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Everything posted by The_Gasman

  1. The_Gasman

    AI that detects all cheating in FPS games

    There is also an open source competitor at https://waldo.vision/
  2. Sorry if this has been mentioned, maybe my search skills are trash, but this is one of my chief complaints right now. I'm not much for using tools like iZurvive outside of keeping plots for coordinated friend groups or clans, I like to use as many in game tools as I can (compass, map, GPS, stars, etc) and I believe this is in the spirit of the survival side of the game. The city names being pure white against a white background make them impossible to read. At least give them a bezel, or a different color altogether. And while we're at it, I lament the loss of pens and notes, because it would be nice if we could mark our tourist maps. As it stands, if I wanted to forego the use of third party solutions like iZurvive, I have to keep a physical piece of paper with coordinates, which is fine but map markings would be a bit more immersive. On the other hand, I could also just buy the Chernarus DayZ map, a piece of laminate, and a grease pen, but since I know these features I'm asking for are not a stretch to code and have been implemented in Op Flash/Arma for a long time, it would be nice to see them in DayZ. Whether or not you want to make annotated maps viewable by other players is up to the designer's vision and intent, but even if it's just client side, I would be okay with that, too. Thanks for reading this.
  3. The_Gasman

    Hacker problem (sorry for the language)

    Just out of curiosity, what sort of experience are you and your friends looking for in DayZ? Casual or hardcore? Traders or entirely player driven economy? Lots of mods, few mods, or pure vanilla?
  4. They're talking about a brand and style of footwear, whose very name has been polarizing in the world of people with hard opinions on style and aesthetic. But it's mostly in good humor.