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About phleep99

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. phleep99

    Rotting Corpse Loot Spawn

    Rocket wanted to keep any story elements to a minimum (ie. words written in blood on a wall). I think it would be safe to have the odd dead corpse spawn given that player corpses vanish after a while. it would compensate for the lack.
  2. phleep99

    Rotting Corpse Loot Spawn

    Yep, in need of some new shoes as feet getting sore. Pretty decent pair attached to that decaying meat...
  3. phleep99

    Alternative approach to zombie attacks

    Clearly I would expect balancing for playability. That is why I suggested staggering rather than an immediate knockdown. You would then be slowed enough there would be potential for another swipe to take you down. A guaranteed stagger would probably be excessive so an increasing probability of it occurring as you get bashed is more likely to work. There is bound to be a better way to have them attack than the current slapping match that multiplayer zombie games don't seem to have progressed past.
  4. phleep99

    Rotting Corpse Loot Spawn

    Spawning of rotting corpses as part of the Loot table would suit the atmosphere nicely. Many spawns are near beds, chairs, and open floor which should leave enough room for a fly ridden corpse. Maybe increase the likelyhood in "hot" heat map areas. Thoughts?
  5. Disclaimer: I have checked to ensure there were no obvious similar suggestions. At the moment the infected/zombies strike at the player to cause damage which doesn't really match up with any of the literature or movies. Outside of games they are typically depicted to grab and claw, unfortunately for multiplayer this would cause bizarre behaviour when the client and server are out of sync (ie. being warped into a zombie's grasp). As an alternative to the current striking damage can I suggest that the strikes cause minimal damage but instead stagger and eventually knock the player over. Once on the ground much more damage and disease will be caused by them crouching over and pulling a "Dean Hall Mo-cap chew fest" while they try to regain their footing. This will allow for a far more terrifying appearance when seeing someone attempting to flee the zombies but being battered to the ground and chewed to pieces. I would hope this is already the intention but keen to encourage it.
  6. L&P would be a good start. there must be a way to have regional settings for the different products though. I had posted a suggestion in the Suggestion forum relating to product placement where the products are actually displayed differently according to your location. That would mean us NZ'ers would have L&P and Illicit Cola (for example) and others would have more regionally relevant products - pending approval from the company that produces it. The actual product placement doesn't have to be developed straight away but making the product labels vary according to player location would mean the trademarked skins could be added later in patches. edit - thread reference http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/67611-product-placement/
  7. phleep99

    Perk/Experience System

    Surely it is better to purely allow equipment and attire dictate any perks rather than rushing a "fitness perk". If you find running shoes you will be more agile but they lack durability.
  8. phleep99

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    They are only redefining it as a "foundation release" to avoid Beta. That prevents any further people claiming refunds due to an incomplete product. If someone wants a refund they'd better grab it now.
  9. phleep99

    DayZ becoming a standalone..

    Maybe mods are becoming so rare now that people don't understand. They can't be stopped purely because the creator has moved on to something else. They only die when no one uses them. Arma II has so many mods that if the DayZ hives all vanished your zombie fix could still be satisfied with the many other zombie related missions. You can also host your own MP server for whatever you want. Arma II is hardly a wasted purchase even if you have no interest in the military side and DayZmod fades away. But as BIS has said many times: "Original games never fade"
  10. phleep99

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I was under the impression that the game was simulating a perpetual Day Zero where the populace has only just been infected and you awake on the beach wondering what the hell happened. Hopefully Rocket will implement a more blurred line between those infected and the survivors. Have some survivor skin infected, and injured survivors limp similar to the zombies to add confusion as to who is a zombie or not. This means you'll have people who have only just transitioned to being a zombie and so wouldn't have died from the cold.
  11. phleep99

    Hi, I am blAke and this is my DayZ song!

    Good effort. Lyrics definitely relevant and flowed well.
  12. Bloody great vid h3retic! Definitely learn the editor as you definitely have the vision to produce some superb work.
  13. phleep99

    DayZ mod on Namalsk

    Looks very good. Any chance of Aliens instead of zombies to mix it up a bit? Would get a Take On: Survival! series going then.
  14. It's not the damage that is the issue. They should be able to grab players and drag them. This will make them far more terrifying as you are dragged towards the horde as you hope another survivor takes pity on you. /Standalone Dayzdreams...