System Umfassender Discord Server mit Auto-Whitelist Livonia mit einem Dutzend Custom Locations Eigene lizensierte Musikstücke auf InGame-Kassetten Eigene Fahrzeuge inkl. Wohnwagen & Helicopter Stimmungsvolle Beleuchtung bei Nacht Ausgefeiltes Regelsystem für mehr Interaktion KOS nur nördlich des Flusses in einer neuen Tier4-Zone Südlich droht Gefahr durch Banditen & Überfälle (Spielerinteraktion) Rasselbande Launch Trailer Discord joinen & gleich whitelisten: https://discord.me/rasselbande
  2. DAYZCORE was established in 2018 and has been among the very first hardcore servers. After hibernating for a few months the server and community are back and thriving! Hardcore experience 1PP Livonia Handmade modifications Faction system Custom locations 2.5k members on Discord high grade server / extra ddos protection Check out https://discord.gg/dayzcore
  3. dayzdanz

    Stable Update 0.63.149464

    And when do those debug "S" disappear in front of server messages?
  4. dayzdanz

    Exp Update 0.63149365

    Any chance to get rid of it?
  5. dayzdanz

    Exp Update 0.63149365

    Thanks, Baty! Quick question: What's with the "S" in front of all server messages?
  6. dayzdanz

    Admin / Server Control Panel | Need your help!

    LOL all CFtools needs is your RCON password. That's it.
  7. Personal experience after being with CFTools for about 4 weeks now: - Very intuitive, easy to configure. - stable, only had 1 minor downtime (2 minutes) in 4 weeks. - we love the export functions (e.g. banlists). - ban list sharing is a great way to fight the bad guys! - Live View and Log Tracking makes administration easy - more time to spend with our community. Feel free to message me privately if you have any questions or concerns! DanZ | DAYZCORE https://dayzcore.com
  8. dayzdanz

    Admin / Server Control Panel | Need your help!

    That's *exactly* what CFTools (https://omegax.cftools.de) already does. Maybe you guys should work together instead of creating separate versions of the same.
  9. Airdrops are great. Everybody loves airdrops! That’s why we’ve improved and stabilised (no crashes on our testing server) the existing AirDrop mod! Better Airdrops takes the idea of airdrops a bit further by using dynamic flight paths, enhanced location interface, performance and expandability. This is the first implementation, so constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. - Dynamic plane flight paths - Easier control of airdrop locations - ADM file logging - Doesnt causes crashes - Adds item to loot economy (rather unintended but dont tell anyone) Known Bugs (aka. Help wanted): - Plane facing is off in some instances - Sounds do not work - Particle effects do not work Full tutorial, support and discussion at https://dayzmodz.com/forum/index.php?thread/25-betterairdrop-dayz-modz-exclusive/&postID=62#post62